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Kresley Cole

Kresley Cole is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the electrifying Immortals After Dark paranormal series, the young adult Arcana Chronicles series, the erotic Gamemakers series, and five award-winning historical romances.

A master’s grad and former athlete, she has traveled over much of the world and draws from those experiences to create her memorable characters and settings.

Her IAD books have been translated into 23 foreign languages, garnered three RITA awards, a RWA Hall of Fame induction, and consistently appear on the bestseller lists, in the U.S. and abroad.

Cole lives in Florida with her family. Learn more about Kresley at: &

“Quiéreme tan ferozmente como te quiero... deséame como nunca has deseado a otra.- Mariketa”
Kresley Cole
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“Enemigos mortales... tentaciones prohibidas.”
Kresley Cole
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“The crowd quieted as a whole, but more than one creature cursed under his breath, "Not Regin."A drunk hunched over the bar muttered, "That glowing one made me eat a transistor radio once.”
Kresley Cole
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“Wait!" Conrad said. "Did someone... one of my enemies set this fire?"Nix turned back with a grin. "Unless you'd pissed off some wirring-hungry nutrias, then I'm going with no.”
Kresley Cole
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“You know, do nice shite for her. Buy her things. Really think about what she likes and what makes her happy and make it happen. She'll come around. And if she doesn't, you can cut off your horns for her. Chicks dig that." (Cadeon)”
Kresley Cole
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“I can't drive." "I'm going to teach you," he'd said confidently. At the end of the lesson, he'd declared her the most aggressive and dangerous driver he'd ever encountered. Which meant.. . number one! (Sabine)”
Kresley Cole
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“You two. You can do a cleaning spell." One slurred, "But Nixie, I'm really pre-hung-over." Nix's eyes went wide. "Do it, or the photos go live!" The witch shook her fist to the sky, crying, "Damn you, Valkyrie! Damn you and your digital ways!”
Kresley Cole
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“When a group of young females had asked her what one should name her horse, she'd answered, "I like the sound of Fellatio." When Rydstrom had confronted Sabine about it, she'd said, "Do you know how priceless it was to hear that demoness sigh, 'I love my Fellatio'? Even gold can't buy moments like that!”
Kresley Cole
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“Blah, blah, blah. Demon boy, I can't speak that language. Furthermore, I don't want to pollute my brain by learning it. So it's time for you to learn mine. First lesson-I'm Say-been. I'm oft described as byoo-tee-full and mah-jest'ick.”
Kresley Cole
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“In an incredulous tone, he said, "You don't know the meaning of virtue!" "Of course I do-it means your thong must be white." (Sabine)”
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“I'm on a man-fast. Why bother with them? the good ones are always taken. Or they're weirdly uminterested in a capricious wild child with continuous legal problems~ Carrow the Incarcerated”
Kresley Cole
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“Regin slapped her knees. “Oh, my gods, look at him running like his life depended on catching us.” She slid open the door. “Is this straight outta Platoon, or what? Willem!” she cried, holding out one hand. “Run, Willem!” Then she choked on her laughter.”
Kresley Cole
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“Thirty nerve-shattering minutes passed before Cadeon returned. “What happened? Tell me!”“Everything’s taken care of.”She frowned. “You smell like beer.”He rolled his eyes. “Oh, yeah, Holly, like me and the cop were downing a beer together.”Of course, he and the cop had completely been downing a beer together.”
Kresley Cole
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“Do you honestly want credit because you didn’t do anything to a helpless female?”“No! Yes. No, damn it—”
Kresley Cole
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“With a sigh, she asked, “Why do you care if I believe you or not?”“Because if you think I got a leg over with that slag, then the chance of anything sexual with you will be drastically reduced.”Without looking up, she said, “Cadeon, a chance can’t be reduced from zero.”“Gods, I love it when you talk mathy to me.”
Kresley Cole
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“Okay, now you really don’t need to do that blushing virgin bit anymore—I got to ogle your body at my leisure for hours. Matter of fact, I had so long, I could have painted you, instead of just taking pictures with my sat-phone.” He held up his phone with a wink.“I loathe you,” she said, precariously bending to collect her toiletries and clothes. As she headed for the bathroom, she gave him the evilest eye she could muster….”
Kresley Cole
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“Cadeon, are you even listening to me?”“What? Yeah, was just thinking about…how http always turns to https when I carry out a transaction.”“Exactly!”Good save.”
Kresley Cole
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“Very well. What do you do as a mercenary?”“I specialize in usurping thrones. They call me the kingmaker.” Bragging now?”
Kresley Cole
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“Has anyone ever told you you’re sexy as hell when you’re mathematizing?”
Kresley Cole
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“Lookit Gollum, bust me out of here and I'll help you find your precious”
Kresley Cole
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“Damn, that werewolf melts my butter,” Mari sighed. “He’s so miserable,” she added delightedly.”
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“I’d planned to kill them, too.” When Néomi glared up at him, he raised his chained hands.“Past tense. See? Already I’m improving.”
Kresley Cole
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“My advice.” She pressed her fingers to her chest. “But didn’t you recently say that I was a ‘mad creature’ who was ‘soft in the head’? Sniff, sniff, Rydstrom. Sniff, sniff. I was so crushed that I ate a gallon of Ben & Jerry’s, except I didn’t because Valkyrie don’t eat.”
Kresley Cole
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“Don't stop kissing me, vampire, or I will kill you.”
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“Nïx : Poach her portal. So going on a T-shirt.”
Kresley Cole
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“What’s your favorite place to visit?” He absently answered, “Wherever you are.” “Bowen, five things about you can’t all be about me.” But you’re the only good thing that I’ve got.”
Kresley Cole
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“She, too, is one of Regin’s friends. They’re poker buddies, sisters of the Wii, and Mari is a vaunted member of the karaoke contingent. Regin has long acted as the witches’ designated driver.” “BFF?” Lachlain asked, brows drawn. “Sisters of the what?” Emma supplied, “Best friend forever and a video game.” Lachlain muttered to Emma, “Your relatives are just no’ right.”
Kresley Cole
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“Nïx lay on her side, bending her elbow to casually prop her head in her hand. With a sigh she said, “Bowen, I took you on as my pet project because I like to ogle you. Due to your rowr factor.”
Kresley Cole
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“Whenever other Lore creatures like the nymphs and satyrs turned their noses up at the “hex-hacks,” Carrow would raise both her hands in the rock-on horns gesture and shout, “Double, double, toil and trouble, muthafuckas! You just got cursed!” Then she actually would curse them.”
Kresley Cole
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“This mountain of a man was learning that his considerable might- which he'd clearly relied on for everything- was futile with her. ”
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“Last night, Dixon had suggested combat boots in place of Carrow’s own—her two-thousand-dollar, gathered-leather, over-the-knee boots. “Do you want me to go in as an enchantress or a warrior?” Carrow had asked testily. “Pick a caste, any caste, mortal. I myself think I have the best chance as an enchantress. And fuck-me boots are standard-issue.”
Kresley Cole
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Kresley Cole
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“Look, it's not you. It's me, and my inability to dig dirty dudes.”
Kresley Cole
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“Some men would take happiness where they found it. Especially when they have absolutely no promise of it anywhere else. [Rydstrom]”
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“I'm not interested in a life that doesn't have you in it.”
Kresley Cole
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“Do you know what I love? Life. And romantic love is a distraction that makes staying alive more difficult. " [Sabine]”
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“Illusion is Reality's coy lover who cheers him when he is grim. Illusion is cunning to his wisdom of ages, weet oblivion to his knowledge. A bounty to his lack. [Sabine]”
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“Gods, I love it when you talk mathy to me.”
Kresley Cole
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“At fifty times the distance, you dispatched that ko-bold with three arrows to the neck. I’ve earned a trio to the chest. Seems you slapped him while you’re tickling me. You doona want to kill me, which is a good sign. Maybe this is your way of flirting?”
Kresley Cole
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“One last question.”“Very well, dearling.” “Can I trust Cadeon?” Nïx gave her a sunny smile withblank golden eyes. “As far as you can throw him.”
Kresley Cole
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“Lothaire:Hate scars. I'm physically flawless--why can't everyone be? Everywhere Lothaire went, people stopped and stared. Of course, then they usually ran.”
Kresley Cole
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“Regin to Declan:"Lemme guess," Regin said. "You had your introductory spiel all planned, but rational thought deserted you when you saw me stroll in braless."----"For the record," She continued, "it's not my fault I came in here looking like Chesty LaRue. You caught me on laundry day, so I have no undergarments on. Though I will cop to a little extra spring in my step for your benefit.”
Kresley Cole
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“Declan and Regin:"You'll tell me a story and I'll spare you? You think I don't see what you're doing? I've read Arabian Nights." "Call me Scheherazade, baby! Actually, she's one tricksy bitch. Who, by the way, still owes me twenty gold pieces and a pound of sesame.”
Kresley Cole
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“Declan and Regin:"Kiss you?" As he waited for the revulsion to seize him, he found himself wondering how she would react. Would she moan into his mouth?"It will help you remember me. Kiss me. Come on, you know you want to so bad. You want me so bad.""Never." Bloody get off her, get away from her. But he needed to be above her like this, to master her, overpower her."Never? That boner of yours just called you a lair.”
Kresley Cole
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“Just hear me out. While you were napping, I was busy chatting up our allies. Didn't you know--your woman's a golden-tongued ambassador! My sisters always said I graduated from the shock-and-awe school of diplomacy, but joke 'em if they can't take a fuck, right?”
Kresley Cole
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“I can't believe you're going to sacrifice your archery mojo for MacReive." Lucia would forfeit her fantastical skill with a bow if she was unchaste. "Who am I going to hang out with when your a talentless nobody?”
Kresley Cole
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“Don't get pissy with me leech." With a glare, Carrow pressed her print to his torque. "Even tapped out, I can still do a love spell to make you fall in love--with the sun.”
Kresley Cole
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“You're still... Declan?"----Voice hoarse, he said, "Aye, it's me. I will never be your perfect Viking, Regin! I've made unforgivable mistakes. I've no family or friends, and my men hold no love for me. I'm scarred inside and out. And I'm bloody askin' for you anyway!”
Kresley Cole
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“He can learn things about me through your blood. Can learn about my sister!" She briefly covered her mouth. "He can see everything we've done! I don't want that leech to know what we do in private."Lothaire strolled up, making a scoffing sound. "As if I don't watch you two live from a distance.”
Kresley Cole
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“..., It'd taken her several seconds to react to the sight of them together. She'd been almost hypnotized by the scene as Lothaire drank. Chase's masculine face had been tense, his gray eyes focused on the ground. Lothaire's face had been starkly beautiful, his pale blond hair brushing Chase's shoulder.Light and dark. One terrible, one tragic.And Lothaire had been... hard. "Oh, gods!" She cried as she ran back along the trail. Hot poker for my eyes! Hot poker!”
Kresley Cole
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