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Laurell K. Hamilton

“A vampire victim. I'd never seen a lone kill. They were like potato chips; once a vamp tasted them, he couldn't stop at just one.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“You are an abomination before God.Jesus loves you too, I said smiling.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“You should hit him in the face with frying pans more often," Said Rhys "he seems to like it”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“I have to clean up first. I’m still all sweaty and stuff from the crime scene.” I realized he was wearing a white shirt and I might have dried blood on me. It made me draw back and look at the front of him.“What is wrong, ma petite?”“I may have dried blood and things on me, and you’re wearing white.”He drew me back into his arms. “I would rather hold you close than worry about my clothes. The shirt will wash, or we can throw it away. I do not care.”I pushed back just enough to turn my face up, resting my chin on his chest so that I gazed up the line of his body, and he looked down so that our eyes met down the line of his chest. “I know you love me, but when you don’t care about your clothes, I know it’s true love for you.” I grinned as I said it.He laughed, abrupt, surprised, and for a moment I got to see what he must have looked like centuries ago before being a vampire had taught him to control his face and show nothing for fear it would be used against him by those more powerful than him.I smiled up at him, held as close to him as I could with clothes and weapons still on, and loved him. I loved that I could make him laugh like that, loved that he felt safe enough to show me this part of him, loved that even when we were ass-deep in alligators, being with each other made it better. The alligators would be chewing on our asses either way, but with each other it was more fun, and we were more likely to be able to make a matching set of alligator luggage out of our enemies rather than end up as their dinner.I gazed up at him as the laughter filled his face, and just loved him. The day had sucked, but Jean-Claude made it suck a lot less, and that was what love was supposed to do. It was supposed to make things better, not worse, which made me wonder if Asher truly loved anyone. I pushed the thought away, and enjoyed the man in my arms, and the fact that I had made him laugh.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“I'd made sure I knew his name. You shouldn't ask people to die for you if you don't at least know their name.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“I kissed him on the cheek and left to find Bobby Lee. Him, I trusted to be in the line of fire. But it was more than that: I wasn't sleeping with bobby Lee. I didn't love him. Sometimes love makes you selfish. Sometimes it makes you stupid. Sometimes it reminds you why you love your gun.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“I looked up at Ellen and her not-glowing pentagram. "Harm none is the rule, Ellen: bad witch, no cookie.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“My boyfriends are all more romantic than I am, and so are my lovers.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“Yeah, I'm just a medical marvel, and I'm taking my marvelous ass home.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“Zerbrowski said, "Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try."It took me a second to realize that he had just quoted Star Wars to me. It made me smile, and in that moment I loved him, just for that.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“Because all bad little vampires see me in the end”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“Now that's an Okay that really means Okay, not that Okay that women use that means everything but Okay.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“What does it mean when the monsters are so afraid of you that you make them cry? That maybe monster depends on which end of the gun your on, or that I was just that good at my job.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“But I was naturally suspicious; it comes from working too closely with the police for too long. Cynicism is so contagious.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“Jsem ožoživovatelka. Jsem Popravčí. Ale teď vím, že jsem také něco jiného. To, čeho se babička Flores nejvíc bála. Jsem nekromantka. Mrtví jsou moje silná stránka.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“Jak chceš, má malá oživovatelko. Ať jsme milenci nebo ne, nic to nemění na tom, čím pro mne jsi. Jsi moje lidská služebnice.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“Je nelegální zahrávat si s mrtvými těly bez svolení rodiny.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“Even officers who don't approve of your lifestyle choices would still take you as backup over Kirkland, or most anyone else. They'd say how you're bad for shaking up with vampires and wereleopards, but in a firefight they'd take your vampire-loving, furry-fucking ass over most anyone else's.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“My characters surprise me constantly. My characters are like my friends - I can give them advice, but they don't have to take it. If your characters are real, then they surprise you, just like real people.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“It's not the fur or the fangs that make you a monster, not always. Sometimes, it's just where you draw the line.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“There are some things more important than physical survival. You gotta be able to look at yourself in the mirror.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“There are only two kinds of vampire hunters: good ones and dead ones.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“Perfect, complete, needing nothing, simply all there was, was the dark.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“Because everything worth having hurts.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“That was the true terror of love, that you could love with your whole heart, your whole soul, and lose both”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“That was the problem with loving people: it made you weak. It made you need them. It made the thought of not having them the worst thing in the world.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“Seni tanımadan önce cesaretin hiç korkmamak olduğunu sanırdım Anita .Sen bana cesaretin korkudan ölmene rağmen yapman gerekeni yapmak olduğunu öğrettin.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“In chains and darkness, wherefore should I stay, And mourn in prison, while I keep the key.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“Oui , but if all the men in your life are happy, you are happier, and it makes my life easier."- Jean-Claude”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“Auggie said you were too sentimental for your own good sometimes."Out loud he said, "Perhaps, but you have taught me that sentiment is not always a bad thing."I stared up at that impossibly beautiful face, and felt love swell up inside me like a physical force. It filled my body, swelling upward until it made my chest ache, my throat tighten, and my eyes burn. It sounded so stupid. But I loved him. Loved all of him, but loved him more because loving me had made him better. That he would say that I had taught him about being sentimental made me want to cry. Richard reminded me at every turn that I was bloodthirsty and cold. If that were true, then I couldn't have taught Jean-Claude about sentimentality. You can't learn, if you don't have it to teach.He kissed me. He kissed me softly, with one hand lost in the hair to the side of my face. He drew back and whispered, "I never thought to see that look upon your face, not for me.""I love you," I said, and touched his hand where it lay against my face.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“Tell me not, sweet, I am unkind,” he said, “That from the nunnery, Of they chaste breast and quiet mind.”I looked up at him, and said the next line, “To war and arms I fly.”“True, a new mistress now I chase,” he said.“The first foe in the field,” I said, and let him draw me closer.“And with a stronger faith embrace,” he said.“A sword, a horse, a shield.” And the last word was whispered against his chest, still looking up into those eyes, searching his face.“Yet this inconstancy is such, As thou too shalt adore,” he whispered against my hair.I finished the poem with my face pressed against his chest, listening to the beat of his heart, that truly beat with my blood. “I could not love thee, dear, so much, Loved I not honor more.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“If I wasn't dead already, I'd said I was having a heart attack.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“I did not run to him, but I did wrap my arms around him, press my ear to his chest, hold on to him as if he were the last solid thing in the world. He stroked my hair and murmured to me in French. I understood enough to know he was glad to see me and that he thought I looked beautiful. But beyond that it was just pretty noise.It wasn't until I felt Zerbrowski behind me that I pulled away, but when Jean-Claude's hand found mine, I welcomed it.Zerbrowski was looking at me as if he'd never seen me before. "What?" It came out hostile."I've never seen you be that ... soft with anyone before."It startled me. "You've seen me kiss Richard before."He nodded. "That was lust. This is ..." He shook his head, glancing up at Jean-Claude, then back to me. "He makes you feel safe.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“Nothing is certain, ma petite, not even death."- Jean-Claude”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“He ordered food with a childlike glee and watched me eat, tasting it as I did. In private he'd roll on his back like a cat, hands pressed to his mouth as if trying to drain every taste. It was the only thing he did that was cute. He was gorgeous, sensual, but rarely cute.- Anita Blake about Jean-Claude”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“I have lived for over three hundred years. In that time, the ideal of beauty has changed many times. Large breasts, small, thin, curved, tall, short, they have all been the height of beauty at one time or another. But in all that time, ma petite, I have never desired anyone the way I desire you."- Jean-Claude”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“There was a time when you would have taken my heart with stake or gun. Now you have taken it with these delicate hands and the scent of your body."- Jean-Claude”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“You are an irritating son of a bitch.”“Ah, ma petite, how can I resist you when you whisper such sweet endearments to me?”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“You're up to something," I said.He turned, eyes wide, long fingers pressed to his heart. "Moi?""Yeah, you,”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“He laughed, and it raised goose-bumps on my arms. "Oh,ma petite ,ma petite , you are precious."Just what I wanted to hear. "So how are you getting here?""My private jet."Of course, he had a private jet. "When can you be here?""I will be there as soon as I can, my impatient flower.""I prefer ma petite to flower.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“No 'Good evening, Jean-Claude, how are you doing?' Just down to business. How terribly rude,ma petite ."- Jean-Claude”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“He's no more human than I am, ma petite."At least I'm not dead."That can be remedied.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“I want nothing more than to climb between the silk sheets and wrap our nude bodies around one another. I want to hold and be held. Sex is a wondrous thing, but tonight I wish to be comforted more than pleasured. I feel like a child in the dark who knows the monsters are under the bed. I want to be told it will be alright, but I am far too old to believe such comforting lies."- Jean-Claude”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“I stared at Jean-Claude and it wasn't the beauty of him that made me love him, it was just him. It was love made up of a thousand touches, a million conversations, a trillion shared looks. A love made up of danger shared, enemies conquered, a determination to neither of us would change the other, even if we could. I love Jean-Claude, all of him, because if I took away the Machiavellian plottings, the labyrinth of his mind, it would lessen him, make him someone else.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“I hate women who complain about being fat when they're like a size 5. Anything under size 5 isn't a woman. It's a boy with breasts.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“Twenty-three stories up and all I could see out the windows was grey smog. They could call it the City of the Angels if they wanted to, but if there were angels out there, they had to be flying blind.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“This was one princess who could rescue her own damn self.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“It's better to be loved than feared, but if you can't be loved, then fear will do.-Dino quoting Machiavelli”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“Sex was never as neat as the movies made it. Real sex was messy. Good sex was messier.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“I'd killed him in the end, but revenge only makes things all better in the movies. In real life, once the villain is dead the trauma lives on inside the victims.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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