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Lauren Dane

“I think the question is, can you live without her? Watch her fall in love with someone else?.....If the fear of some random thing happening in the future is bigger than the reality of her being with another guy, walk away now when it'll merely sort of kill you to do it. But you can't have this doubt between you. Man up. Love her the way she deserves it, or let another man do it.”
Lauren Dane
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“You don't always choose who you love, sometimes it just happens.”
Lauren Dane
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“I know what pheromones are! But that’smumbo jumbo. You’re just horny, I’m justhorny. It’s not science.”
Lauren Dane
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“Admirable? And she’s related to Rey? How come he’s such a weasel then?”“There’s a messed up weasel in every family. Look at you.” Lex smirked at his brother as he heaved himself off the couch and headed down the hall to the kitchen. He bent to grab a beer from the fridge and tossed one to Cade.“Ha ha, very funny. Call me Alpha when you say that,” Cade growled. ”
Lauren Dane
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“Look, wolf boy, he’s gone. He came by, borrowed money,” she snorted, “took money—it’s not like I’ll ever see it again—and headed out. Told me that the Pack was looking for him, wanting to kill him.Even if I knew where he ran to, which Idon’t, I certainly wouldn’t tell someone out to hurt him.”
Lauren Dane
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“First of all, I was running scams when you were at keggers at Kappa Kappa Werewolf. You don’t know much about me but I am way smarter than Gabriel was. I’m a consummate liar. I can street fight with the best of them and I can cheat at cards like nobody’s business. This on top of my computer skills. I may not howl at the moon and have superhuman strength but I can hold my own.”
Lauren Dane
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“I’m a nosy old woman, it’s a perk of getting old. You can be annoying and people just call you eccentric.”
Lauren Dane
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“That’s love. Real love is scary. Because you know what you stand to lose.”
Lauren Dane
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“Life can be about taking chances and finding really great things and yes, failing sometimes. Or it can be about wondering what if because you never dared to try.”
Lauren Dane
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“Baby, you two are my girls. I’ll protect you. I’ll protect you both.”
Lauren Dane
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“Hi there! You’re cute. Do you have any girlfriends? ‘Cause Gran says Momma needs a man in her life. Then Pops says, ‘Pfft, Martine, the last thing Elise needs is a man!’ But I think my Gran is right.”“Rennie, for tonight, let’s play the think-about-what-we-say-before-we-say-it-game.”
Lauren Dane
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“Elise ran back to her room to freshen up. Just because she wasn’t looking for a boyfriend didn’t mean she couldn’t look nice enough to inspire some wank bank fantasies for Brody.”
Lauren Dane
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“He knew he’d be back, because he had a bit of a like on for the very charming, blushing Elise. Like was a good thing between two single adults. Especially if it entailed naked and horizontal moments.”
Lauren Dane
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“Umm, let me see. Hmmm, what to say, what to say? Oh, I know. Fuck you.”
Lauren Dane
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“Does this mean you're going to marry me then?""I've only been pestering you to marry me since the day we met, Daniel. What clued you in that I'd be interested other than that?”
Lauren Dane
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“Your precious dirty underpants and scores of blades are untouched by me. But I'm not thick. I can actually see something dangerous and not poke myself in the eye with it.”
Lauren Dane
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“All right. And if any of you get hurt I'm going to be really mad. I sleep with a Glock next to my bed so don't think I'm joking. I will shoot you if you don't make sure Gibson gets back here safely”
Lauren Dane
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“I love you, Levi.” “Thank God for it because I love you too.” Her laugh was back in his house again. Her scent on his sheets.Her crap on his bathroom counter and her stuff in the drawers in his armoire.She lived in him and he had no plans to ever let that change.It didn’t matter that she was younger than he was. All that mattered was that she loved him and he loved her. The rest they could work out as time passed. She’d keep him in line. Decorate their house and fill it with music and love. And one day with children.They had time, he realized. Time to be in love and be engaged. Time for her art and his job, time for weddings and honeymoons and nesting. She was his, forever. As deeply as he was hers.Made the groveling worth it.~~Sway”
Lauren Dane
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“Sleep. I’m here to catch you.”
Lauren Dane
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“Erin, I’d like to know you again. Can we do that?” He brushed the back of his knuckles down her cheek.”
Lauren Dane
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“I hope you find a place in your life when you can let go and be happy. But I’m not a dirty secret. I’m not bad and wrong for being comfortable with myself, and I won’t let you make me feel that way.”
Lauren Dane
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“You’re weird. I thought brothers were supposed to pretend their sisters were sexless.”…“I’m your brother, not an idiot. If he hurts you, I’ll crush him, but I want you to be happy. You want him and that’s enough for me.”
Lauren Dane
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“And those blonde skeezoids you were a boy skeezoid with can fuck right off.”
Lauren Dane
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“That’s love. A part of what makes it so awesome is the level of real, true intimacy, and the risk you take by opening yourself up that way to someone who has the power to gut you.”
Lauren Dane
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“Best greeting ever.” He grinned … “You totally objectified me. It was awesome.”
Lauren Dane
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“Ben told me when I was in middle school that girls loved boys who liked to dance. I can’t lie. I totally started dancing at the dances to get girls.” … “It seems to work for you”He took her hand and kissed it…“Does it? ‘Cause I’m working it, beautiful Ella, I’m working it.”
Lauren Dane
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“Nina, before you i never spent the night with women. I had sex and left. I didn't bring them here. They served a purpose and it was a body-to-body thing. You are everything. Body, soul, heart to my body, soul and heart. You're it. We're it.”
Lauren Dane
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“He was one of those capital M Men.”
Lauren Dane
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“Most people saw her as supremely confident and self assured but beneath that were the doubts.”
Lauren Dane
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“That mama-bear, elegant-and-modest-on-the-outside, hot-as-allfuck-on-the-inside thing was ringing his doorbell. And God help him, he knew it was beyond inappropriate to be making up fuck fantasies about this woman right then but he couldn't help it.”
Lauren Dane
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“Music was alchemy.Music was sex.When it was right, when everything fit together just perfectly, it was better than any feeling he’d ever experienced.”
Lauren Dane
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“friends will sit your ass down and give you the 'Come To Jesus' talk when you need it most.”
Lauren Dane
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“Bull. Look, sometimes certain kinds of pain bring important lessons. Those lessons harden you, prepare you for your life and the only way to learn them, the only way to be a better, stronger and yes, harder person to survive the world outside is to learn those lessons first hand. Pain forges strength.”
Lauren Dane
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“You can't work me, Liv. I know you're a bitch, I know you're cranky, I know you're loving, I know you're smart and funny, I know you're giving and generous. I'm not walking off because you're not flawless. I don't want a diamond, I want a wife.- Marc to Olivia”
Lauren Dane
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“The last thing I want to do is harm her. Especially now. She’s in me. I breathed her in. I kissed her and took a good long taste. This is not just a female I enjoy. This one is so much more than that. My beast has chosen and the man seems to agree.”
Lauren Dane
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“I know your game, you know. You get nasty when you're backed into a corner.”
Lauren Dane
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“...that's what friends did. Let each other off the hook when they didn't want to talk.”
Lauren Dane
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“He wore the evidence of thinking all over his face, open and easy to read. Leah envied him that confidence to show what he was feeling.”
Lauren Dane
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“It was a huge comfort to have a person who'd keep you honest with yourself and who also gave you safe harbour.”
Lauren Dane
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“There had been no one thing at which to point blame. The break-up was the accumulation of months of dissatisfaction. But if there was one thing that had tipped her over the edge, it was the toothpaste.”
Lauren Dane
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“ Eve of Darkness is, well, sigh, really damned good. I can't wait for the next installment.”
Lauren Dane
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“He growled a sigh and her insides got all warm and gooey. She really needed to date nice men who didn't growl. -Lily Travis”
Lauren Dane
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“Sugar, I am not playing a game. This is serious. I mean to woo you, so shut up and let me do it.”
Lauren Dane
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“In any case, in general, I prefer to avoid conflict when I can. Not because I'm afraid or because I'm too weak to fight back. But because conflict eats up your time. It is exhaustive in terms of energy you have to expend to be involved in it. More if you mean to win, and I'd never do it if I didn't mean to win. I'd rather spend my time on other things and in general, most people aren't worth that much of my time and energy.”
Lauren Dane
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“You’re a pain in my ass.”“I was a pain in the ass long before I met you, Roman. Don’t take it personally.”
Lauren Dane
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“You know, El, you're so much more than the time you were with Bill and the attack. You took something shitty and you made a new future. Most people don't do that. They hang on forever. It's easy to stay in that pit of despair. Or let it be your excuse for not moving on.”
Lauren Dane
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“We're your safe place, El. Me and Elise. The guys. We're your family. You don't need to pull lattes. You have your degree, you have a great job and you'll take the crappy part of your past and use that to help people get to the good part of their future.”
Lauren Dane
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“He found himself surprised by how much he enjoyed that they were taking it slow. Liked watching her gentle to him. Each time she did something that showed him how much she trusted him, pride flushed through him. She deserved all his attention on her as he got to know her on this entirely new level. It was achingly sexy, this dance they moved through. Delicious with anticipation. He let himself luxuriate in the slow woo, the seduction of it rather than a quick f*ck with someone he didn't plan to see in a week. He'd never used his sexuality like this, hadn't turned it up full blast to enchant a woman this way. But by God, he wanted her, and why not show her just exactly what she did to him?”
Lauren Dane
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“Facing the fear helped. Most days. But the thing about fear was that it ate away at your reason, made you smaller.It was her mini dare each day to come home to this place. To embrace normal and live her own life on her own terms, even if she was afraid. Her life was her own. She made it, and no one would take it from her again.”
Lauren Dane
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“You? A man? Wants to come shopping with a woman? For clothes?”“Ah, but not for clothes, not for skirts or shoes.” He shuddered. “For lingerie. And that, my love, is a whole different story. Any time you want to shop for silky underwear, I’ll gladly accompany you.”
Lauren Dane
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