Librarian note: AKA Jenny Carroll (1-800-Where-R-You series), AKA Patricia Cabot (historical romance novels).
Meg Cabot was born on February 1, 1967, during the Chinese astrological year of the Fire Horse, a notoriously unlucky sign. Fortunately she grew up in Bloomington, Indiana, where few people were aware of the stigma of being a fire horse -- at least until Meg became a teenager, when she flunked freshman Algebra twice, then decided to cut her own bangs. After six years as an undergrad at Indiana University, Meg moved to New York City (in the middle of a sanitation worker strike) to pursue a career as an illustrator, at which she failed miserably, forcing her to turn to her favorite hobby--writing novels--for emotional succor. She worked various jobs to pay the rent, including a decade-long stint as the assistant manager of a 700 bed freshmen dormitory at NYU, a position she still occasionally misses.
She is now the author of nearly fifty books for both adults and teens, selling fifteen million copies worldwide, many of which have been #1 New York Times bestsellers, most notably The Princess Diaries series, which is currently being published in over 38 countries, and was made into two hit movies by Disney. In addition, Meg wrote the Mediator and 1-800-Where-R-You? series (on which the television series, Missing, was based), two All-American Girl books, Teen Idol, Avalon High, How to Be Popular, Pants on Fire, Jinx, a series of novels written entirely in email format (Boy Next Door, Boy Meets Girl, and Every Boy's Got One), a mystery series (Size 12 Is Not Fat/ Size 14 Is Not Fat Either/Big Boned), and a chick-lit series called Queen of Babble.
Meg is now writing a new children's series called Allie Finkle's Rules for Girls. Her new paranormal series, Abandon, debuts in Summer of 2011.
Meg currently divides her time between Key West, Indiana, and New York City with a primary cat (one-eyed Henrietta), various back-up cats, and her husband, who doesn't know he married a fire horse. Please don't tell him.
* Airhead
* The Princess Diaries
* Mediator
“When he smiled, something strange happened to my insides. It was like they turned to liquid.”
“It was around then that the phone rang. It was my friend Cee Cee, wanting to know if I cared to join her and Adam McTavish at the Coffee Clutch to drink iced tea and talk bad about everyone we know.”
“Dala by som čokoľvek, keby na miesto toho, aby som bola stosedemdesiatpäť centimetrov vysokou princeznou s plochou hrudou, som mohla byť stošesťdesiaťpäť centimetrovým normálnym dievčaťom s prsiami. ČOKOĽVEK.”
“KM: Yes. Mrs. Lopez, she's human. And you know, clearly, she'd like people to show some appreciation for her hard work. But if people just, you know, take her pie and don't even say, "Hey, nice pie," they just scarf it down or whatever-MH: I could see how that would get to be annoying. I mean, if you're constantly providing...pie. And getting no positive feedback-KM: Right! And what about your future? I mean, how do you know people are still going to want your pie in the future? Supposing they become a famous rock star or something. People are going to be offering them pie all over the place. If they haven't promised only to eat your pie, well, where does that leave you?”
“Para pembunuh tidak sepintar itu. Mereka, pada kenyataannya orang-orang yang sangat bodoh. Itu sebabnya mereka membunuh: Kecerdasan mereka begitu terbatas, sehingga mereka tidak bisa melihat jalan keluar yang lain.”
“Ya?" Aku bersandar penuh harap di susuran tangga. "Alasanku melarangmu melakukan penyelidikan ini sendirian," aku menduga - yah, baiklah, berharap - dia akan berkata begitu, "Itu karena aku tidak sanggup membayangkanmu membahayakan dirimu sendiri. Kau tahu, aku mencintaimu, Heather. Aku selalu mencintaimu.”
“Yeah,” Nicole said, her straw noisily hitting thebottom of her Gut Buster. “Well, I would haveappreciated it if you guys had wrecked a little lessstuff. Because my house smelled like smoke formonths. And construction on the Tarantinos’ newgarage starts at eight on the dot every morning, andit’s still going on, and you know how I get if I don’thave my full ten hours of beauty sleep.”“So that’s what happened to your face,” Cody said.“I was wondering.”
“They really do look gold.How is that even possible?How can someone have golden eyes?”
“Mia, I'm not sorry. And I'll wait. Love, Michael.”
“I think we make our own luck. Our parents give us life, but what we do with that life is our own responsibility.”
“Only a fool is never afraid, Frank. Heroes are the people who carry on despite their fear, because they know the job’s got to get done”
“It was also, however, a favorite place for novices to stand and wait for innocent students to slip up by talking too loudly between classes.No novice has ever been created that could keep Gina quiet, however.”
“Jake leaned on the horn, swearing loudly. Gina covered her eyes. Doc flung his arms around me, burying his face in my lap, and Dopey, to my great surprise, began to scream like a girl, very close to my ear....”
“Your assignment,' he bellowed at Kelly, 'was to make a persuasive argument. Demanding to know whether detractors of your position are on crack is not arguing persuasively.”
“I laythere in my black slip dress and wondered if I ought to have worn pants. I mean, who knew what I wasgoing to find up there? What if I had to do some climbing? People might see my underwear.”
“I thought about telling him the truth: 'Oh, nothing. Just having my soul exorcised so I can roam aroundpurgatory, looking for the ghost of the dead cowboy who used to live in my bedroom.”
“I’m not going to tell anybody, not even Lilly. Lilly would NOT understand. NOBODY would understand. Because nobody I know has ever been in this situation before. Nobody ever went to bed one night as one person and then woke up the next morning to find out that she was somebody completely different.”
“When something horrible happens, it's human nature to want to blame it on someone. We want someone to be held accountable, even though sometimes things just happen.”
“I felt as if the Milky Way, hovering above our heads like a celestial pitcher, had suddenly overturned, pouring suns and planets down my throat. Stars seemed to be shooting out of my finger and toes, the ends of my hair.”
“I thought there was something weird with all of you, I just couldn't figure out what it was. But now I know. It all makes sense." Her dark, tear-filled eyes sparkled as her accusatory gaze traveled from one of us to the other. "I can tell you battle on the side of good, and I want to join you." She turned to Frank, brushed her curly hair away from her throat, and closed her eyes. "Go ahead. Do it."There was a long silence as everyone stared at Kayla's shapely neck. Then Frank looked helplessly at John....."Kayla," I said walking over to her and giving her shoulders a shake. "No one's going to bite you.”
“I thought if you wore that, no matter what face you saw every morning in the mirror," he said in his deep voice, "you'll never forget who you really are."My eyes filling with tear, I held my hand out across the tabletop. He grasped my fingers, his grip strong and reassuring."As if I ever could," I said, my voice clogged with emotion, "with you around to remind me.”
“The discovery of a corpse's head on campus has worked as an expedient in getting the administrative staff to work before ten, despite the impending blizzard.”
“I'd leave too, but i still had half a beer left. You can't just leave a beer like that. It's un-American”
“I've come to the conclusion that, aside from Nazis, the Taliban, and possibly the honey badger, there is no one on the planet more merciless than a teenage girl once she's decided she dislikes you.”
“Aaron, in order to die you have to live a little first.”
“Oh my God. I thought I was going to have an aneurysm right there in line. Your hair smells really good? Your hair smells really good? Who did he think he was? James Bond? You don't tell someone their hair smells good. Not in a mall.”
“Paul: You know what you sound like? A jealous girl friend.Suze: And how are things on Planet You Wish?”
“It is a documented fact. I read it in People magazine.”
“Every moment away from you feels like time spent in a sort of cell. I can think of nothing, dream of nothing, but you. Unfortunately, I will have to remain in my self-inflicted prison a bit longer, since work will keep me from meeting you tonight. I can't seem to find a way to avoid this... however, I hope this gift will make up for my unforgivable behavior. I saw this and though of you, and St. George. You have slain the dragon.Until we meet again, I am your Lucien.”
“I hope they know how lucky they are to have you. But that doesn't mean I will ever stop trying to have you for myself. You know as well as I do, Meena, that we belong together. I hope that day will come sometime soon. In the meantime: truce. With all the love in my heart, Lucien”
“I will love you, Meena," he said fiercely, "until the end of time. I will never stop loving you. My life, before I met you, was nothing. Can you understand that? My life was nothing, meant nothing, even if I may not have known it. And then you came along, and suddenly, everything I knew, or thought I knew, was turned upside down. I will never be the same again. How could I be? You have shown me what it is to love, to feel and laugh and, yes, even to feel alive again. So whether you choose to be one with me or not, I will go on loving you, Meena, even after you are a rotting corpse in the ground. But, Meena, I would like to do whatever I can to prevent you from turning into a corpse. I think I mentioned that before.”
“„Everyone wants to believe that there’s something else – something great – waiting for them on the other side. Paradise. Valhalla. Heaven. Their next – hopefully less horrible – life.”
“As if I would EVER give birth. I suppose a well-mannered little six-year-old would be all right, but they simply don’t COME that way. You have to TRAIN them. Too tiresome. I can understand your anguish.”
“I mean it. Like, people always talk about how God doesn’t ever give you more than you can handle, but I’m telling you right now, I cannot handle this. This is just too much!”
“Actually, it’s scary. Scarier than Freddy Kruger and Jason put together.”
“C’est la vie”
“I didn’t know what I was supposed to say about that, so I just said, "Wow”
“Pizza Hut isn't real pizza," I tell them. "The way that balloon of Big Bird they fly in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade isn't the real Big Bird.”
“I'll just go at my own pace. Nice and easy. Here we go. There, see? I'm doing it. I'm running! Hey, look at me! I'm running! I'm-Okay, well, that's enough of that. Whew. I mean, a girl could hyperventilate from doing that. And seriously, it's my first day. Don't want to overdo it.”
“It's kind of depressing, if you think about it. I mean, me being so young, and yet so cynical and suspicious.”
“Father Dom looked taken aback. "Normal?" he echoed. As in, who would ever want to be that?”
“We need to take big risks if we want to find out who we are, and what we were put on this planet for.”
“I hope you’re not planning on kicking me,” he said,not even bothering to look up from his book, “as hardas you did those doors.”“I will,” I said, “if the next words out of your mouthare Pierce, you just need to relax.”
“You can't turn love on and off like a faucet.”
“It's just that the times I'm wrong don't register in your memory with as much clarity as the times I'm right.”
“I hate confrontations. It's so much easier to walk away than it is to explain to someone that you never want to see them again.”
“Leola Mae Harmon. I saw a movie about her on the Lifetime channel. Leola was an air force nurse who was in a car accident and the lower part of her face got all mangled, but then Armand Assante, who plays a plastic surgeon, said he could fix her. Leola had to endure hours of painful reconstructive surgery, during which her husband left her because she didn't have any lips (which I guess is why the movie is called Why Me?). Armand Assante said he would make her a new pair of lips, only the other air force doctors didn't like the fact that he wanted to make them out of skin from Leola's vagina. But he did it anyway, and then he and Leola got married and worked together to help give other accident victims vagina lips. And the whole thing turned out to have been based on a true story.”
“[while toasting] To blow jobs we want back”
“And generally, when people say good night, they keep their tongues to themselves.”
“Some people can seem perfect... everything about them can, on paper, be just right. Until you get to know them. Really know them. Then you find out, in the end, while they might be perfect to every one else, they just aren't right for you.”