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Megan McCafferty

Megan McCafferty
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“There's only one racing strategy that matters.It's the one I run by: Get in the lead and don't let anyone pass you.”
Megan McCafferty
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“Excuse our appearances. We are taking apart yesterday, to make way for tomorrow”
Megan McCafferty
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“We are perfect in our imperfection.”
Megan McCafferty
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“And now, as I'm lying alone in my own bed, I keep thinking about writhing against him last night, naked and vulnerable. Even after we'd both risen and fallen, peaked and plummeted, even after Marcus was physically shrinking from inside me, I couldn't stop clutching, crying, trying. Trying to pull him deeper, deeper, deeper within.Trying to make him more a part of me than I am myself.”
Megan McCafferty
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“I hate the very human inclination towards insensitivity”
Megan McCafferty
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“Every day, I live a lieBut not the crocodile kind.”
Megan McCafferty
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“I love you.And I want you, too.But.However.Unfortunately ...”
Megan McCafferty
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“The great thing about fiction is that you can start off by telling the truth, then start making stuff up like crazy whenever you feel like it. ”
Megan McCafferty
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“What is your definition of skank?' I ask.'A skank fucks skeezas she barely knows.”
Megan McCafferty
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“You don't have to agree with me, but I think the heart of who we are stays pretty much the same," Hope said, "What changes is how those core traits manifest themselves over time.”
Megan McCafferty
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“And yet I know I am too young, that we're too young, for me to live my life only as it relates to you. If you had asked me to marry you the night you first told me about your acceptance, I would have embraced Princeton as part of a larger plan that involved me. I probably would have reacted differently.I might even had said yes.Alas, you didn't ask me then. You made plans for your future without me in mind, And that's okay. But how can you now ask me to arrange my life around you?”
Megan McCafferty
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“And so I’ll let you go, and let it be. Whatever”
Megan McCafferty
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“You. Yes You”
Megan McCafferty
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“Crocodile LiesI confess, yes, our Fall was all my faultIf you kissed my eyes, your lips would taste saltBut you think my regret is a lie, and the tears I cryAre the crocodile kind.The sweat on your upper lip starts to boilWhite hot with anger, still convinced I'm your foilYou keep fighting me, though my eyes are freeFrom crocodile lies.You, yes, you, linger inside my heartThe same you who stopped us before we could startI didn't want to leave, but you began to believeYour own crocodile lies.The only person stopping you is yourself,You won't accept that I want no one else,So until you do, I'll let someone else have youEvery day I live the lie,But not the crocodile kind--Marcus Flutie”
Megan McCafferty
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“You can only be in a bad mood for so long before you have to face up to the fact that it isn't a bad mood at all; it's just your sucky personality.”
Megan McCafferty
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“It's just Jessica and Marcus, oxymoronically alone together.”
Megan McCafferty
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“The tales we tell ourselves about ourselves makes us who we are.”
Megan McCafferty
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“Shit happens and its awful but its okay. We deal with it because we havet to.”
Megan McCafferty
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“I don't know anything about anything. The only difference between then and now is this: I may know more than I used to but my wisdom pales in comparison to that which I have yet to learn”
Megan McCafferty
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“The higher my GPA gets the more I realize high school is useless”
Megan McCafferty
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“I just don't see the point in beating myself up. I think it's more productive to concentrate on being a better person right now than punishing myself for who I was in the past.”
Megan McCafferty
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“All subjects are the same. I memorize notes for a test, spew it, ace it, then forget it. What makes this scary for the future of our country is that I'm in the tip-top percentile on every standardized test. I'm a model student with a very crappy attitude about learning.”
Megan McCafferty
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“I'm not in love. It's a crush which is why it hurts. Crushes crush. Otherwise they'd be called awesomes. "I have an awesome on him.”
Megan McCafferty
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“Girls will get together just to get together. Guys need an activity as an excuse. Otherwise it’s too homo for them to handle.”
Megan McCafferty
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“The average american spends six months of his or her life waiting for red lights to turn green. six months wasted, waiting for permission to move on.”
Megan McCafferty
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“I feel better when I am not around people. When I am alone, alone, alone.”
Megan McCafferty
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“Am I the only creature with a vagina who thinks that weddings are ridiculous? I'm going to elope. Just me, my hubby, and a minister on a beach in Jamaica.”
Megan McCafferty
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“Since I’ve known you, you’ve been spinning and spinning and spinning into all these various personas, and none of this self-exploration and experimentation has given you a sense of peace. I’ve known you for six years, intimately for four, and I still have no idea who I’m in love with.”
Megan McCafferty
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“When I'm at school in the city, I don't feel particularly worldly or wise. It's only when I come back home that I remember exactly why I left.”
Megan McCafferty
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“So everything we believe about happiness is wrong," I said.He nodded.Everything?" I asked, when what I meant was, Everything? Including you? Including me?And Marcus, being Marcus, knew what I really wanted to know, and answered my silent, more significant question. He held up his hand to shield the rays and looked me in the eyes.Almost.”
Megan McCafferty
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“Most people talk when they have nothing to say. I’m not talking because I have too much to say. None of which I’d want you to hear.”
Megan McCafferty
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“Weare Adam and Eveborn out of chaos calledcreationRibbing me gave you lifeyet you forgetthere will always be a part of me in youyesI taunted and temptedyouwith my forbidden fruitdoes that makemethe serpent too?Believe what you willbut if I am exiledaloneI know we will betogether again somedaynakedwithout shamein paradiseMy thanks to youfor being in on mysin”
Megan McCafferty
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“Did you know that the average American spends six months of his or her life waiting for red lights to turn green? Six months wasted, waiting for permission to move on. Think of all the other stuff you could do with that time.”I was totally confused. “In the car?” “In your life,” he said.”
Megan McCafferty
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“there’s too much tension in the world… what hope is there in the middle east if you and i can’t make peace.”
Megan McCafferty
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“The stories teach them valuable life lessons. That good things happen to bad people. That it’s possible to make a bad situation even worse if you don’t think it through. That parents are clueless except when they’re not. That it’s good to try new things even when a new thing is kind of disgusting, because new experiences make you a well-rounded person. That art can be transcendent. That lust is all-powerful, that drugs are fun, and that not everyone who does them is a loser. That losing people is part of life. That where comedy goes, tragedy isn’t far behind. That everyone has issues with their bodies, but some take it too far, almost to death. That fear can be exhilarating. That boys are assholes. That it’s important to look forward and never look back…”
Megan McCafferty
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“I know it makes sense for me and him to just break up now and just live our seperate lives and not have to worry about missing each other all the time. But when I think about that, I get sick. Physically sick. Like I seriously throw up. I need to be with him, even if I can’t, like, be with him.”
Megan McCafferty
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“I’m not sure I’ll ever be finished. No matter how much I write, there will always be something I should’ve said.”
Megan McCafferty
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“I almost can’t believe I’m going to make myself vulnerable to him again. But what is love but the most extreme and exquisite form of risk perception? I know that relationships don’t last. And yet, with him, the risk of not being with him is much worse than any other hurt I can imagine.”
Megan McCafferty
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“What is it about him that makes you, like, totally lose your shit?”
Megan McCafferty
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“Right now I feel guilty to be alive. Why? Because I’m wasting it. I’ve been given this life and all I do is mope it away.What’s worse is, I am totally aware of how ridiculous I am. It would be a lot easier if I believed I was the center of the universe, because then I wouldn’t know any better NOT to make a big deal out of everything. I know how small my problems are, yet that doesn’t stop me from obsessing about them.I have to stop doing this.How do other people get happy? I look at people laughing and smiling and enjoying themselves and try to get inside their heads. How do Bridget, Manda, and Sara do it? Or Pepe? Or EVERYONE but me?Why does everything I see bother me? Why can’t I just get over these daily wrongdoings? Why can’t I just move on and make the best of what I’ve got?I wish I knew.”
Megan McCafferty
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“Well, so much for the D’Abruzzi Pussy Legacy. Is nothing sacred?”
Megan McCafferty
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“I love you, too."But this hopeful farewell does little to bring peace of mind, even now. Loving you has never been the problem. What's troubling me is how loving you may never be enough.”
Megan McCafferty
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“You have stopped the arrow of time...There's no meaning to this rhyme...Because my song will never mean as much as the one..He once sang..For you, yes, you...”
Megan McCafferty
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“I used to think that I wouldn't change anything from my past, because doing so would inevitably affect who I am now. But considering my current state, I'm thinking it might not be a bad idea to go back in time to fix things.”
Megan McCafferty
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“My thoughts create my world -Marcus Flutie”
Megan McCafferty
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“You, yes, you, linger inside my heartThe same you who stopped us before we could start.”
Megan McCafferty
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“I thought Marcus was going to be in my life forever. Then I thought I was wrong. Now he’s back. But this time I know what’s certain: Marcus will be gone again, and back again and again and again because nothing is permanent. Especially people. Strangers become friends. Friends become lovers. Lovers become strangers. Strangers become friends once more, and over and over. Tomorrow, next week, fifty years from now, I know I’ll get another one-word postcard from Marcus, because this one doesn’t have a period signifying the end of the sentence.Or the end of anything at all.”
Megan McCafferty
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“I am trying to come up with some "adult" reads, but I mostly read young adult fiction (my job), which, by the way is excellent. I will post about some of my favorites that should appeal to adult readers”
Megan McCafferty
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