Michael Andreas Helmuth Ende was a German writer of fantasy and children's literature. He was the son of the surrealist painter Edgar Ende.
Ende was one of the most popular and famous German authors of the 20th century, mostly due to the enormous success of his children's books. However, Ende was not strictly a children’s author, as he also wrote books for adults. Ende claimed, "It is for this child in me, and in all of us, that I tell my stories," and that "[my books are] for any child between 80 and 8 years" (qtd. Senick 95, 97). Ende’s writing could be described as a surreal mixture of reality and fantasy. The reader is often invited to take a more interactive role in the story, and the worlds in his books often mirror our reality, using fantasy to bring light to the problems of an increasingly technological modern society.
Ende was also known as a proponent of economic reform, and claimed to have had the concept of aging money in mind when writing Momo. He was interested in and influenced by anthroposophy.
Die unendliche Geschichte (The Neverending Story) is Ende's best known work. Other books include Momo and Jim Knopf und Lukas der Lokomotivführer (Jim Button and Luke the Engine Driver). Michael Ende's works have been translated into more than 40 languages and sold more than 20 million copies, and have been adapted into motion pictures, stage plays, operas and audio books.
He died in Stuttgart of stomach cancer.
Μίχαελ Έντε (Greek)
“Without a past you can't have a future.”
“You see, Momo,' he [Beppo Roadsweeper] told her one day, 'it's like this. Sometimes, when you've a very long street ahead of you, you think how terribly long it is and feel sure you'll never get it swept.'He gazed silently into space before continuing. 'And then you start to hurry,' he went on. 'You work faster and faster, and every time you look up there seems to be just as much left to sweep as before, and you try even harder, and you panic, and in the end you're out of breath and have to stop - and still the street stretches away in front of you. That's not the way to do it.'He pondered a while. Then he said, 'You must never think of the whole street at once, understand? You must only concentrate on the next step, the next breath, the next stroke of the broom, and the next, and the next. Nothing else.'Again he paused for thought before adding, 'That way you enjoy your work, which is important, because then you make a good job of it. And that's how it ought to be.'There was another long silence. At last he went on, 'And all at once, before you know it, you find you've swept the whole street clean, bit by bit. What's more, you aren't out of breath.' He nodded to himself. 'That's important, too,' he concluded.”
“If you do, you'll be running an incalculable risk. It will be up to you whether the world begins to live again or stands still forever and a day. Are you really prepared to take that risk?”
“She felt as if she were imprisoned in a vault heaped with priceless treasures - an ever-growing hoard that threatened to crush the life out of her. There was no way out, either. The vault was impenetrable and she was far too deeply buried beneath a mountain of time to attract anyone's attention.”
“At certain junctures in the course of existence, unique moments occur when everyone and everything, even the most distant stars, combine to bring about something that could not have happened before and will never happen again. Few people know how to take advantage of these critical moments, unfortunately, and they often pass unnoticed. When someone does recognize them, however, great things happen in the world.”
“Una cosa rara es que el horror pierde su espanto cuando se repite mucho.”
“Now, for the first time ever, a story had escaped his control. It had taken on a life of its own, and all the imagination in the world would be insufficient to halt it. He felt numb.”
“No le gustaban los libros en que, con malhumor y de forma avinagrada, se contaban acontecimientos totalmente corrientes de la vida totalmente corriente de personas totalmente corrientes. De eso había ya bastante en la realidad y, ¿por qué habría de leer además sobre ello? Por otra parte, le daba cien patadas cuando se daba cuenta de que lo querían convencer de algo. Y esa clase de libros, más o menos claramente, siempre lo querían convencer a uno de algo.Bastián prefería los libros apasionantes, o divertidos o que hacían soñar; libros en los que los personajes inventados vivían aventuras fabulosas y en los que uno podía imaginarse todo.”
“Quien no haya pasado tardes enteras delante de un libro, con las orejas ardiéndole y el pelo caído por la cara, leyendo y leyendo, olvidado del mundo y sin darse cuenta de que tenía hambre o se estaba quedando helado...Quien nunca haya leído en secreto a la luz de una linterna, bajo la manta, porque Papá o Mamá o alguna otra persona solícita le ha apagado la luz con el argumento bien intencionado de que tiene que dormir, porque mañana hay que levantarse tempranito...Quien nunca haya llorado abierta o disimuladamente lágrimas amargas, porque una historia maravillosa acaba y había que decir adiós a personajes con los que había corrido tantas aventuras, a los que quería y admiraba, por los que había temido y rezado, y sin cuya compañía la vida le parecería vacía y sin sentido…Quien no conozca todo esto por propia experiencia, no podrá comprender...”
“Las pasiones humanas son un misterio, a los niños le pasa lo mismo que a los mayores. Los que se dejan llevar por ellas no puede explicárselas, y los que no las han vivido, no pueden comprenderlas. Hay hombres que se juegan la vida para subir a una montaña. Nadie, ni siquiera ellos, puede explicar realmente por qué. Otros se arruinan para conquistar el corazón de una persona que no quiere saber nada de ellos. Otros se destruyen a sí mismos por no saber resistir los placeres de la mesa... o de la botella. Algunos pierden cuanto tienen para ganar en un juego de azar, o lo sacrifican todo a una idea fija que jamás podrá realizarse. Unos cuantos creen que solo serán felices en un lugar distinto, y recorren el mundo durante toda su vida. Y unos pocos no descansan hasta que consiguen ser poderosos. En resumen: hay tantas pasiones distintas como hombres distintos hay.”
“Calendars and clocks exist to measure time, but that signifies little because we all know that an hour can seem as eternity or pass in a flash, according to how we spend it.”
“Al menos os habéis encontrado. Lo habéis hecho ya a menudo y lo haréis una y otra vez. Eso no pueden decirlo todos”
“De tanto esperar, olvidó incluso porque esperaba”
“Las pasiones humanas son un misterio, y a los niños les pasa lo mismo que a los mayores. Los que se dejan llevar por ellas no pueden explicárselas, y los que no las han vivido no pueden comprenderlas. Hay hombres que se juegan la vida para subir a una montaña. Nadie, ni siquiera ellos, pueden explicar realmente el por qué. Otros se arruinan para conquistar el corazón de una persona que no quiere saber nada de ellos. Otros se destruyen a sí mismos por no saber resistir los placeres de la mesa… o de la botella. Algunos pierden cuanto tienen para ganar en un juego de azar, o lo sacrifican todo a una idea fija que jamás podrá realizarse. Unos cuantos creen que sólo serán felices en algún lugar distinto, y recorren el mundo durante toda su vida. y unos pocos no descansan hasta que consiguen ser poderosos. En resumen: Hay tantas pasiones distintas como hombres distintos hay.”
“Neden yüzleri kül gibi soğuk?""Varlıklarını ölü şeylerden kazandıkları için. Biliyorsun, onlar varlıklarını, insanların ömrünü tüketerek sürdürüyorlar. Fakat zaman, gerçek sahiplerinden alınınca ölüyor. Her insanın kendisine ait belli bir zamanı vardır. Ve bu zaman da yalnızca onda kaldıkça canlıdır, yaşar.”
“It says that Moon Child's power ends here. She is the only one who can never set foot in this place. She cannot penetrate to the center of A U R Y N, because she cannot cast off her own self.”
“In that moment Bastian made a profound discovery. You wish for something, you've wanted it for years, and you're sure you want it, as long as you know you can't have it. But if all at once it looks as though your wish might come true, you suddenly find yourself wishing you had never wished for any such thing.”
“When your turn comes to jump into the Nothing, you too will be a nameless servant of power, with no will of your own. Who knows what use they will make of you? Maybe you'll help them persuade people to buy things they don't need, or hate things they know nothing about, or hold beliefs that make them easy to handle, or doubt the truths that might save them.”
“You ask me what you will be there. But what are you here? What are you creatures of Fantastica? Dreams, poetic inventions, characters in a neverending story. Do you think you're real? Well yes, here in your world you are. But when you been through the Nothing, you won't be real anymore. You'll be unrecognizable. And you will be in another world. In that world, you Fantasticans won't be anything like yourselves. You will bring delusion and madness into the human world.”
“Woman!" said the litle man testily. "Get out of my light. You are interfering with my reserarch!"You and your research!" said the woman. "Who cares about that? The important thing is my health elixir. Those two outside are in urgent need of it.""Those two," said the man irritably, "will be far more in need of my help and advice.""Maybe so," said the little woman. "But not until they are well. Move over, old man!"...Atreyu cleared his throat to call attention to his presence..."He's already well," said the little man. "Now it's my turn.""Certainly not! the little woman hissed. "He'll be well when I say so. It'll be your turn when I say it's your turn.”
“No," he said in his deep, rumbling voice. "It means that you must do what you really and truly want. And nothing is more difficult.""What I really and truly want? What do you mean by that?""It's your own deepest secret and you yourself don't know it.""How can I find out?""By going the way of your wishes, from one to another, from first to last. It will take you to what you really and truly want.""That doesn't sound so hard," said Bastian."It is the most dangerous of all journeys.""Why?" Bastian asked. "I'm not afraid.""That isn't it," Grograman rumbled. "It requires the greatest honesty and vigilance, because there's no other journey on which it's so easy to lose yourself forever.”
“Yra didelė, bet visiškai kasdieniška paslaptis. Visi žmonės su ja susiję, kiekvienas ją žino, bet tik nedaugelis apie ją pagalvoja. Dauguma paprasčiausiai su ja taikstosi ir nė kiek nesistebi. Toji paslaptis - tai laikas. Jam matuoti yra kalendoriai ir laikrodžiai, bet tas nedaug ką sako, nes kiekvienas žino, kad kartais viena valanda atrodo kaip amžinybė, o kitais kartais ji prabėga kaip akimirka - nelygu, ką žmogus tą valandą patiria. Laikas yra gyvenimas, o gyvenimo būstas - žmogaus širdis.”
“Todo o reino de Fantasia assenta-se sobre alicerces de sonhos esquecidos." A História Sem Fim(The whole kingdom of Fantasy sits upon foundations of forgotten dreams - Endless Story).”
“He tried to remember Moon Child's eyes, but was no longer able to. He was sure of only one thing: that her glance had passed through his eyes and down into his heart. He could still feel the burning trail it had left behind. That glance, he felt, was embedded in his heart, and there it glittered like a mysterious jewel. And in a strange and wonderful way it hurt.Even if Bastian had wanted to, he couldn't have defended himself against this thing that had happened to him. However, he didn't want to. Oh no, not for anything in the world would he have parted with that jewel. All he wanted was to go on reading, to see Moon Child again, to be with her.IT never occurred to him that he was getting into the most unusual and perhaps the most dangerous of adventures. But even if he had known this, he wouldn't have dreamed of shutting the book.”
“All that matters in life," the grey man went on, "is to climb the ladder of success, amount to something, own things. When a person climbs higher than the rest, amounts to more, owns more things, everything else comes automatically: friendship, love, respect, et cetera...""Isn't there anyone who loves you?" Momo whispered.”
“Pero esa es otra historia y debe ser contada en otra ocasión.”
“Para ellos no puede cambiar nada, porque ellos mismos no pueden ya cambiar.”
“Lo que había esperado resultaba ser su perdición y lo que había odiado su salvación.”
“What I've started I must finish. I've gone too far to turn back. Regardless of what may happen, I have to go forward.”
“Es gibt Reichtümer, an denen man zugrunde geht, wenn man sie nicht mit anderen teilen kann.”
“Es gibt viele Arten von Einsamkeit, aber Momo erlebte eine, die wohl nur wenige Menschen kennengelernt haben, und die wenigsten mit solcher Gewalt.”
“Er dachte einige Zeit nach. Dann sprach er weiter: "Man darf nie an die ganze Straße auf einmal denken, verstehst du? Man muß nur an den nächsten Schritt denken, an den nächsten Atemzug, an den nächsten Besenstrich. Und immer wieder nur an den nächsten." Wieder hielt er inne und überlegte, ehe er hinzufügte: "Dann macht es Freude; das ist wichtig, dann macht man seine Sache gut. Und so soll es sein.”
“Nur Momo konnte so lange warten und verstand was er sagte. Sie wußte, daß er sich so viel Zeit nahm, um niemals etwas Unwahres zu sagen. Denn nach seiner Meinung kam alles Unglück der Welt von den vielen Lügen, den absichtlichen, aber auch den unabsichtlichen, die nur aus Eile oder Ungenauigkeit entstehen.”
“But that's another story and shall be told another time”
“Esiste un grande eppur quotidiano mistero. Tutti gli uomini ne partecipano ma pochissimi si fermano a rifletterci. Quasi tutti si limitano a prenderlo come viene e non se ne meravigliano affatto. Questo mistero è il tempo. Esistono calendari ed orologi per misurarlo, misure di ben poco significato, perché tutti sappiamo che talvolta un'unica ora ci può sembrare un'eternità, ed un'altra invece passa in un attimo... dipende da quel che viviamo in quell'ora. Perché il tempo è vita. E la vita dimora nel cuore.”
“Come voi avete occhi per vedere la luce, e orecchie per sentire i suoni, così avete un cuore per percepire il tempo. E tutto il tempo che il cuore non percepisce è perduto, come i colori dell'arcobaleno per un cieco o il canto dell'usignolo per un sordo.”
“Si los hombres supiesen lo que es la muerte ya no le tendrían miedo. y si ya no le tuvieran miedo, nadie podría robarles, nunca más, su tiempo de vida.”
“That brings me to the real reason for the title: Where does that which happens during reading a book take place? (...) Does not every reader, whether he wants it or not, bring (...) his own experiences and thoughts into the process of reading? (...) Is not every book a mirror in which the reader is reflected, whether he knows it or not? And is not every reader a mirror in which the book is reflected?”
“But that is another story and shall be told another time.”
“Every real story is a never ending story.”
“There were thousands and thousands of forms of joy in the world, but that all were essentially one and the same, namely, the joy of being able to love.”
“Nothing is lost. . .Everything is transformed.”
“Wishes cannot be summoned up or kept away at will. They come from deeper within us than good or bad intentions. And they spring up unannounced.”
“If you stop to think about it, you’ll have to admit that all the stories in the world consist essentially of twenty-six letters. The letters are always the same, only the arrangement varies. From letters words are formed, from words sentences, from sentences chapters, and from chapters stories.”
“My will can control anything that’s empty.”
“A story can be new and yet tell about olden times. The past comes into existence with the story.”
“There are many kinds of delusion.”
“Strange as it may seem, horror loses its power to frighten when repeated too often.”
“He had been through a good deal in the course of the Great Quest — he had seen beautiful things and horrible things — but up until now he had not known that one and the same creature can be both, that beauty can be terrifying.”
“You must let what happens happen. Everything must be equal in your eyes, good and evil, beautiful and ugly, foolish and wise.”