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Michele Sinclair

In need of a creative outlet, I began writing novels after my second child was born. A voracious reader of romance books and a constant dreamer of romantic plots, I was encouraged to put my ideas to paper. I soon found out I loved it...all of it!

I am a member of the Romance Writers of America and of the Georgia Romance Writers.

In addition to writing historical romance novels, I also build large HO model trains, love to do huge cross-stitching pieces, relax by boating, and decorate everything I can during the Christmas season.

Besides romance I am a heavy science fiction reader and try to read at least two books a month—one science fiction and the other romance even when I am writing. I guess I just secretly desire to live in another place in time!

“Who would have thought you had so many supporters?" she whispered."Not mine, my love. Yours. I had not a one till you started speaking and now I am the envy of every man present.”
Michele Sinclair
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“Eleanor reached over and stroked his foreman."Was I fair?" Henry whispered.She nodded. "Very. Besides, I think our Ranulf gave you the justification for some of the changes you have been considering.Perhaps a court of law is needed.""He did.And besides it was all highly entertaining.I had to bite my tongue when Craven started all that nonsense about Ranulf trying to kill him with an arrow.""So you knew from the beginning..." Eleanor murmured in partial disbelief and admiration."That Ranulf was up to something? The man would never let anyone-even me-insult his honor without response. It was hard to wait until the oaf finished everything Ranulf needed him to say...and come to think of it...it was very convenient for Lady Bronwyn to be in disguise. How is it that you did not inform me earlier of what was to happen?""I did not know," Eleanor rejoined quickly. "I met with his wife, who never owned to her true identity...but I liked her and suspected she would enjoy the night much better as one of my ladies-in-waiting.It is a great honor,you know.""And the idea of coming in masquerade?""Well,it has been dull lately.""And you never knew who she was.Never thought to tell me you suspected Lady Bronwyn was not whom she professed to be.""I only knew for sure that I liked her and that she was Laon's daughter. And as for the masquerade, I did it for you, my king.""Me?""Mmm-hmmm," Eleanor purred against his ear. "I know how very much you like to be entertained.""And that it was.Quite diverting. Never thought to see the day where Ranulf would be at ease in a crowd-or so demonstrative," Henry said, pointing at the joined couple."He's in love,my king.Just like I am. Perhaps someday I'll do something about your men and their rough-mannered ways. Maybe I will convene my own court-the court of love.""I think that babe in your womb has made you soft in the head," Henry teased."Maybe," Eleanor sighed as she sat back in her chair with a smile that spoke of a mind whirling with ideas.”
Michele Sinclair
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“And though I do not approve of your appropriation of the Bean King tradition"-he paused to find and issue a pointed glare at his favorite baker-"your scheme to reveal Baron Craven's true character worked.”
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“You are a fool,baron, and I hate fools.”
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“Now all he could do was wait...and watch Bronwyn be entertained by every man who could make his way to her side.Once again, a deep sense of possession consumed him.Until now, he had not had to compete for her attention and no one had been foolish enough to try. But as one and then another hour passed, the intensity of his jealousy grew and it mattered little that in his heart he knew that she was his. Each time a hand touched Bronwyn's waist or someone bent to whisper in her ear or her laughter tinkled throughout the Hall, Ranulf had to repress the mounting urge to go and pummel the man. He almost lost the battle he was waging with himself when some overly ambitious young knight refused to leave her side. Only the queen and her long-awaited announcement saved the young man from a fate that would have required the attention of a healer and several weeks in bed.”
Michele Sinclair
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“The conversation was dangerous for it was designed to incite physical violence and, if left to continue, might have succeeded. But the pain Ranulf first wanted to inflict was humiliation, and that could not be achieved with fists.It required intellect.And maybe a slight emotional push.”
Michele Sinclair
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“Pasting on her most endearing smile, Bronwyn stood up and interrupted, "I must beg everyone's pardon for retiring early. I have been needing to speak with my husband all day. So, we will see you in the morning." She then looked down at Ranulf to ensure he understood that she was serious.He arched a single brow, but said nothing as he rose to join her, ignoring the short coughs and snorts of laughter of his men. Bronwyn instantly froze as she realized what the small group-including her husband-believed she had meant. Mustering up the remnants of her pride,she forced herself to march on."It's nice to know you've been wanting me all day, but if you desire for us to be alone, there are more discreet ways of letting me know," Ranulf teased as he lifted the flap of their tent.Bronwyn knew her already red face was turning an even more brilliant color, but she refused to let Ranulf believe he had totally won. "You,husband, are far more in need of a modesty lesson than I."Ranulf let go the heavy material and then crossed his arms with a smug look of satisfaction Bronwyn wanted to both remove and indulge. "Don't believe in modesty.Never have.Kind of liking the fact that you don't either," he said, hinting at what he thought was about to come next.Bronwyn took a step back and waved a finger. "I said I wanted to speak with you alone...about tomorrow.”
Michele Sinclair
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“I cannot remember when I have had such good food," Ranulf said, with a smile of satisfaction bending his usually firm mouth."I'll be sure not to mention that to our own cooks.”
Michele Sinclair
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“Thinking it Ranulf, she tugged the garment down and beamed the incomer a smile. The smile changed to one of shock at seeing her sisters-both up and already dressed.Seeing her initial jubilant welcome, Edythe snorted and rubbed her arms vigorously in an attempt to get warmer. Lily, on the other hand, laughed. "Sorry. You obviously hoped we were someone else," she mumbled, not meaning it at all.Tyr poked his head in and, looking at Edythe, said, "We are to be leaving soon.Be ready."Edythe issued him a scowl and rubbed her very red nose. "I heard you the first five times," she moaned. "The man does not believe in sleep and cannot seem to get it through his head that some do," she added, speaking to Bronwyn but keeping her gaze on him.Tyr arched a single brow and stepped inside. "I sleep,just not all day."Edythe sniffed.She wasn't feeling her best, but she was not about to let Tyr chide her without consequences. "You may have been the one standing beside me at the alter, but that doesn't give you permission to act like my husband.""I know your husband well, and Garik's going to feel the same way," Tyr responded, crossing his arms.Edythe lifted her chin and several locks of her red hair fell around her shoulders. "Not after I'm done with him. He'll be glad to have a wife. And the fact that I like to sleep in bed, he's going to consider a bonus." Then with a manufactured flair, she stepped around him and plopped down on the fur blankets with enough force that her hastily made braid came totally undone. Few outside of family had ever seen Edythe's auburn tresses completely free, but those who did were blessed with a sight that denied description.Tyr just stared at her for several seconds. Every muscle in his body had gone tight and he looked as if he were struggling just to breathe. A second later,he pivoted and abruptly exited the tent, stomping off with no effort to hide his displeasure.Edythe, who refused to look at him, could no longer pretend to be ignorant of Tyr's mood. "The man is a menace," she mumbled as she once again rubbed her nose.”
Michele Sinclair
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“I'm sorry this trip has been so difficult.""It could be worse. We could be enduring Father Morrell's celebration of the Eucharist."Bronwyn's jaw dropped and she turned in his arms to see if Ranulf was serious. He was.”
Michele Sinclair
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“Preparing to leave had been arduous, but it was nothing compared to the journey once it had started.Traveling with men, in the winter, was hard. Traveling with women was difficult, but trekking through the winter mountains with females who had never journeyed anywhere was straining Ranulf's every last nerve.”
Michele Sinclair
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“Ranulf stared blankly into the campfire, trying to ignore Lily."White horses always look dirty," Lily told the young smitten soldier sitting beside her. "That's why I refuse to ride them.Brown ones may be just as filthy,but at least I cannot see the dirt. Black ones less so,but I have found that in general dark horses suit me better.""You just think you look better on them," Edythe protested before succumbing to several seconds of coughing. Bronwyn studied her redheaded sister for a moment.Tyr put another blanket around Edythe's shoulders and eventually the coughs quieted. Turning her attention to Ranulf,Bronwyn promised him softly, "You'll have to ignore them."Ranulf grimaced and sent a reproving look to his youngest sister-in-law. It,just like the others he had sent Lily throughout the day,changed nothing. "I just find it hard to reconcile the child I hear now with the woman who appeared after your death. With you gone,she had to grow up.Now that you are back..."Bronwyn snuggled up against his side with a sigh. "I admit I encourage it.Life will force Lily to grow up soon enough and I am glad it was not my death that thrust it upon her. In the meantime,you ignore her prattle and I'll just be amused it," she advised before planting a gentle kiss on his arm.Ranulf,with his free hand, raked his fingers through his short hair. How had he gotten into this predicament? But it took only one look at the huddled form next to him to remember exactly how. Bronwyn. He had wanted to make her happy. After thinking her lost to him forever, he would have promised her anything, even the moon.”
Michele Sinclair
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“But where are we going?"Glancing back at her,he smiled a wicked smile. "Westminster.""Westminster! Now? What about the Feast of the Circumcision of Our Lord? I'm the First Footer! I can't just leave."Ranulf came back in and gave her a comforting kiss on the forehead before placing a softer one on her lips.Unfortunately, that is one tradition we must break.So pack only what is necessary and don your warmest gown."Bronwyn's heart started pounding as she realized just who Ranulf intended to see and confront. "What are you planning to do to Luc?"But the question was issued to an empty corridor. Ranulf was gone, and the next time she was to see him,they would be riding out of Hunswick at a speed she wouldn't understand for another three days.”
Michele Sinclair
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“He loved and was loved in return.”
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“As long as you are mine, nothing else matters.”
Michele Sinclair
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“Ranulf,don't leave me.""I'll never leave you.I am yours forever.Even in the next life. I love you.Wait for me.”
Michele Sinclair
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“I am not about to send anyone after a missing tapestry just to pacify two women and a priest.”
Michele Sinclair
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“Shouldn't we get up?"With unexpected strength,he grabbed her waist and rolled her over at the same time, poisitioning her so that she was astride him. "I don't think so."Bronwyn licked her lips. "It is Saint Stephen's Day. The people will be waiting.""For their pots full of money.""So you know the custom," she purred, letting her fingers play with the hairs on his chest."Of course," he groaned. "I ordered the clay pots as soon as we got back after we went hunting.I'll pass them out tonight.""Did you know that you,too,get a present?" Bronwyn asked as she leaned down to kiss his naval, smiling with delight as his stomach contracted.Ranulf grinned back. "Really?And just what is in my clay pot?""Your present doesn't come in a pot," she purred, smiling as her hand slowly moved lower,making a trail for her mouth and tongue to follow. "And even more lucky,you don't have to wait until tonight either.”
Michele Sinclair
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“She wanted that lifetime. She would never leave him,and even better, he would never let her go.”
Michele Sinclair
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“This morning, he had been doomed for a dismal eternity,but instead, standing before him was a woman giving him everything he had dreamed of but never thought he would possess.”
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“I meant what I said, Bronwyn. I will never let you leave me. Never.So end your plans of Scotland and disappearing in the middle of the night,for I will hunt you down and claim what is mine. And you are mine.And I never let go of what belongs to me.”
Michele Sinclair
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“He released her lips but did not pull back. Instead,he traced the lines of her jaw with his fingers. "Does that answer your question? For let me tell you now,I never have and never will desire another.”
Michele Sinclair
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“Know this,I won't let you leave.""Oh,my lord," Bronwyn hissed back as she continued to fake a smile to those around her, "if I want to leave...I will.""And then I will follow you and be most unhappy at the effort."Bronwyn dropped her sham expression of bliss to glare at him directly. "I wonder if you would truly care or even notice.""You are mine, Bronwyn.Now and forever. And I would notice.""Why should I care?""Because you would be destroying everyone's Christmas.For if you try to depart from Hunswick without my approval, I will find you and use every able mad to do so."Bronwyn openly gaped at him,realizing he was completely serious.Father Morrell, in hearing distance of the conversation, made another one of his blaring coughs. He then gave them both a slicing look she hadn't thought possible out of the cherublike face and held up a bowl of spiced and scented water. "It is a time for quiet. A day for being with loved ones, and sharing love together..." The man had started his sermon, making further conversation just like everything else around her...impossible.”
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“Damn you to tell," she hissed.With each struggle, the wires of her wimple poked his chest, causing him a surprising amount of pain. He was about to yank the horrid thing off when she came to an abrupt halt at Father Morrell's rebuke. "I am shocked, my lady.You have always been a girl of common sense.To use such language, on Christmas, and in the chapel!"Bronwyn bit down hard on her bottom lip, her fury inflamed further. She forced herself to stand still and succumb to the proceedings. Ranulf may be keeping her here now,but that didn't mean she couldn't escape before night fell."And you,Lord Anscombe," Father Morrell huffed, "this is most irregular. How am I to know this lady comes willingly to this marriage carried upon your shoulder?""Father,you have one duty in front of you at this moment,and that is to wed me to this woman. The salvation of our souls can wait until tomorrow.”
Michele Sinclair
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“I thought he would calm down from whatever made him mad and see reason by now, but I actually think he is going to marry your nit-wit sister and she is going to let him!""She only agreed because that's what she thought everyone wanted her to do!""Well,Lily picked a perfect time to start thinking of others.”
Michele Sinclair
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“Edythe repressed the urge to run up and shake Bronwyn until she came up her senses.Anyone looking at either Ranulf or her sister could see the depth of their feelings.Unfortunately, they were equally stubborn, which spelled doom for them both.”
Michele Sinclair
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“He won't be happy with her.Lily won't challenge him.""Like Edythe challenges you?"Tyr rolled his eyes, bobbing his head side to side, not denying the accusation. "Aye,Finch is a far more palatable companion for life," he chuckled, not denying the accusation. "It is a good thing for us both that I have sworn never to marry or I just might be vulnerable to someone like her.”
Michele Sinclair
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“Then he issued a single pointed stare at Bronwyn-the first direct look he had given her all evening, and added, "And good night to you, my lady. May tomorrow bring you the future comfort and happiness you deserve."Then he turned, and all the heads and eyes in the crowd followed Ranulf across the courtyard as he headed alone toward the Tower Keep. My lady, he had said.Those two words Ranulf had emphasized conveyed more than a thousand speeches. If there was any doubt Edythe had about his feelings that erased it.Ranulf had practically announced to all present that, despite everything, Bronwyn was not just a lady, but his lady.”
Michele Sinclair
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“I suspect Father Morrell's preference for food and merriment is much related to the size of his girth," Edythe murmured through her pursed lips. Silence followed.”
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“If it had not been for Father Morrell's timely arrival and subsequent pressure for all to be present at his sermon,Bronwyn would have remained in her room perfectly miserable,though claiming to be content.”
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“The door slammed and the reverberating sound bounced back and forth down the hall. Edythe and Lily sat perfectly still and stared at each other, eyes wide open. For once,their thoughts were in accord.When Ranulf had first arrived and started banging on Bronwyn's door, both had awakened wondering if they should do something. When the racket ceased, Lily scurried into Edythe's room. "What's going on?""I don't know," came Edythe's simple reply."Why is Ranulf so angry with Bronwyn?"Again Edythe shrugged."Well,should we go and see if Bronwyn needs help?"Edythe bit her bottom lip. The situation was foreign to her.She supposed they should go, but her gut was telling her to stay put. She was still debating the decision when voices rose again,and this time Bronwyn's was in the mix. And she never yelled.The door slammed and heavy footsteps retreated. "I think...I think I was just insulted," Lily mumbled. "By both of them."Seeing the stunned look in Lily's gray eyes,Edythe reached over to pacify her. "They also said some flattering things."Lily slipped out of the embrace and shook her head. "Edythe, what have I done?""What do you mean?"Lily bounded off the bed and passionately stabbed her finger toward the wall seperating Edythe's and Bronwyn's room. "Them! Didn't you hear?"Edythe nodded her head in relief. "I did.I just wasn't sure you had."Slump-shouldered,Lily returned to the bed and collapsed on it. "Oh Lord, Edythe, I just announced to everyone that I was going to marry the man our sister loves.""It's my guess that he loves her,too.”
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“I hope Lily told you how happy I was by the offer to marry your commander.""She mentioned it," Ranulf grimaced."Who knows? Maybe Rolande and I will meet and decide to stay together, forgoing the annulment."Ranulf rocked back on his feet, picking up the basin, and stood up, causing water to slosh on to the floor from the abrupt movement. She sounded so damn happy. He plopped the water bowl back on its table. And why shouldn't she be? "You will like my commander. He is as handsome as Lillabet is beautiful."Pain flashed in Bronwyn's eyes, turning them dark, almost black. If Ranulf's aim had been to hurt,he had struck true, resulting in a desire to inflict similar anguish. "As long as he doesn't lie to me and make me out the fool, I will be content.""I suspect he won't if you don't lie to him first."Bronwyn pushed herself out of the chair as a frisson of anger shot up her spine. "Maybe I won't if he doesn't order me away from my home without the courage to look me in the eye when he does so.""I never pretended to be someone else.""In that you are correct, my lord.You made it very clear from the beginning that you were a hateful man," she seethed."Didn't seem to bother you when you used your female wiles to entice me to your bed," Ranulf hissed back.Bronwyn marched over to the door and swung it wide open. "I wonder just how my sister will deal with your barbarism. She is sweet,beautiful, and innocent,but she also knows nothing about running a castle.So preprare yourself,my lord.In a few months you will have a rundown estate and no commander either,for after I use my feminine wiles on him, I doubt we will be staying here at Hunswick.”
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“You really are a beast."A low hum of a chuckle rumbled through Ranulf's chest. "I've been called a beast before,but not because I had bullied someone into letting me nurture them.”
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“The moment the door slipped away beneath Ranulf's fist as she opened it, his heart had stopped.It had been racing with anticipation, but the second he saw her,he froze and stared, in shcok. A pink crease line ran down her cheek. "You've been sleeping!" he bellowed, barging his way into the room. All this time, he had been frantic, concerned that Bronwyn was upset with him, worried about her feelings...and instead of weeping inconsolably,she had been blissfully unconscious.”
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“Bronywyn jumped at the abrupt and very loud pounding at her door. She pushed herself up to a sitting position on her bed and glanced out the window.It was pitch-black outside, hours before dawn. Only one person would be causing a commotion at such an hour and be able to get away with it. Ranulf. She rubbed he eyes and tried to ignore the deafening banging, hoping he would get the hint.He did not."Bronwyn,open this door or I swear on all the things you hold sacred,I will break it down.”
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“Didn't she know that she would always be the most beautiful woman he had ever seen,for she was the first to truly see him?”
Michele Sinclair
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“The midnight hour passed, making it Christmas Eve and the beginning of possibly the worst day Ranulf could remember. The embers in the hearth were dying and he had no more logs for the fire. For hours,he had paced the planks of his solar unceasingly and every once in a while out of frustration and the need to do anything phsyical, he tossed a piece of wood violently into the flames. As a result, the room was hot, he ran out of logs, and his mind was no calmer for the effort.”
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“Are you sure you want to marry him, Lily? Marriage is a serious vow and you really don't know the man."Lily rolled her eyes. "Who really knows anyone before they marry? And while his lordship may not be very handsome, he is exceptionally clever,don't you think? I mean,he did come up with the plan to save us all and let us stay.”
Michele Sinclair
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“Edythe is going to marry his best friend, Garid...Garik-I can't remember, but they will live at Syndlear. He is supposedly a quiet man, who is not considered by most handsome, but neither is he hideous.”
Michele Sinclair
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“Bronwyn jumped when the door of her room sprang open and bounced against the stone wall. Something only one person would do.Lily."Lillabet! What are you doing here? Ranulf-""Ranulf?" Lily asked as she cocked her head to the side and wrinkled her nose. "I had forgotten that was his name. Lord,what a mouthful.”
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“The man was impossible. To her every retort,he had a counter. "A beak you may want to avoid for I will use it."His dimples turned into craters. "Aye, my lady,that you most certainly are not afraid of using. I think I actually see the small scars along your wrists and hands from where you missed your intended target and clipped yourself."Edythe opened her mouth,ready to send out another assualt, when the sparkle in his hazel eyes captured her attention. Tyr was not making fun of her. Rather,he was truly enjoying their conversation, and if she was being honest, so was she. Inclining her head in agreement, she curled her lips mischievously and said, "Inflictions all finches must learn to endure.""Indeed they must," Tyr replied with a bow. "You,Lady Finch,are a genuine surprise. These past few days,your elder sister has been gracious, kind, and all things a lady should be when welcoming a guest, but it seems that only my friend Ranulf can turn her into a fiery tempest. And each time she does, it pulls him farther in.I see now why he is susceptible to such treatment."Edythe briefly closed her eyes and gave a quick shake to her head. "You enjoy being insulted?""You have not insulted me, you couldn't. You don't know me well enough.Nor I you. We just merely sparred and I am finding that I like wit in a woman, a most uncommon trait where I have been. If I were not so decided in my ways,you,dear Finch, would be in trouble.""Well,then I thank the Lord you are decided, for I am not easily swayed by a pretty face and you have a ways to go before you seem even moderately charming. And before you try to convince me otherwise,I must go see to Lily for she is looking overly animated and all too often the results of such excitement negatively affect me.Excuse me,sir."Tyr bowed and stared as Edythe left his side and headed toward her younger sister. He had not lied. She was probably the most intriguing woman he had ever encountered.But it changed nothing.Marriage was not for him. Still,a pretty redhead with a cunning mind and a sharp tongue would be fun to pass the time with until he had to leave.”
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“If you know so much,then tell me of Lily or are you too swayed by her beauty?""Aye,she's beautiful, but also complicated and young.She is an....an opportunist,but not necessarily a selfish one.""Ha.She can be. Lily's world revolves only around her."Tyr chuckled and the sound sent ripples of awareness down her arms. "I'd rather talk about you, Lady Edythe.""I'd rather not.""Lady Edythe," Tyr repeated, drawing out her name. His forehead wrinkled. "No. Don't like it. A girl like you needs a nickname."She hadn't been a "girl" for several years,and Edythe was irked that he saw her as such. "That's one thing I'll never want.""That's a shame.Everyone should have a nickname.""Really,then what's yours?"Tyr licked his lips and in a low voice, lied, "Bachelor.""Fitting," Edythe retorted. "I doubt with your type of self-serving charm, too many women vie to change that status."Tyr clucked his tongue, completely unfazed by her ridiculous barb. "Ed,I think.Little and sweet...just like you.""Thoin," Edythe hissed and moved to walk away,not dreaming for a second that he would know Gaelic and understand what she meant."Bauchle," Tyr chirped back in retaliation. Edythe spun around, her jaw open, but before she could retort, he added, this time with a Scottish brogue, "Ed,even if I didn't know my own language, certain words are known far and wide, and "ass" is certainly one of them."Straightening, she puffed out her chest and poked him in the ribs. "I may be many things,but untidy, fat, and your wife isn't one of them."Tyr gulped.It had been a long time since he'd spoken his native tongue to a woman who knew Gaelic and he plucked the wrong insult from memory.He had just remembered it being about a woman and knew it wasn't flattering. "You're right. My apologies.But you,my pretty lady, are in desperate need of a nickname. How about one that is more fitting?""I don't want a nickname," she gritted out. And certainly not one from you, she hissed to herself. Why did he have to call her pretty? And why did she care?"Well,Ruadh,you got one.""Red? Lord,you are the most unimaginative-""Hmm,when you put it that way...Red...Ed. Quite memorable and easy to say.I like it!""You would.That nickname-if you can call it that-wouldn't suit a kitchen rat."Tyr shook his head. "I disagree,and just remember that it was you and not I who compared yourself to such a repulsive creature.I would have said...a finch.Yes...small,loud and with a sharp beak.”
Michele Sinclair
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“I told her that it was a bad idea," Edythe mumbled under her breath."Must be nice to know everything."Edythe sent Tyr a silencing sideways glance. "I'm practical.""And openly opinionated," Tyr added matter-of-factly."And usually right," Edythe added, turning to face him squarely. She wished he wasn't so good-looking. Deep dimples, dark hazel eyes, and reddish-brown shoulder-length hair, the color she wished hers were instead of its intense auburn hue, all in a superior male body. Men that handsome weren't to be trusted.”
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“Once we are married, those angry little scowls won't be allowed," Lily pouted, feeling ignored. "I want a handsome husband...or at least as handsome as he could be.”
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“I'm offering to sacrifice myself into marriage! Of course,I was surprised by the idea,but to save my sisters and keep them in their homes,I have decided to agree.I will marry you," she finished, placing a possessive hand on Tyr's forearm.Tyr's already wide grin grew even bigger. "I appreciate the offer, and while you are indeed a pretty little girl, marriage and I are never to be.""But the king...I thought you had to..." Lily sputtered."Now,my friend here, Lord Anscombe, I believe he is eager to have a bride," Tyr said, pointing to Ranulf, who wasn't sure if he was amused, insulted, or bored. "Here is your groom. Lord Anscombe of Bassellmere."Lily whipped around.Her eyes were the color of gray mist and had turned saucer size. Her surprise was genuine, but her next move shocked even Ranulf. Straightening,she took a sizable gulp and announced, "As I was saying, my lord. I am ready and willing to marry you."Ranulf stole a glance at Edythe, who was ignoring the unfolding situation. Her focus was on Tyr and had been since he had made his nonmarital declaration.”
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“Unable to stop himself, Ranulf buried his fingers in the dark gold and whispered, "With you,I just might have found the home I never had.”
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“He rode beside her, most of the time, almost as if he were announcing to everyone that she was his future wife. That she belong to him. She was living a fantasy but she couldn't bring herself to end it.She had fallen in love.Deeply, Irrevocably.”
Michele Sinclair
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“Devout follower of Advent, eh?""Maybe I should have said recently devout," Bronwyn clarified.A roar of laughter broke over the crowd. Tyr wiped away the tears forming in his eyes. "Oh,she got you, Ranulf. I told you not to evict a woman from her home. They have all kinds of ways of exacting revenge, and keeping a man from enjoying a good meal...well, that was brilliant and evil."Bronwyn waited for Ranulf's rebuke, but instead, he joined his friend, and within minutes,the whole group was laughing, though only a handful truly understood why.”
Michele Sinclair
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“So,tell me,just how long have you known the king...I mean personally?"Ranulf pivoted and followed her with his vision as she went back to the prickly bush to pick more flowers. She was shutting him out and he didn't know just what it was she was protecting or why. But pressing would not gain her trust. "Not long and yet forever," he finally answered.Bronwyn's mouth curved into an unconscious smile. "You know,that is exactly how I feel about you.”
Michele Sinclair
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“He knew it was ridiculous never to want another man to appreciate her beauty, to know her laughter, but until Bronwyn was his in every sense of the word, he would not be at ease.Then Tyr reached up and brushed something off her cheek and Ranulf's self-discipline exploded into a rushing torrent of anger and possessiveness. His best friend! On his land, touching his woman!Unthinking, Ranulf snatched his tunic and wrenched it over his head. After pulling on his leggings and shoes, he grabbed his belt and sword, fastening them as he exited the room. He ignored the servant,who had been patiently waiting just outside the door for instructions, and bounded down the stairs with only one thought-pummeling his soon-to-be ex-friend.”
Michele Sinclair
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