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Nalini Singh

I've been writing as long as I can remember and all of my stories always held a thread of romance (even when I was writing about a prince who could shoot lasers out of his eyes). I love creating unique characters, love giving them happy endings and I even love the voices in my head. There's no other job I would rather be doing. In September 2002, when I got the call that Silhouette Desire wanted to buy my first book, Desert Warrior, it was a dream come true. I hope to continue living the dream until I keel over of old age on my keyboard.

I was born in Fiji and raised in New Zealand. I also spent three years living and working in Japan, during which time I took the chance to travel around Asia. I’m back in New Zealand now, but I’m always plotting new trips. If you’d like to see some of my travel snapshots, have a look at the Travel Diary page (updated every month).

So far, I've worked as a lawyer, a librarian, a candy factory general hand, a bank temp and an English teacher and not necessarily in that order. Some might call that inconsistency but I call it grist for the writer's mill.

“Çağlardır bir insan sevgili ile birlikte olmadım. Ama senin tadın...ilgimi çekiyor.”
Nalini Singh
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“That works fine for me . . . Sienna Lauren Snow.”
Nalini Singh
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“I might not be Silent any longer, but I still have the perfect poker face.”
Nalini Singh
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“Poor innocent baby, about to get fleeced. "Tut-tut, gorgeous. You know when you play poker with a man behind closed doors, there is only one acceptable currency.”
Nalini Singh
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“So decisive", he murmured in that calm tone that had adrenaline flooding her body, the primitive part of her brain conscious she was in the presence of a predator. "Got your eye on someone?" She didn‘t know what made her say it. "No. But I have no plans to die a virgin.”
Nalini Singh
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“I‘ll be gentle." Solemn words that made him want to smile. "I know you‘re a virgin. Psy don‘t have sex do they?""No." Intimate touch was forbidden in the PsyNet. "But I think I have the concept figured out.”
Nalini Singh
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“Drew told me to never, ever talk to him about sex. As far as he‘s concerned, I‘ll be a virgin until I‘m a hundred, same as Brenna.”
Nalini Singh
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“You try to leave and I will hunt you down."Relief poured through her, but she smacked at his thigh with the back of her brush. "Like a rabid dog? Very romantic.”
Nalini Singh
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“You're so big." He would fill her up, take her over."Remember that," he groaned. "And tell everyone you know.”
Nalini Singh
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“You," she managed to say hoarsely," are a very bad kitty cat.”
Nalini Singh
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“It was you. Always. Only ever you.”
Nalini Singh
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“Oh, Clay darling, if you had told me you were feeling irritated because of your...problems, I wouldn't have made a fuss." She knew very well the changelings around her could hear every whispered word."Tally." It was a warning growl."I mean it must be embarrassing for you...being that you're such a big man." her tone implied all sorts of things. "Last night was an aberration, I'm sure. And if not, there are always the pills.”
Nalini Singh
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“I can smell arousal, Talin. You get hot every time you see me half-naked."The erotic need that flared through her body was mortifying. Perhaps that explained the stupidity of her next words. "Maybe I get that way for every half-naked man.”
Nalini Singh
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“Pa Larkspur?"She smiled. "Don't be so chauvinistic. He's the best cook in the county. His baskets bring in more money than any others at the picnic auctions.""Jesus. Baskets? Picnic? Just how country is the Nest?""Very." His horrified expression made her laugh. "Clay, you live in a tree. I don't think you should throw stones.”
Nalini Singh
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“Zach. You can only call me Mr. Quinn when you're angry.”
Nalini Singh
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“Morgan said that his mother said that Miss Kildaire is sitting on a shelf."Zach had to think about that one for a few seconds. "He said she's on the shelf?""Uh-huh." An emphatic nod. "I don't know why Miss Kildaire would sit on a shelf, but that's what Morgan said.""I'm guessing there's more.""And then Morgan said that his mother said that Miss Kildaire was too fat to get a man."What a load of horseshit, Zach thought. Morgan's mother was probably some shriveled-up jealous twit. "I see.""And then Morgan said she was a cripple."Zach had a sudden urge to punch out the little rat himself.”
Nalini Singh
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“I made lasagna for dinner," Tamsyn called out. "That work for you?"He continued to look at her, as if he'd drink her up with his eyes. "Anything is fine.""Maybe I shouldn't waste my lasagna on you, then." Tamsyn grabbed a container from the cooling unit. "How about some cardboard instead?"Brenna found herself amused in spite of the blood that continued to scent the air and the taut expectation that stretched between her and Judd. Lips twitching, she waited for his response."Cardboard has no nutritional value." Utterly toneless. "Lasagna would be a better choice.”
Nalini Singh
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“I think,” Sophia said as Max mock-scowled, “I’m going to like having a younger brother.” Reaching out, she slipped her arm into the crook of River’s elbow. “So, tell me all of Max’s secrets.”
Nalini Singh
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“Max cuffed his brother good-naturedly on the ear as River slid in past him and bent to kiss Sophia on the cheek. “Hello, are you sure you’re with the right brother?”Sophia had never had a younger sibling. But this man with his laughing eyes and bright smile... “Are you making me an offer?”
Nalini Singh
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“So wifely.”
Nalini Singh
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“Well, Kaleb’s voice whispered in Nikita’s mind, it seems this will make strange bedfellows out of us all.”
Nalini Singh
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“The impact hit her like a physical blow. He was..."Beautiful." Eyes of such pure undiluted blue it was as if some heavenly artist had crushed sapphires into his paints and then colored in the irises with the finest of brushes.”
Nalini Singh
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“A single raised eyebrow. "You've defected, sweetheart. No use worrying about the big, bad wolf now."She was aware of Judd speaking, but her attention never shifted off the man who was a predator, for all that he wore human skin. When he peeled open and held out a bar of some kind, she took it, aware low energy levels could be dangerous when it came to her ability to keep a handle on the cold fire."Thank you."A faint smile, a strange amusement in those icy eyes. "You're welcome."It was the most polite interaction they'd ever had.”
Nalini Singh
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“Do you think you have the right to give me orders now?"The Archangel of New York, a creature so lethal that part of her feared him even now, lifted the hair off her nape, brushed his lips across her skin. "Of course. You are mine." No hint of humor, nothing but stark possession."I don't think you've quite got the hang of this true love thing.”
Nalini Singh
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“Taking a sip of the hot chocolate he'd made her, she met his gaze, those eerie eyes of endless black impenetrable, unreadable. "Max?" "Yes?""Will you remember me?"His heart broke into a thousand pieces. "Always.”
Nalini Singh
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“There's not much left inside me, Max" Sometimes, all she heard were echoes.”
Nalini Singh
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“When she was like this, the wildness of her barely contained, it was hard to believe she'd come into his pack Silent, her emotions blockaded behind so much ice, it had infuriated his wolf.”
Nalini Singh
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“He'd been so angry at her -always pushing his buttons, that girl. But then he'd taken her into his arms, and all that anger had blazed into a darker, hotly possessive need that had urged him to bend his head, bite down on the throbbing pulse in her neck, leave a mark.”
Nalini Singh
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“Lucas nodded the instant before Hawke caught the first hint of an exquisitely familiar scent on the breeze. Autumn leaves and spice and strength. His wolf stretched out at the intoxication of it. Maybe she wasn’t his mate, but the animal wasn’t bothered. It still wanted the man to take her, to claim her. To bite her.Jesus.”
Nalini Singh
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“He hugged her again, before she could put some distance between them. Then the most sneaky wolf in the den lowered his voice and whispered, “But you’ve got an advantage, sweetheart. You’re already in his head. And you know how to mess with it.”
Nalini Singh
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“The need that ravaged him was hotly specific, targeted to only one woman.”
Nalini Singh
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“You wanted to play, baby." Soft words that had her freezing in place. "So we'll play.”
Nalini Singh
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“His hand closed around her throat. Not a threat. Just the most possessive way a predatory changeling male had of touching a woman outside of sex. “Don’t say his name.” He brushed his thumb across her pulse.”
Nalini Singh
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“I almost let the best thing that ever happened to me slip away because I was hung up on ideas of what I ‘should’ want. Sometimes there is no ‘should,’ there’s only a single chance to grab on to happiness.”
Nalini Singh
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“Butterflies in her stomach. Because she understood his words from last night now, knew that he’d been on his very, very best behavior. Tonight . . . tonight she’d be tangling with the dominant, wild heart of him.”
Nalini Singh
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“Ah baby, you know I do what I want.” Rubbing his chin on her hair, he squeezed her hip. “Man and wolf, we both adore you. No way am I letting you go after the hell you’ve put me through over the years.”
Nalini Singh
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“Once, he'd used it in song, but the songs in his heart had gone silent long ago, and he knew that one day so would his voice. A man with nothing inside him eventually had nothing to say.”
Nalini Singh
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“Pups think rules are suggestions.”
Nalini Singh
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“In that case, balls to the wall, man.” Riaz yawned. “No guts, no glory.”“Why are you spouting aphorisms at me?”“Because it’s two-fucking-thirty in the morning and I need to be up for a six a.m. shift.”“Wimp.”Riaz gave him the finger. “Get some sleep and chase your wolf tomorrow.” Another yawn. “And Coop? Forget about subtle. That’s not your style.”
Nalini Singh
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“Go on,” he said in a low tone that was a dare. “Keep on poking the hungry wolf, see how naked it gets you.”
Nalini Singh
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“I’d kiss you over and over because I love the taste of you, but I’d have to play with those pretty, pretty breasts. I’d suck and lick and maybe even bite a little. You don’t mind teeth, do you, Grace?”
Nalini Singh
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“Don’t run from me, sweetheart, he thought as he took the final steps to her. I only bite a little.”
Nalini Singh
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“But sometimes, that depth of need—to save, to protect—can become a blinding fervor, one that destroys the very thing it thinks to safeguard.”
Nalini Singh
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“Nothing is stronger than the will of the human heart”
Nalini Singh
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“Life might hurt, might bruise, might forever scar, but it was for living.”
Nalini Singh
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“Human women have been slapping men for being bastards for centuries. You were doing what comes naturally.”
Nalini Singh
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“I hear women are posting their phone numbers on the site for you.” Accompanied by sexy videos and photos.Judd’s eyes gleamed. “Not after Brenna hacked the site and plastered a message on their homepage pointing out that I’m very happily mated to a wolf with sharp teeth, razored claws, and a wild case of insane jealousy.” A small smile that was nonetheless, quietly satisfied. “She also uploaded several gruesome photos of feral wolf kills.”
Nalini Singh
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“Less talk, more action, pussycat”
Nalini Singh
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“And he realized... that fragile, mortal life wasn't just important to him. It was more important than his own.”
Nalini Singh
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“I've never heard of a man's cock being described as a fang before. - Rapahel”
Nalini Singh
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