Nora Roberts is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of more than 200 novels, including Hideaway, Under Currents, Come Sundown, The Awakening, Legacy, and coming in November 2021 -- The Becoming -- the second book in The Dragon Heart Legacy. She is also the author of the futuristic suspense In Death series written under the pen name J.D. Robb. There are more than 500 million copies of her books in print.
“Anything worth anything can be found in books.”
“She's in love, and that makes her strong. She'll need to be." "What makes you strong, Mia?" "Purpose. Love never worked for me.”
“Who I am now is who I was before. The three years between, they were the aberration. You wouldn't recognize the person I became during that lost time. I barely do.”
“Sometimes people say I think too much. Maybe it's true. If it is, it's because I feel too much.”
“We all look. The lucky find. The wise accept.”
“Thievery is a time-honored profession, my girl. Not to be confused with these hooligans who mug people on the street, or bloodthirsty klutzes who burst into banks, guns blazing. We’re discriminating. We’re romantic.” His voice rose in passion. “We’re artists”
“Advice never hurts, taking it often does”
“Still, he moved slowly, taking his time as much to prolong this moment as to gauge her reaction. He laid his hands on her hips as the rain beat and splashed, sliding them up her body, smooth and sexy as he lowered his head, paused - one long breath - then fit his mouth to hers. This, he thought as the took her face in his hands. Just this, so worth the wait. Soft, sweet, a yielding tremor, and her arms came up to wrap around his waist, to draw him into her.”
“You're seriously talking about a ghost. This building - or parts of it - has been here for two and a half centuries. It would strike me odder if there wasn't a ghost. Not everything, everyone, leaves.”
“He stayed nearly an hour. Clare would have kissed him again just for the fact he'd given her kids such a great time. He'd never seemed bored or annoyed with a conversation dominated by superheroes, their powers, their partners, their foes.”
“All three are terrific carpenters and cabinetmakers.”
“Ryder - the oldest, Avery continued. He's standing as job boss on this project. Owen's the detail guy, runs the numbers, makes the calls, takes the meetings. Or most of them. Beckett's an architect.”
“Romantic couples. Each room has its own flavor, its own feel.”
“Beckett, don't make me ask you to come upstairs and check in the closets. She laid her hands on his cheeks. Just come upstairs.”
“He can't face you on an adult level, so he comes along and fucks up your truck. Classic payback method for the tiny-dick type.”
“Harry, I promised you something. I said I'd clear it with you before I asked your mom to marry me. I need you to tell me it's okay if I do.”
“i get what i want cause i can be a stubborn bitch when i need to”
“We're going to be rich.Huh?Forgot. You're already rich. I'm going to be rich, and you'll be richerokayI'm serious. We've just discover a non-fail motivation for exercise. Hot jungle sex. We'll be Bill Gates rich. We'll write a book. There'll be DVDs and infomercials.America, then the world, will become buff and sexually satisfied. And they'll have us to thank.”
“Pressed from all corners, you often things, If I could just have eight hours of quiet. You will have that someday, but you won't have those little guys you have no and you'll miss them.”
“You didn’t hurt me, the situation did. And now that I know why I felt that way, it won’t hurt.”
“Sometimes we hate her,” Laurel said, then smiled at Parker. “But it’s a hare based on love.”
“You're excuses are so lame they're limping...”
“I don’t think you ever learn everything about anyone, no matter how long you know them, or how well. There’s always another pocket somewhere.”
“It's not an exaggeration to say that they saved my life. Ray Quinn, then Cam and Ethan and Phil. They turned their world around for me, and because of it, turned mine around with it. Anna and Grace and Sybill, Aubrey too. They made a home for me, and nothing that happened before matters nearly as much as everything that came after.”
“Time with a friend was as refreshing as a nap.”
“She needs me. She needs someone who understands and appreciates who she is, and who she’s decided to be. And I need her, because who she is, and who she’s decided to be are—big surprise to me—what I’ve been waiting for all my life.”
“He matters to me, too.""I know he does.""He didn't." Phillip pulled out his hammer to nail the laps. "Not as much as he did to you. Not enough. It's different now.""I know that, too." For the next few minutes they worked in tandem, without words. "You stood up for him anyway," Cam added when the plank was in place. "Even when he didn't matter enough.""I did it for Dad.""We all did it for Dad. Now we're doing it for Seth.”
“You belong with us," he said quietly. "Nothing's going to change that.”
“Phillip look into Ray's eyes. He saw compassion and hope. And he saw himself mirrored back, bleeding in a dirty gutter on a street where life was worth less than a dime bag.Sick, tired, petrified, Phillip dropped his head into his hands."What's the point?""You're the point, son." Ray ran his hand over Phillip's hair. "You're the point.”
“The outward appearance would never indicate they were brothers. (...) But she could see that at the moment they were as united as triplets in the womb.”
“Please let me go.""Anna." He lowered his brow to hers. "Don't ask me to do that, because I don't think I can live without you. Take a chance, roll the dice. Come with me.”
“I can't say I cared much for you when I first came back. There's that crappy attitude of yours, and you're ugly, but you kind of grow on a guy."Immensely cheered, Seth snickered. "You're uglier.""I'm bigger, I'm entitled. So I guess I'll hang around to see if you get any prettier as time goes on.""I didn't really want you to go," Seth said under his breath after a long moment. It was the closest he could get to speaking his heart."I know.”
“Cut it out!" Phillip exploded. "Cut it out right now or I swear I'm going to pull over and knock your heads together. Oh, my God." He took one hand off the wheel to drag it down his face. "I sound like Mom. Forget it. Just forget it. Kill each other. I'll dump the bodies in the mall parking lot and drive to Mexico. I'll learn how to weave mats and sell them on the beach at Cozumel. I'll be quiet, it'll be peaceful. I'll change my name to Raoul, and no one will know I was ever related to a bunch of fools."Seth scratched his belly and turned to Cam. "Does he always talk like that?""Yeah, mostly. Sometimes he's going to be Pierre and live in a garret in Paris, but it's the same thing.""Weird," was Seth's only comment. (...) Getting new shows was turning into a new adventure.”
“You said you survived, Anna, but you didn't. You triumphed. Everything about you is a testament to courage and strength."When she stared at him, obviously stunned, he smiled a little. "You didn't get either from a social worker or a counselor. They just helped you figure out how to use it. I figure you got it from your mother. She must have been a hell of a woman.""She was," Anna murmured, near tears again."So are you.”
“You did that on purpose.""Did what on purpose?""Wore the don't-touch suit and the sex goddess perfume at the same time just to drive me crazy.""Listen to the suit, Quinn. Dream about the perfume.”
“You mess with one Quinn, you mess with them all.”
“The kid's driving me bat-shit," Cam complained as he stalked into the kitchen. "You can't say boo to him without him squaring up for a fight.""Mm-hmm.""Argumentative, smart-mouthed, troublemaker.""Must be like looking in a mirror.""Like hell.""Don't know what I was thinking of. You're such a peaceable soul.”
“She stared at him. "You'd be willing to change your life so dramatically?""Ray and Stella Quinn changed my life.”
“He'd done as he'd pleased and even had often enjoyed long runs of luck where he hadn't been caught. But the luckiest moment of his life had been being caught.”
“It was amazing, really, just how much pain the human heart could hold.”
“Life's tough," Mia said with a shrug. "You play the cards you're dealt or you fold.”
“Laying a hand on his heart, she timed its beats to her own. And knew the truest magic was there.”
“It feels like Scotland." "Have you ever been?" "Mmmm. Twice. Have you?" "No." "You should. It's your roots. You'll be surprised how much they tug at you when you breathe the air in the Highlands or look out at a lowland loch.”
“She sighed once, wishing she had a talent for the details of telling stories. She wasn't bad at themes, she mused, but she could never figure out how to turn a theme into an engaging tale.”
“A star dawns in the night. Life through life, blood through blood to shine its light. Through love he was given the gift of birth, and from breath to death will walk the earth. The other gift comes through blood and bone, and is for him to take and own. Charm of the moon, power of the sun. Never forgetting an it harm done.”
“It’s never simple.” Avery slid an arm around Hope’s waist. “It shouldn’t be. Because being with someone should matter enough to be at least a little bit complicated.”
“Shane: Aren't you going to ask me where I've been, who I've been with?Rebecca: Are you trying to hurt me?Shane: Maybe I am. Maybe I'm trying to see if I can.Rebecca:You can.”
“And the marriage thing? You'll give it a shot?"She grinned into the sunlight. It might not have been the world's most romantic proposal, but it suited her. It suited her just fine.”
“It's Salvation. When Jen told me I had a vision. A vision Rena. I think I saw the blessed mother smiling and she was hold ing a loofa.[In regards to moving out of dorms and having three bathrooms between 4 roomates]”
“You're pretty sassy this morning, son. Is it all about Reingold's rulings?""That didn't suck, but I've got me a fascinating, beautiful woman I'm falling for. Falling hard.""Quick work.""In the blood. My mama and daddy barely did more than look at each other, and that was that. She's got me, Russ. Right here." He tapped a fist on his heart."Surely it's not considerably lower where she's got you?""There, too. But, Jesus, Russ, she does it for me. I just think about her, and... I swear I could look at her for hours. Days."Brooks let out a half-laugh, edged with a little surprise. "I'm done. I'm gone.”