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“I die a little more, still in silence, paralysed by you, in fear, in pain.”
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“Who are you?Your angel. Vengeance.”
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“She lowers her forehead to the floor, curling starlight tendrils under her face when she rocks in the yoga pose, so tempting and sexy even in her deepest despair. Her courage is failing and I wait it out, watching the prone woman bend subconsciously in prostrate worship. She knows who I am or she wouldn't do that.”
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“m possessed, gripping her head and looking at the deep crimson bruise on her neck, fading to black at the edges. Her wrists are banded with yellow-green bruises, and when I turn her I spot the finger marks left on her thigh.“Did he do this to you?”
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“In a perfect patch of paradise he stays immobile for an eternity while the predawn breath strokes his skin and kisses each vertebrae down his spine.”
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“Terror starts picking at the seams of my mind, throwing hateful words like rapture and holocaust at me.”
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“Eyes sparkling with blue open and stare a scalded soul at me.”
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“He's going to bite me!Instantly the last light in the room fades out as if announcing the reign of darkness.”
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“The answer to my thoughts is the loud ripping of my shirt when he tears it straight down my back, yanking it forward around my shoulders and imprisoning my arms in the sleeves.“I've got you now,” he says, breaking the kiss and sounding like a god about to unleash wrath.”
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“He follows me down, catching his weight on either side of my head so he can leer his face into mine, coiling muscles and immobility at me, “I want you to lay into me. Fight me.”
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“Hold tight, and I promise to do the same. We don't need a safety net Zena. We have each other.”
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“Just once, he looks back at Arsay, and I feel like an entire encyclopedia of information and words is exchanged between them. I wish I could speak telepathy too.”
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“Snatching my hand in the death grip of his fingers, he pulls me off the wall to line his chest, closing his body around me in a muscular cage which smells of leather and soap.”
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“This time you aren't escaping. It's time for a heart transplant.”
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“Pulped in his crushing strength, his hug is enough to smear me over his body like war paint.”
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“With a laugh exposing a kissable mouth and perfect teeth, he glances my way again, his entire demeanor tensing for a second, those dark eyes finally promising more.They haven't just licked me, they've broken my legs, turned my hips inside out, and sucked my nipples so hard I swear to god they are no longer on my body.”
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“What's it like feeling the smooth heat of that arm, tracing the supernatural muscles bunched in his arms and chest, teasing anyone with a pulse and hormones to lick their way down the divots and planes of that skin, to unbutton the leather shielding his body and taste all the way down to that silver buckle on his belt.”
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“A man who is obviously too handsome for his own good smiles at me. His eyes are mischievous, as if he's harboring wicked thoughts and is tempted to subject me to them.I hold his dark gaze for a moment too long, and then pin my focus back on the”
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“His touch is incredible, it holds my insides, my heart, my mind, shimmering hot heat into cold places, thawing my spirit... and it rejoices. I'm immediately obsessed, consumed with need to stay in this balmy light, soaking in his touch, relishing the euphoria it brings to my discarded spirituality.”
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“He's as tall as the door, and I'm standing here without remembering the walk across the shadowed parking lot. When he turns to face me the world grinds into slow motion. Even my heartbeat draws out interminably.”
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“So many people talk about the Golden Gate bridge, but I would bet they haven't seen the new Sava River Bridge. It has long metal ropes suspending it, like a gigantic angel's harp waiting for god's fingers to reach down and pluck the first chords, to send a vibration of relief and love into the heart of Belgrade.”
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“Kissing her again, softly, I leave my t-shirt next to her pillow.It's the silent promise that I'll come back again tonight.”
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“Lifting, smiling back at her giggle, her relief, I tease, “If you want to bleed sweetheart, I can make you bleed. I promise if I do it will be way more fun.”
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“Kicking the door shut with the heel of my boot, I wedge her against it, raining kisses on her skin, wishing I could climb inside her and kiss away the welts left on her heart and mind.”
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“We've been here before. She knows I won't stop until she screams. Her pride won't let her scream until she's on the cusp of death.”
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“Every footfall of my boots echoes and ricochets louder and louder, the excruciating stroll I take induces her heartbeat into pecking so hard and erratic, my dick starts hurting with an anticipatory throb.”
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“Desire filters toxins through my system at the sight and I lower again, shoving her against the padded wall to snake my tongue over the elixir of pain.”
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“Now now Ellindt, you know I love it when you beg.” Chuckling silently, every jolt from my hold causes her hands pulsating pain, and I bend to speak intimately into her ear again, “But I love it more when you scream.”
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“I manage to hold the poker face when she submits to dominance, to the summons, and swans into my arms, pressing her quivering form against mine when she embraces me.”
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“I'm in a bastard mood, so wait for her to come to me without moving. Here kitty kitty, come to the lion's den.”
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“The closer she hip sways to me, the taller and tenser I stand, until I'm so rigid my muscles ache.”
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“Like opium, nerve annihilation stretches up my veins to pump incinerating anguish through my body.”
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“Yanking at my leg, straining every muscle, my customized Gray Ghost rebuilt as a chopper sparks and squeals. My boot catches and I'm flipped. Sliding down E-70 Highway on leather, my gloves scrubbed by the tarmac.”
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“The telltale clenching of hands into fists is all the invitation I need as I close the gap to hound his personal space. Suck on my aura you spineless shit!”
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“I'm there to block your next move. This is a game”
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“What the hell do you want from me?” “Spontaneous combustion.”
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“His sniff rips a new piece off my heart.”
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“And you had to do that in a thunderstorm pissing down like a camel?”
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“she never even wore stockings; just those bullet proof tights that you see on old maids.”
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“If you fuck like your eyes do, your wife must be one delighted lady.”
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“There's a time and a place for everything.”...Yes. This is my time and you are in my place.”
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“Eve is married to my credit card, not me”
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“His voice... my nipples are like tuning forks responding to that pitch – that purrrrr.”
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“Nothing works. My throat, my eyelids - nothing but my heart, which - oh god – am I having a panic attack? No, no, you don't almost orgasm with a panic attack.”
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“The sad thing is that sometimes I just wanna roll over and give her a little cuddle, but the bolster pillow she insists on sleeping with down the middle of the bed between us means I’d need to be a mountaineer as well as a locksmith.”
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“She wears those old fashioned pj's like body armour. Going to bed these days is like wresting with Kevlar.”
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“he just clamps his lips over mine and sticks his tongue so far into my mouth I feel like I'm being examined by the ENT gynae”
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“I don't know what's in the water but chivalrous men seem to be landing here along with the weird lights in the sky and nine coloured rainbows. They said the end of the world was close, I just didn't expect men with manners to be part of the equation”
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“The soy is seeping through the material like a BP oil slick in a Louisiana swamp.”
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“We must have been very very bad in our last lives, cos karma's busy making macramé with us.”
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