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“He's lighting up my life and I don't even know his name. He's already perfect.”
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“I'll email you,” he says as if he's asking me into the cellar to taste his vintage champagne.”
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“They're so retarded they think stereotype means typing with both hands.”
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“Guys like you would try to shag the button hole in a fur coat.”
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“Lifting the bedcovers I see out of my one operational eye that my trousers are still wrapped around one leg and I now have a tie on. Now that was a neat trick – how’d I manage to get my shirt off without talking off the tie first?”
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“Mandy (lentil eating, lesbian, long socks) in PR”
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“I quite enjoy the banter actually. I mean, you don't meet many females who can come back at you as fast as you can throw it out at them. I prefer a more graphic dialogue as a forerunner to sex though: if they have the guts to spell it out for me in glorious Technicolor that always gets my interest.”
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“Levelling my stare at him I drop a hint like a penny into a well, “You mentioned you were tied up. Win, you should have reserved that privilege for me.”
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“Not that I did, bang her that is. I’m not saying I wouldn’t, how could I ever be sure about something like that?”
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“He should always wear jeans because they make him look hotter than a nebula. Black suits him too. It hugs to his muscular vales and swells, turning temptation into sexy man therapy.”
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“Now more than ever I wish I had a cup of oblivion. But there is no mercy for the people who have left the darkness for the light. The darkness lingers until you stand naked in the light and let it fill you up, in every corner of your soul.”
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“He gives me the stare that only men can do. The mouth tightening exasperation stare.”
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“The activity has pumped out his chest and hardened his abs, and I can't believe I'm even noticing or appreciating it. His smile is naughty, the muscles in his shoulders thick and ripped, undulating with his movement when he adjusts his position for me to get an eyeful.”
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“Pushing himself off the bed in a violent thrust, his lats widen like wings down his sides, where his waistcoat is open halfway to his waist to accommodate muscular builds, he indicates the gilded cage with outstretched arms. Showing off his supreme musculature, he says, “We have forever Phoebe.”
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“His eyes are piercing and intense, the stare they give me brimming with threat and interest, folding thick arms over a broad chest, rippling the muscles in his forearms and etching the tattoos down his arms into stark highlight.”
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“Running my fingers into his thick hair, I wallow in the strength and heat surrounding me before he pulls away, giving me such a happy smile it makes my heart rattle inside my chest. There's nothing better in this whole world than to be held in someone's loving stare. A stare they reserve for you.”
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“God bless you butterfly, because now I'm claiming you like no mate has ever been claimed in the history of our kind”
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“Phoebe, don't play coy. If you were willing to give a peeping Tom a show, and you thought you were doing it for my benefit, then let's cut the pretend out of this and shoot straight for cold hard honesty”
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“Biting a plump bottom lip, I stare into endless irises open and poised over my own. Sliding my hand up her thigh, under her gown, I pull her closer with the hand cupping her hipbone, releasing the growl of a king caught in delight.”
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“Naïve, and very very dangerous. If she only knew what treacherous waters she has just stepped into.”
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“I'm not a man easily moved to displays of emotion, but tonight I am weak, I am vulnerable. It must be from being inside her, so close to her, breathing in her pain, and love, and light, and blossoming vulnerable beauty”
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“It's a heady aphrodisiac being exposed to his unique voice when he adopts that tone. His voice reverbs on a bunch of notes simultaneously. It's the first thing you notice about Ryan, his voice sounds like an orchestra playing a symphony composed by angels. It's most distracting until you grow immune to it, and now I'm back to completely infected with the Ryan voice virus.”
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“He sits next to me, the veins on his neck and arms seeming more prominent than they did earlier. His mouth compresses, igniting his eyes with esoteric light, pulling me into the magnetic undertow.”
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“Facing him as I lower the glass from my lips, he's giving me one of those intense moonlit stares.”
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“You can only push me so far little slakax, and then I will do what has to be done, with or without your permission.”
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“He turns back to me, a strong hand swooping down and sculpting hair off my face, familiar looking arms curling back around me and cradling me into a chest harder and hotter than a mountain left baking in the Australian outback.”
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“How awful is it to be sane enough to be fully aware of the day you realize you are completely losing your grasp on reality. I'm crazy. Not just a little bit, but rubber room ready out of my mind fucked up.”
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“He gives me one of those twinkling stares. His eyes coalesce and fragment color, glinting specks of midnight purple and an electric blue, when the light catches them just right. Straight on they look like indelible pitch, well deep with secrets and primordial darkness.”
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“Rubbing absently at my temple, I do declare this woman leaves me flabbergasted and tongue tied.”
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“she shakes her head, fisting hands into my t-shirt and sobbing into my neck. And all I can think about is how good this feels”
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“Eyes darker than a midnight lake penetrate my thoughts with their intensity, and a big hand warmly covers mine”
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“I loathe being crimped into this deplorable position on the vampyre chessboard.”
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“I'm a tundra with wind endlessly blowing a hollow tunnel through me.”
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“I've known you forever, and you are only just remembering me.”
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“He puts his arm around me, the lights dancing on his dark skin constantly skipping across to mine, planting a myriad of emotions into each pore as if preparing my heart for tilling.”
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“Inhaling, I am ignited with the first breath of freedom”
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“Look into my eyes and deny me.”
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“A shade slinks over me and I'm caught off guard when he leans down, placing a blossom in my cleavage, his face shadowed and secretive.”
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“Kin is a shortened term for kinetic. Kinetic means to move. All that moves is your kin”
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“He's a contradiction and that's why he's so perfect.”
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“In truth the issue is that we are so powerful what we believe becomes our reality.”
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“Stapled to her gaze, sucked into the potency of her focus, only the trace of her blood in my mouth reassures me this is not a vision but a hallucinogenic pause from responsibility.”
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“Every man needs a shadow to reveal his light, to always be that close, ever present, bonded forever in astral allegiance.”
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“Lady, you have just become a wanted woman. I suggest you start running.”
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“I do so love the art of severing boundaries”
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“Why the hell do women always have to bring back up? It's not as if I'm going to molest her at the opera.”
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“Fear only has power when I cower under the illusion.”
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“Lady, when I met you I must have run through a puddle of luck”
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“It destroys and resurrects in equal measure. It's paradigm shifting. The man I was before Nada has perished and left a changeling who is lost in the delicate art of awe and humble appreciation.”
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“The sun sets, the strange clouds glowing eerily like a full moon laced with arsenic and occult warnings. Eternity stretches out her mocking red carpet, hinting at the long lonely walk of regret I have ahead of me.”
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