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“in my darkest hour she answered my call without resentment or guilt, without hesitation”
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“The problem with all of you is you think in isolation instead of realizing we are one community, when one of us falls, we all fall.”
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“You failed her when you turned your back on what you are.”
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“For why war? Nada ne hurt, sister ne hurt, for why you make vesna sore? For why!”
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“His touch cable knits my veins, remaking and remolding who I am.”
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“Aye,” he smiles, joy igniting in his stormy gray eyes, stroking my hand possessively as if unwilling to let me go for fear I am nothing more than a hallucination about to wear off.”
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“Do not feed fear. Starve it.”
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“Oh baby, your planet sounds like paradise but it just doesn't fly down here in the trenches.”
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“To sore make bad energy, make innocent cry, Aisyx no spread pain plague.”
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“Until she walked into my life I was simply a violin of rusted notes. In one night she rearranged the mess inside me, exposing the symphony was there all along it just needed a conductor to make my pulse compose to the harmonies of her celestial touch. Those notes are strung up neatly now, the five lines of the stave crammed with adulation, filling sheets, unleashing a sonata of adoration, drumming my heart and strumming my veins.”
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“You are my flower and I am your stem holding you to the light.”
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“Holding my hands, kissing the palms, his smile is ecstatic, jubilant, adoring, and the song playing speaks for him, “Have you ever seen the light...the way it shines in you.”
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“Who knows what real really is...”
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“Your lack of questioning and curiosity has been the bane of my existence.”
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“I'm the riddle you have yet to solve”
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“The flock mirror the madness of their liege.”
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“She looks at me with wide eyes, delight and joy evident, sitting forward, “They are dreaming? You watch dreams? Movie is dream?”
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“Free your mind, Jowendrhan. A cage is only a cage as long as you believe it is.”
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“she's so caught up she's unaware she's no longer the prisoner here, I am”
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“Alone in the dark all we have are the supernal lights in each others eyes left to illuminate the room, the only sound our breathing.”
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“It shatters the game, exposing the players”
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“Dropping my head I stare at the carpet, counting to four, waiting.It takes nine long seconds for her to find the courage to crawl around the couch, halting on all fours to stare at my feet, never once looking higher than my knees.”
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“An innocent smile skates closer with her movement, walking fingers up my stomach to halt over my heart, “Mate, you.” She nods, as if declaring this is easy and absolute.”
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“Arsay should have been a vampyre. He loves the entire Gothic error, the décor hasn't changed since gargoyles sprung up all over Paris.”
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“When the archeologists find this place they'll destroy history. Mankind will attempt to bury this information but we will ensure there is a leak. Intel this valuable makes insignificant fame starved humans grand masters of legend.Secrets are best retold to hungry ears.”
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“You fed my heart soup.”
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“Complacency leads to redundancy”
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