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R.L. Mathewson

New York Times Bestselling author, R.L. Mathewson was born in Massachusetts. She’s known for her humor, quick wit and ability to write relatable characters. She currently has several paranormal and contemporary romance series published including the Neighbor from Hell series.

Growing up, R.L. Mathewson was a painfully shy bookworm. After high school she attended college, worked as a bellhop, fast food cook, and a museum worker until she decided to take an EMT course. Working as an EMT helped her get over her shyness as well as left her with some fond memories and some rather disturbing ones that from time to time show up in one of her books.

Today, R.L. Mathewson is the single mother of two children that keep her on her toes. She has a bit of a romance novel addiction as well as a major hot chocolate addiction and on a perfect day, she combines the two.

In 2019/2020, R.L. Mathewson will be publishing Devastated, the first Anger Management novel, Tall, Dark & Furious, the 6th installment to the Pyte/Sentinel series, Irresistible, the long anticipated novel for the Neighbor from Hell Series as well as many more books throughout the year, paranormals, contemporaries, and YAs.

“He looked at the beautiful woman frowning up at him and his cock did nothing. His eyes shot back to Zoe and damn if his cock didn't twitch happily. Trevor swallowed hard as realization hit.There was something wrong with his dick.”
R.L. Mathewson
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“He pressed another kiss to her lips as he took her hand into his. "I'm sorry for being a jerk last night and almost making the biggest mistake of my life. I was afraid of hurting you. I know what I am and I also know you deserve a guy that can spoil you rotten and take you to all the nice places that you deserve. I-""Jason, I don't care about those things," she said softly.He shook his head stubbornly. "It doesn't mean that you don't deserve them, but if you give me a chance to make up for my past stupidity, and I'm not just talking about with you, I promise that I will do my best to make you happy.""Jason-""I want to try this. You and me, I mean. I know I'll most likely fuck up along the way and you'll want to ring my neck, but I want to try. I'll do my best not to hurt you.”
R.L. Mathewson
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“This wasn't going to last anyway. He'd have ended things in another fifty or sixty years with her. He'd never want anything permanent with her so this really didn't bother him. This was fine. This was more than fine, he thought as he drove his first through the wall.”
R.L. Mathewson
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“Jason felt all the blood drain out of his face. He stood there as the reality of Mitch’s words hit him hard. One day it would be another man Haley would talk to, watch games with, or just sit in absolute peaceful silence while they worked or ate, and worst of all it would be another man holding Haley in his arms at night. 'Fuck…,' he gasped. 'Oh great, you broke him! Are you happy now?' Brad demanded. 'Come on, buddy, we’ll get you fixed up with a cold beer and a plate of hot wings. How does that sound? Does that sound good?' Numbly, Jason nodded.”
R.L. Mathewson
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“The few times he made the mistake of relaxing in a woman’s bed after a quick lay proved to be serious mistakes. They wanted to coddle and always asked the questions that made him cringe, 'What are you thinking?', 'Do you love me?', 'Where do you see this going?', 'Are you as happy as I am?’, 'Why do you keep calling me by my sister's name?', or his personal favorite 'I wonder what our babies will look like.' No, sex was best kept at a woman’s house, hotel room or better yet in the backseat of a car. Thank god his neighbor seemed to share the same attitude. He hated the idea of waking up to the sounds of another man grunting and moaning. With his luck the sounds would filter into his dream and he would end up having a gay dream.”
R.L. Mathewson
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“Apparently she was beyond words so she pushed the card into his hands. He looked down. Blinked. Blinked again before stumbling back into a chair. Did he just wet himself? Ah, who cared? He was holding four tickets to the Yankees vs. Red Sox at Yankee Stadium for this Friday and they were without a doubt the best seats in the stadium.His eyes shifted from Haley to the tickets and back again before he made a split second decision and made a run for it. He didn’t make it five feet before his little grasshopper tackled him to the ground and ripped the card from his hands.He spit grass out of his mouth. “Fine. You can come with me I guess,” he said, earning a knee to the ribs.”
R.L. Mathewson
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“I don't want to get involved in this," Jason said, cutting him off. He moved to step past the man only to pause. "Just....just make sure she takes her medication and you should be safe, I mean fine." Jason quickly walked away before he burst into laughter at his friend's horrified expression. ”
R.L. Mathewson
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“When she felt the hot creamy chocolate go down her throat and into her stomach some of the tension in her body disappeared. Three long sips later and she felt close to being able to face the day. Bythe time half the cocoa was gone she was in her special place, the place where everything was fine and she could face anything including Connor and a visit from her dad. By the time she finished the rest of the cocoa she'd be able to keep this calm going for the rest of the day, but of course she needed a second cup.”
R.L. Mathewson
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“I don't need encouraging. I do well enough on my own.”
R.L. Mathewson
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“You think you can uncuff me now?" "Sorry, man, I have orders not to do that. Madison said she would bring me a huge slice of cake if I left you cuffed." "You're leaving me like this for cake?" he asked dumbfounded that cake held that kind of power over a boy. He wondered if it was like bloodlust.”
R.L. Mathewson
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“Connor; "Push me and you might just find yourself locked in the trunk of a car and on a ferry headed off to Nova Scotia. . .Again" he said Softly loving the way she practically shook with rage against him."I knew that was you, you bastard" She snarled, looking torn between going for his nipples again or just out right killing him."You deserved it", he felt obligated to remind her.She scoffed. "I was twelve!""you super glued my shorts to my ass!"the smile that teased her lips transformed her face from beautiful to breathtakingly beautiful in a matter of seconds. . .She chuckled softly as she moved to put a little space between them. "I actually forgot about that".”
R.L. Mathewson
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“I'm not some whore you can buy with a pan of yummy baked goods, woman. How dare you insult me?”
R.L. Mathewson
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“...she was probably having a few murderous thoughts of her own about any woman that touched him. Good, they were making progress.”
R.L. Mathewson
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“Trevor, let's go upstairs and take a really hot bath with extra bubbles so that my skin gets all sudsy and slippery so you can run your incredibly gifted naughty hands over me while we see how many times you can make me come before the water gets cold”
R.L. Mathewson
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“With a shaky hand he reached out and took the phone away from her and nearly groaned when he realized that his little recluse was watching an instructional video on her phone.”
R.L. Mathewson
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“She was also sure that having experienced the act first hand would probably benefit her writing. If anything she should have sex for her job. Yes, she definitely owed it to her readers to go out and have sex.”
R.L. Mathewson
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“Tell me that you didn’t break the ban, Rory. Tell me that there aren’t two Bradfords beating the shit out of each other over the last slice of cheese in my kitchen.”
R.L. Mathewson
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“Oh my god are you talking about stalking me?""yes, but if it comes before a judge we'll just call it a little misunderstanding," he said with a shrug.”
R.L. Mathewson
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“I may have let you have your naughty little way with me for the past couple of months, but that doesn't mean I'm going to allow you to keep treating me like some dirty little boy toy. If you want to live with me then I expect you to put a ring on my finger.”
R.L. Mathewson
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“The sooner you get dressed the sooner you can start fawning over me like a proper date and remember just because I agreed to go out on this date with you doesn't mean I am easy. I expect you to do a little work to get my out of my pants.”
R.L. Mathewson
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“I want you, Rory,” he said against her lips. “Forever.” “I want you too, Connor,”…“You’ve got me”
R.L. Mathewson
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“If you fuck this up, I’m gonna have to kill you,” Rory swore, leaning in to kiss him. “I’m not gonna fuck this up,” he promised as he met her lips in a hungry kiss.“Good.”
R.L. Mathewson
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“Sorry,” he mumbled.“You should be!” Zoe snapped. “You scared the hell out of me and now I’m about to give birth to two Bradfords out in the middle of nowhere with no drugs! Do you have any idea how big a Bradford head is? Huh? Do you?”
R.L. Mathewson
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“All that mattered was that he could look forward to aggravating the piss out of Rory each and every night.”
R.L. Mathewson
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“Stop calling me that!' Haley hissed softly. 'For the hundredth time, i am not the Daniel-Son to your Mr. Miyagi.”
R.L. Mathewson
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“I tell you what, Rory. If you're ready in an hour, I'll buy you an extra-large cup of cocoa before we go out, one before we come home and as many as you want in between." As many as she wanted?Dear God, she was in heaven, she thought with a content little sigh before something occurred to her and when it did, her eyes narrowed dangerously on him."This isn't some sort of sick joke, is it?" she demanded, because really, this was hot cocoa and she didn't screw around when it came to her cocoa.”
R.L. Mathewson
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“But I'd take you because you're the best part of my day, Rory. Always have been and always will be.”
R.L. Mathewson
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“It figured that the one man that treated her like a woman was the one that made her wish she was a man so that she could kick his ass.”
R.L. Mathewson
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“Oh my God! Stop eating that!” “Your trail mix tastes funny,” Trevor said with a cringe. “That wasn’t trail mix, you bastard! That was potpourri!” “Well, that explains a lot,” he said, giving her a sheepish smile as he returned the large wooden bowl back to the side table. She didn’t need to look to know that he’d already eaten half the bowl of potpourri. She didn’t even bother asking him what the hell was wrong with him since she knew the answer. The man was a Bradford. Enough said.”
R.L. Mathewson
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“Why couldn't her damn reliable car have stalled on the way over here or better yet, run out of gas leaving her stranded at the mercy of the wildlife that would maul her and save her from this hell? Was it really too much to ask?”
R.L. Mathewson
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“His eyes narrowed on her and the bag. "Why?" he asked cautiously, afraid she was trying to steal his treats.Just what kind of sick game was she playing?”
R.L. Mathewson
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“...and just so you know, I'm not changing my shirts in front of you for a year for this."His shocked gasp was rewarding enough.”
R.L. Mathewson
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“I think,” she said, glaring at him with murderous intent, “that if you or that damn battering ram you have the nerve to call a dick ever comes near me again so help me I will – Aaaaaaggggghhhhh!” she broke off her beautiful words of love to scream.”
R.L. Mathewson
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“I didn’t think Joe was that desperate,” one of the men grumbled.“I’m not,” Joe said, walking past him. “I lost a bet.”
R.L. Mathewson
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“All I care about is that this doesn’t change anything, Eric. I don’t want to lose you.”He gently cupped her cheek, brushing her swollen lips with his thumb. “You’ll never lose me, Joe.”
R.L. Mathewson
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“She’s mine, dipshit,” he yelled over his shoulder, wishing like hell that he didn’t like the sound of that.”
R.L. Mathewson
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“You have me, Joe! You’ve always had me.”
R.L. Mathewson
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“If you ever touch her again I will fucking kill you,” he said in a cold lethal tone that sent chills down her back. “You so much as look at her and I will kill you.”
R.L. Mathewson
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“She’s mom’s favourite brat, my pain in the ass sister, and Eric’s bitch.”
R.L. Mathewson
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“If she wasn’t his best friend… There really was no point in finishing that thought. She was and it was his job as the man in her life to kick the living shit out of any asshole that hurt her.”
R.L. Mathewson
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“You know I can never stay away from you.” She reached up with both hands and pinched his cheeks, hard. “You’re just so darn cute,” she said, pursing up her lips. “I’m studly baby, get it right.”
R.L. Mathewson
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“Stupid, toe curling kissing bastard”
R.L. Mathewson
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“In his opinion if a man didn't have the balls to make a move he didn't deserve the woman he desired.”
R.L. Mathewson
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“I apologise for my friend's rudeness, he just learned how to to walk upright last year.”
R.L. Mathewson
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“I’m tired and bitchy and all I want is some sleep so cuddle your ass up with me or so help me I will kill you.”
R.L. Mathewson
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“I love you, Derek!”Jason tried to drag Haley back to her seat, but she fought him tooth and nail.“I love you, Derek!”“He knows, woman! He’s known since the first inning. Let the man focus,” hesaid.”
R.L. Mathewson
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“I’m hungry,” Jason grumbled as he stared at the empty plates on his smallcoffee table.Brad groaned, “You practically ate both plates of cookies. How in the hell areyou hungry?”Jason shrugged leaning back in his chair to watch the game. “I just am.Leave me the hell alone I’m a growing boy, damn it!”“Yeah, a growing thirty-one year old boy,” Brad mumbled.“I’m still growing damn it so shut the hell up and feed me!”“Order something and stop bitching!” Brad snapped.“You order something. I’m too weak to move.”
R.L. Mathewson
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“I just want you, Trevor,” she said, knowing nothing else mattered as long as she had him. “You have me, sweetheart,” he said, pulling away just far enough so that he could look into her eyes. “I promise you will always have me.”
R.L. Mathewson
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“He was so fucking in love with her that he felt sick and empty when she wasn’t around and so unbelievably happy when he saw her that he couldn’t believe his own stupidity”
R.L. Mathewson
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“We all fuck up when it comes to our women and you will too. The key is to make her love you more than you piss her off,” Jason added. “It’s a very delicate balance.”
R.L. Mathewson
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