Sakura Tsukuba (筑波 さくら TSUKUBA Sakura) is a Japanese manga-ka who currently works for Hakusensha, the publisher of LaLa and LaLa DX, both popular manga magazines for young girls.
She is best known for Land of the Blindfolded (Mekakushi no Kuni), her first published series, and Penguin Revolution, both of which has been licensed in English by CMX. She has also released numerous other one-shots, some of which have been included as bonus chapters in her published volumes.
“Today, i learned something. "Good luck and bad luck are strands of the same rope." This expression has deep meaning -turtleBasically, it means that good things and bad things are often interwined, like strands of a rope. You can have one without the other. So even if something bad happens, it's nothing to get worried about. Because life will provide the balance. -Ootake”
“What i'm saying is that the sun always rises. Fortune's a mix of good and bad luck. Like they say/ good luck and bad luck are strands of the same rope.”
“People's hearts can't be seen by the naked eye. But it doesn't matter, because you are not alone!”
“There will always be people who will accept you for what you are!”
“If there's a 'land of the blindfolded', will there be someone who understands what it's like to be able to 'see'?”
“It's a great thing, to cherish your loved ones and to treasure everything around you.”
“Because being able to touch is an even more joyful thing!”
“He's changed. I don't know what caused it...but what the heck? He's laughin' anyway, like a regular kid.”
“It's okay. You don't have to feel hurt anymore.”
“Mom. Mom, I... All I ever wanted was for you to smile at me. If you praised me just a little bit or touched my'd make me so happy, I would cry.”
“I want to see the smiling face of someone I love...”
“Maybe it depends on the person, but if you don't get your feet wet, you'll never know.”
“What's that look for? It's not like I did it for you. It's just, I couldn't shake off that warm hand, is all. That's why this is stupid. This...feeling that I have.”
“I'm a dog. I don't have a name yet.(a dazed Namiki)This guy is "Namikisan". That's what Kanade calls him, anyway.What...have we here? SNIFF. SNIFF....CHOMP. CHOMP.'Hey! Did you just eat something off the ground?! Like you didn't stuff your belly at home.' (-Namiki)Hmm? My instinct told me it was okay! And it's almost always right! Like that one time... That one time...'I'm sure some good samaritan'll pick him up.' (-man)'Yeah, who'll take him to the dog pound!' (-woman)'Well, there's nothing we can do about it now...' (-man)Hmm?...RUSTLE. RUSTLE.(Namiki pauses, looks down at him)PAT.KNEAD. KNEAD. KNEAD.'Heh heh.' (-Namiki)Not so rough!KNEAD. KNEAD.Oh, yeah? Try this on for size! NIP. NIP.'Ha ha ha! Ha... ..... ...Oh. I see. You're...' (-Namiki)? WAG. WAG.'...gonna die.' (-Namiki)That one animal instinct told me... (Namiki looks at him with a pained expression)"He's the one!"That's why, even when he walked away at first, even when it rained, I knew it would be okay.(Namiki appears in the rain and reaches down for him, smiling)My instinct was right on target.[at the Animal Hospital]'He probably ate something off the ground.' (-vet.)GROAN. GROAN.'I knew it! Can't you even tell when something's safe to eat or not?! I thought dogs were supposed to have instincts for that!' (-Namiki) PAT. KNEAD.Huh? That's really strange... KNEAD. RUFFLE. RUFFLE.But...(Namiki stops, and smiles down at him)Wait!My instinct was right after all! I AM "okay".(Namiki bends down to his level, still smiling)WAG. WAG. WAG.As long as I'm with HIM, I know everything will be okay.”
“But, I don't belong to anyone...but myself.”
“And who the devil are you to decide?!”
“I'd just like you to be your usual cheerful, and stay by my side.”
“But, y'know, today I got a lot of help myself. There're tons of things we can't do ourselves, right? And that's why we're helped out. If someone, or something, can lend you a helping hand, great, I say! After all, we're all in this together!”
“I'm NOT used to it! But...I'm not as scared as I was before. Getting rejected is painful, but there are also people who accept me. We aren't alone, you know. And that's why we have nothing to be afraid of.”
“When you touch someone that you love, the whole world changes.”
“One day, someone who'll understand your good points and bad points, but who'll love you just the same, will appear in your life. Mark my words!”
“Humans are mysterious creatures. There comes a time when we can clearly understand even things that we can't see. It's the same with anything. If you try your best, you can understand what it's like to "try your best". If you don't try your best, you understand what it's like to "not try your best".”
“Really? Well, I don't see it that way. Not at all. In fact, I think that's a part of you that you don't want other people to see. And that most people probably can't see. But, I see it and I understand. So, don't worry about it! It's cool! You're doin' fine!”
“Now, can't you lean on me for once?”
“Everybody gets hurt. Sometimes a big hurt, sometimes a little hurt. But the person who's suffered a lot isn't especially strong. And the person who's been hurt a little isn't especially weak. What's important is being able to get over it.”
“He was smiling and listening. So even if the "real past" and memories of it are completely different, he smiles without saying anything. And then he cries. He cries without telling anyone.”
“Spending time with the ones who are dear to you is like being in a dream, is it not?”
“Even when bad stuff goes down, the person who is just about buried under an avalanche of sad memories is made of stern stuff. And so, keeps standing.”
“A person's memories and their actual experiences are surprisingly different. Sometimes the gap between them causes pain. But the memories that make the biggest impression are always changing. So it's okay.”
“There's nothing wrong with seeing. If you see a "bad future", just change it, is all. Things'll turn out okay, as long as you don't give up!”
“You can't see the forest for the trees, Kanade. You say you don't do anything for him... So then tell me why Arou always gets that grin on his face when you're around? Forget about what those girls say...and trust in Arou's smile.”
“If you stretch your arm out...will you reach something? Is this what trust is? This feeling? This feeling of comfort?”
“We're not God. All we can do is our best. But when I look at you... I get the feeling that the limit of "your best" is up to you.”
“The future is built by people's hopes, boy! That's why I can see it so clearly! Anyway, make a wish! Open your mouth, say the words...and who knows? It may come true! What do you wish for, boy?”