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Samantha Young

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“You ever had a shotgun bullet blast through your stomach? No? Me neither. But I have a feeling what I felt...”
Samantha Young
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“In truth it’s difficult to describe a broken heart.”
Samantha Young
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“What happened to your love of the long-legged bimbo?”“It was replaced by my love for great tits, great sex and a smart mouth.”
Samantha Young
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“That’s why, as I was leaving for work, I sent him a text that said something I had never said to a guy before.I’m sorry xYou have no idea how fast my pulse was racing after I added the kiss. One little kiss and my hands were shaking.”
Samantha Young
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“Are you saying you don’t want anything from me?”“I want this. I want our arrangement. I want you…” I sucked in a breath, feeling my control slip. “…to fuck it out of me.”“Fuck what out, Jocelyn?”Couldn’t he see it? Was my mask really that good? I shrugged. “All the nothing”
Samantha Young
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“¿Por qué él tenía que ser la versión humana de un arma nuclear cargada de sexualidad?”
Samantha Young
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“Point made. Question deflected. Spoiled bitch put in her pace.”
Samantha Young
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“Ya era malo que me hubiese visto desnuda físicamente. No necesitaba que me desnudara hasta el alma.”
Samantha Young
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“Esto es lo que consigues cuando dejas entrar a la gente. Empiezan a pensar que te conocen cuando no saben una mierda.”
Samantha Young
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“I’ve had a lot of food but if you don’t jiggle me too much you can have your wicked way with me.”
Samantha Young
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“Gentlemen are gentlemen in bed. They make sure you're having a good time.""I'll make sure you're having a good time, and that you're okay with everything. I just won't be well mannered about it.”
Samantha Young
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“Sometimes words aren't needed for you to know a change has come upon you.”
Samantha Young
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“Let me rephrase.” He took a seething step toward me. “When it comes to you… I don’t like to share.”
Samantha Young
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“Sometimes the clouds weren't weightless. Sometimes their bellies got dark and full. It was life. It happened. It didn't mean it wasn't scary, or that I wasn't still afraid, but now I knew that as long as I was standing under it with Braden beside me when those clouds broke, I'd be alright. We'd get rained on together. Knowing Braden he'd have a big ass umbrela to shelter us from the worst of it. That there was an uncertain future I could handle.”
Samantha Young
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“Sure it could get rough sometimes, but life wasn't a Hollywood movie. Shit happened. You fought, you screamed, and somehow you worked like hell to get out the other side still intact.”
Samantha Young
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“Ouch. “Bite me.”Jai grinned slyly and looked up at her from under his lashes. “Just tell me how hard.”
Samantha Young
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“I don't know whether to be proud or appalled that danger, blood and death inspire you so.”
Samantha Young
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“It was one thing to deal with monsters that were human in appearance. Another thing entirely to deal with humans who were monsters.”
Samantha Young
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“It was pretty late and the streets were quiet so she was almost sure no one had seen her drag the soul eater into the alley... where she cut his head off with a samurai sword. God, she loved her life.”
Samantha Young
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“Eden," Cyrus snapped bringing her back to the present. "I have a sword pointed at you. Will you please focus”
Samantha Young
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“Dude, your girlfriend is so far past high maintenance even the janitor quit.”
Samantha Young
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“It was Friday tomorrow and still Eden was avoiding him like he was a Bieber fan at a Korn concert.”
Samantha Young
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“Noah's mom and dad were academics and socially inept, so Noah had never invited her over to his house because his parents wouldn't like it. And Eden had never invited Noah over to her house because she didn't want him to die.”
Samantha Young
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“Asshole.” “Just for that, I expect you to wrap that dirty mouth of yours around my cock tonight.” He narrowed his eyes on me.I couldn’t believe he’d just said that to me in a fancy restaurant where anyone might overhear. “Are you kidding?” “Babe,” he gave me a look that suggested I was missing the obvious, “I never kid about blowjobs.”Our waiter had descended on us just in time to hear those romantic words and his rosy cheeks betrayed his embarrassment. “Ready to order?” he croaked out.“Yes,” Braden answered, obviously uncaring he’d been overhead. “I’ll have the steak, medium-rare.” He smiled softly at me. “What are you having?” He took a swig of water. He thought he was so cool and funny. “Apparently sausage.” Braden choked on the water, coughing into his fists, his eyes bright with mirth as he put his glass back on the table. “Are you okay, sir?” The waiter asked anxiously. “I’m fine, I’m fine.”
Samantha Young
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“Well, you know what they say about babies.”The soul eater smirked. “What’s that?”“Don’t underestimate the amount of shit they can bring.”
Samantha Young
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“Because..." he sighed, "You, make me laugh, you challenge me,you turn me on like no else can. I feel like I'm missingsomething really important when you're gone. So important Idon't feel like myself. I've never felt like someone was minebefore. But your mine, Jocelyn. I've known that from the momentwe met. And I'm yours. I don't want to be anybody else's,babe.”
Samantha Young
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“Do you know what's scarier than taking a risk and losing"?I shook my head."Regret, Joss. Regret does awful things to a person.”
Samantha Young
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“I wanted to create something beautiful in place of all the ugliness.”
Samantha Young
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“I don't like to share," he murmured. "Braden, I'm not yours.""For the next three months you are. I mean it, Jocelyn. No one else touches you.”
Samantha Young
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“I feel like I'm missing something really important when you're gone. So important I don't feel like myself. I've never felt like someone was mine before. But you're mine, Jocelyn. I've known that from the moment we met. And I'm yours. I don't want to be anyone else's, babe.”
Samantha Young
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“Do you want to tell me why I'm getting the silent treatment?' He asked gruffly, his breath hot on my ear. I hunched up my shoulders, pulling away. His voice had an effect on my body and I didn't want him to know that. 'I'm talking to you.''Barely.''I've got a lot on my mind.''Do you want to talk about it?''When have I ever wanted to talk about it?”
Samantha Young
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“I think we need to have sex now.' His brows drew together. 'Why?''To remind us of what we're doing here,' I replied, my tone meaningful.Braden's eyes narrowed. 'No,' he told me gruffly, squeezing my nape. 'I'd have sex with you for anything else but that.”
Samantha Young
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“But I think mostly it's your eyes. I want something from them no one else gets from them.' 'And what's that?' I asked, my voice low, almost hoarse. His words had affected me as deeply as any aphrodisiac.'Soft.' His own voice had deepened with the highly sexual atmosphere. 'Soft the way only a woman's can be after she's come for me.”
Samantha Young
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“I hadn't felt too awful lying to Braden since his three-sixty back into predatory hottie with wicked eyes and fuck-me smile was the sole reason I'd had to resort to lying in the first place.”
Samantha Young
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“When I didn't say anything, he came closer, dropping slowly to his haunches so we were at eye level. My eyes searched his gorgeous face and for once, I wished I could break my own damn rules. I had a feeling Braden would be able to make me forget everything for a while.We gazed at one another for what seemed like forever, not saying a word. I was expecting a lot of questions since it must have been clear to everyone, or at least the adults at the table, that I had had a panic attack. Surely, they were all wondering why, and I really didn't want to go back out there."Better?" Braden finally asked softly.Wait. Was that it? No probing questions?"Yeah." No, not really.He must have read my reaction to his question in my face because he cocked his head to the side, his gaze thoughtful. "You don't need to tell me."I cracked a humorless smile. "I'll just let you think I'm bat-shit crazy."Braden smiled back at me. "I already know that.”
Samantha Young
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“Have you ever cheated on someone?" Whoa. Where did that come from? "Well?" Was this an interview to date her brother?Staring her straight in the eye so she would know I was being deadly serious, I replied more honestly than ever, trusting Ellie not to push me too much on the subject, "I never get close enough to anyone for that to be an issue.”
Samantha Young
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“Our eyes collided as heat rushed up my arm. The tingling between my legs intensified, the need in my gut moaned with want. All I could see was Braden, all I could smell was Braden, and his body was so close I imagined I could almost feel all of his hard strength pressing against me. Right then I wanted nothing more than to pull him into the ladies restroom and let him screw me hard against the wall.”
Samantha Young
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“I'm not that hard to get to know, really." He flashed me a quick smile. "But you... I think you've made an art form out of deflection and self-possession.”
Samantha Young
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“Was I shy? No. Not shy. Just, usually blissfully indifferent. I liked it that way. It was safer.”
Samantha Young
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“Would everyone stop saying arse!".... "I know, its called an ass, people. Ass”
Samantha Young
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“I swear his low, rumbling voice vibrated all the way into my panties.”
Samantha Young
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“...he followed you into the staff room and didn't come back for twenty minutes and when he did come back, he looked like he'd been mauled by a woman who'd been locked in an empty room without a vibrator, or a man for ten years"!”
Samantha Young
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“Loss should teach us to cherish those we love, to never do anything that will result in regret, and to cheer on tomorrow with all of its promises of greatness.”
Samantha Young
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“We fuck, we have fun, and then we spoon. I don’t go home...”
Samantha Young
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“He made a noise of disgruntlement. “It’s a bloody picnic. Sit. Eat. Shut up.”
Samantha Young
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“You’re living off your parent’s money? At your age?” Oh no she didn’t. I took another drink and then smiled at her in warning as if to say, ‘don’t play this game with me, sweetheart, you won’t win.’She didn’t heed the warning. “So they pay for everything? Doesn’t that make you feel guilty?” Every fucking day. “Was it your money that bought those Louboutin’s… or Braden’s?”
Samantha Young
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“There was the sink incident - which I may have overreacted to because it reminded me of a memory I had of my parents - the walking in while I was having a shower to ask me where the television remote was incident, the eating his lunch in the kitchen without a shirt on incident- he said he 'accidently' spilled coffee down it and had to put it in the washer/dryer- and there were the many, many 'looking at me for no reason' incidents. I swear to God he was wearing on my panties”
Samantha Young
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“Why do you insist on calling me Jocelyn?" I made sure my tone wasn't argumentative, just curious. Because I was curious.His lips touched mine, soft, gentle, and he pulled back, those pale blue eyes of his bright with heat. "Joss is a girl's name. Possibly a tomboy's name." He smirked. "Jocelyn, on the other hand, is a woman's name. A really sexy woman's name." He pulled back."So strip Jocelyn."Okay. He could call me Jocelyn.”
Samantha Young
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“Braden, I don't want anything to happen between us."He raised his eyebrow, clearly unconvinced."Tell that to your damp knickers, babe.”
Samantha Young
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“What if I suggested we stopped pretending we're fuck buddies too?”
Samantha Young
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