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Samantha Young

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“We’re not friends, Braden.” I pulled his office door open. “No. We’re not.”
Samantha Young
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“I would say it was nice to meet you, but I was naked so… it wasn’t.”
Samantha Young
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“I miss someone who gets me. I called a woman on my research team a bitch – you know in a friendly way – and she told me to go to hell. And I think she really meant it.”“Rhian, we’ve talked about this. Normal people don’t like to be called names. For some reason, they tend to take is personally. And you are a tad bitchy, by the way.“Normal people are so sensitive.”
Samantha Young
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“After last night, there’s no denying the promise of what’s between us. I’m not backing off, so rather than coming up with a new defence – which I’m sure I’d find highly entertaining – just give in, babe. You know you’re going to eventually.”
Samantha Young
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“You’re good with the words, I’ll give you that.”“I’m good with my hands. Will you let me give you that?”
Samantha Young
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“Babe, nice lingerie is for seducing a man. I’m already fucking seduced.”
Samantha Young
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“I know you love me, Jocelyn, because there’s no fucking way I can be this much in love with you, and not have you feel the same way. It’s not possible.”
Samantha Young
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“Why the hell did he have be the human version of a sexually charged nuclear weapon?”
Samantha Young
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“You know on those nature shows when the cute little meerkat is strolling along on its four cute little meerkat legs to get back to her burrow where all her little meerkat politics, drama and family await her, and this big-ass eagle comes swooping overhead…? The smart little meerkat runs for cover and waits that big-ass eagle out. Some time passes, and the meerkat finally decides the eagle got bored and went off to scare the crap out of some other cute little meerkat. So, the meerkat crawls out from her hidey-hole to carry merrily on her way. And just when that little meerkat thought she was home free, that big-ass eagle swoops down and catches her in his big-ass claws. Well… I know exactly how that little meerkat felt…”
Samantha Young
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“He threw her a distasteful look. "Uh...meaning," he imitated her, "That Caia like totally isn't like a self-absorbed bimbo. She only like totally mashed people into pulp when someone else is in like total danger.""I don't say like and totally that much, O-K!!”
Samantha Young
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“Who do you think would win in a fight? Lucien," he indicated their Pack Leader with a tild of his head, "or Lucian?" her referred to the 'lycan' leader of the film franchise.”
Samantha Young
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“You'll protect my Caia.”
Samantha Young
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“I always get what I want, Rogan. Always.”“And what about what I want?”Wolfe pressed a soft, tender kiss to my lips, the arrogance giving way to deep sincerity. “I’ll always give you what you want, Rogan. Always.”
Samantha Young
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“He puffed up his chest. “Me man, me need more food than tiny waif female.”
Samantha Young
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“Hindsight sucked. In fact hindsight should be assassinated.”
Samantha Young
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“Of how I belong to you?” Her voice went up an octave. “Yeah.” “Well, forget about the verbal arm wrestling! Why don’t you just pee on me and everything I own?!”
Samantha Young
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“Good to know in times of war you can’t bluff for shit.”
Samantha Young
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“And like many wars it was built upon a mindless prejudice.”
Samantha Young
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“to be angry at someone they have to have done something to upset or hurt you, and to be able to upset or hurt someone means you having to have meant something to them in the first place.”
Samantha Young
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“You're going to get us killed.""Well, since you got us kidnapped in the first place, I think it's only fair.”
Samantha Young
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“...and still Eden was avoiding him like he was a Bieber fan at a Korn concert.”
Samantha Young
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“You wouldn’t dare,” Marion drew a breath. “That would be idiotic.” Her sister snapped back as if she had been slapped. “You forget yourself.” “I do not. You may be the Head of this coven but I am still your blood and I refuse to bend to you when you spew nonsense.”
Samantha Young
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“Generally to be angry at someone they have to have done something to upset or hurt you, and to be able to upset or hurt someone means you having to have meant something to them in the first place.”
Samantha Young
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“Do I get to choosewhat she commands you to do? Come on, let me, it’ll be fun.”Jai laughed humorlessly. “I said I don’t want her commanding me to do something asinine, kid.”Charlie’s grin disappeared as quickly as it had surfaced. “I told you not to call me, kid, Jinn boy. I’m what… two years younger than you,douchebag?”“Try five. And that’s only in physical years.”“What, you trying to say I’m not mature?”“Oh those socks you’re wearing definitely are. Have you heard of detergent? A shower? Hygiene?”“I shower, you militant, glorified fucking babysitter.”“Watch it, kid.”“Kid? I am this close to taking a swing at you, you overblown piece of-”“Oh for the love of God!” Ari cried, throwing her hands up, her head pounding. So much for their strained peace treaty. “Shut up. Shut up. Shutup!”Despite their matching glowers, both of them slammed their lips closed and glared at one another. Ari heaved a sigh of relief as she pulled achilled can of soda out of the refrigerator. At least the soda still felt nice sliding down her throat. Not the same as an ice cold Coke on a blazingsummer day but still nice. She took a refreshing swig and turned towards her male companions once again. Blasts of frost shot out from Jai’s eyesonly to be met by the simmering black heat of Charlie’s angry gaze. Rolling her eyes and biting back the guilt that she was somehow responsiblefor the animosity between the only two people she could count on right now, Ari spilled into the chair between them and Jai slowly sunk back downinto his.“So what will I command you?” she asked quietly, ignoring the way her fingers trembled as she played with the tab on her soda can.When she got no answer, she glanced up to see Jai’s face going red, the veins in his head throbbing.“Dude, what’s wrong?” Charlie asked quietly, looking at Ari in alarm. “Is he choking?”Ari’s heart flipped in her chest at the thought and she reached across the table to grab his arm. “Jai?”His eyes widened and he waved a large hand at his throat and mouth and then pointed at her.What the hell?!“Jesus Christ, he can’t talk?” Charlie asked incredulously. “Is this a joke?”
Samantha Young
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“courage was not the absence of fear, but the ability to walk into unknown territory despite it.”
Samantha Young
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“Not able to stop it, I felt a small smile tilt up the corners of my mouth. "Noted. Althought I must protest that you keep forcing unwanted kisses on me.""It's the only way to get one. Unwanted indeed." He raised a knowing eyebrow at me. Arrogant Knave. I shook my head, feeling sad and happy all at the same time. "Why do you persist, Wolfe?" His grin was slow and wicked as he stood back from me, allowing my body and mind to breathe again. "Strategy.""Strategy?"He cocked his eyebrow. "At first I thought imposed isolation would make you miss me-""Why you arro-""-But then I realised that it's being near me you can't resist. And there are only so many kisses you'll take before you give in to me completely, Rogan.”
Samantha Young
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“When we’re there I’ll create a distraction. You have to keep your wits about you, Lady Rogan. Watch me all the time. When I make my move, you make it with me and we run.”I blinked owlishly, hoping I’d heard wrong. “That’s your big plan? A distraction?”He smiled cheekily at me. “Yes. It’s good, right?”“You’re going to get us killed.”“Well, since you got us kidnapped in the first place, I think it’s only fair.”
Samantha Young
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“You are dawn and she is midnight. And despite the mist of the half-light, together you see more clearly in the dusk.”
Samantha Young
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“That's it...I'm completely giving up on boys and concentrating on staying alive.”
Samantha Young
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“Sarcasm is such an unattractive quality in anyone but me.”
Samantha Young
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“There was nothing that could prepare a person for discovering they were a pawn in a war between mythical beings. Unless you know… you were Frodo.”
Samantha Young
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“The Stars Are Not Wanted but the Sky Will Submit”
Samantha Young
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“Getting up from the table, shaking a little at her unraveling, Ari cuffed Charlie across the head. “Be nice.”“Tell him to be nice!”“I can’t,” she snorted, looking back over her shoulder at them. “If I did that he’d actually have to be nice… it would be like re-writing his entire personality.”Jai grunted. “Funny.”
Samantha Young
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“I’m fine, Ari. Read the book.”“If you’re sure?”He shook his head, lowering his gaze again. “Ari, guys aren’t like girls. When we say we’re fine we actually mean it.”
Samantha Young
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“Something about him made her pause. When his eyes glittered back at her from the shadows, Ari felt his gaze on her with a jolt, like sun peering through the crack in a curtain, waking one with burning eyes and a groan. It wasn’t unpleasant but it was unexpected and intense.”
Samantha Young
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“That sounds suspiciously like you’re calling me a manwhore.”“I am calling you a manwhore.”
Samantha Young
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“You really need to work on intonation when you use sarcasm. That way people will know when you’re being an asshole.”
Samantha Young
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“Lucien shook Magnus off, who came over to Caia to make sure she was OK. She nodded numbly at her uncle but kept her eyes on the two males who looked ready to battle it out. And over her. Oh goddess it was like an episode of The Vampire Diaries, she groaned.”
Samantha Young
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“Strikingly tall, broad, a thick head of silky chestnut hair, olive skin and beautiful almond shaped eyes. His was a strong face, masculine, powerful. I disliked it greatly.”
Samantha Young
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“Caia sighed. If this guy knew that he was in a room of lykans, two of which who looked as if they could happily rip him apart, the cockiness would soon dissolve and the peeing of the pants would commence.”
Samantha Young
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“She tried to offer Ella help but was shooed back into her seat between Magnus and Irini. She watched incredulously at the amount of food these males piled onto their plates. She hadn’t touched her own plate yet, her eyes jumping from Lucien to Ryder, to Aidan, to Magnus, as they scoffed large amounts of beef down. Irini giggled beside her before elbowing her to get her to stop staring and start eating.Ella laughed, obviously having noticed and understood the reason behind Caia’s wide eyes. “Don’t mind them, honey. They’re just animals. You’ll get used to them.”Ryder choked in amusement as he took swig of water, and Aidan and Magnus joined his laughter.Lucien merely shrugged. “What?”This set them off again.“Dude, we’ve frightened Caia with our non-existent manners,” Aidan explained smiling at her.“No, no-” she tried to protest.Lucien frowned. “We’re just eating.”“Caia’s not used to eating at the watering hole.”
Samantha Young
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“...And you, you better run because i'm going to destroy you for what you've taken from me.”
Samantha Young
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“She would see it as betrayal. Nothing more. Nothing less.”
Samantha Young
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“No. Caia’s heart thumped angrily. They were not going to treat Lucien like some C-list recruit, whilst they pandered to her, just because they wanted something from her. And she needed Lucien close by. This was all so weird, so fast; she needed his strength beside her.“Yeah, well, while you’re at it, ask Madam to arrange a guest suite for Lucien in close location to mine.”He frowned. “Together you mean?”Caia flushed. “No, not together. Next to one another.”Lucien was beginning to look seriously, uncomfortably, pissed off. “Caia you don’t-” “It’s not for you, it’s for me, so swallow it or choke on it.”
Samantha Young
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“What?” Ryder huffed. “Come on that was funny! That was comic gold right there.”She shrugged, enjoying teasing him. “It was OK. Kind of elementary.”“Elementary? It’s an effing joke.”“Whatever.”His groan could probably be heard for five miles. “Aw this is going to be a looong drive home.”
Samantha Young
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“She raised her eyebrows, looping her hands around his neck and wriggling provocatively. 'Looks like I've just been promoted to Alpha then, huh?' Lucien made a face. 'Well the job is yours if you want it, but I should warn you that the contract is bull crap. I've received none of the perks that were promised.' 'Perks?' 'Oh, you know... a lifetime supply of beer and foot massages, a harem of women to bathe and clothe me etcetera...' She snorted and pulled back from him. 'Harem of women?' He grinned unrepentantly. 'Did I mention my sense of humour is greatly underappreciated?”
Samantha Young
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“His heart thudded rapidly behind its thick-boned prison, the pulse in his neck throbbing with anxiety. He almost smiled at that. If he weren’t a vampyre his parents, Phaedrus and Xanthippe, would consider him an impossibly delicious meal with that vein pulsing them into temptation. Instead they looked up at him in bewilderment, their mouths and chin smeared thick with the blood and skin of the unconscious man in their arms. They sat crowded together on one of the pillowed kline’s in the andron where his father held Symposia in their home. The man’s feet dragged to the floor, the light chiton he wore coming undone from the obvious struggle he had undergone at the hands of Kirios’ parents. Blood stained the fabric and ran in rivulets from his masticated neck to puddle on the mosaic floor. Kirios watched as it spread into the expensive tiling, wondering how on earth they would explain the stain.”
Samantha Young
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“You get everything you need?”She squealed like an idiot and whirled around to see him smirking at her. “JeSUS!” She glared at him and brushed past him, ignoring the sparks that shot down her arm where their bodies met.Thumping down on to the sofa, she grabbed at the food tray and began digging in, glaring at him the whole time as he took the seat opposite her. She swallowed when he refused to look away. “You know this is all just a little too Virginia Andrews for my liking.”He raised an eyebrow. “Meaning?”“The clothes, the accessories, the shampoo!” Avery shook her head in disbelief. “It’s creepy, Brennus.”
Samantha Young
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“Jaeden laughed under her breath. "Caia, it's called a crush. Believe me, Ryder makes me feel the same horrible mixture of happiness and despair. Add a pinch of lykan volatility and you've got yourself the teenage hormonal party from Hades.”
Samantha Young
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