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Shelly Crane

Shelly is a NEW YORK TIMES & USA TODAY bestselling author from a small town and loves everything about the south. She hoards paperbacks, devours sweet tea, searches year-round for candy corn, loves to site-see in the new areas they travel to with her husband's job, and adores reading but doesn’t have much time to these days with all the characters filling her head begging to come out.

Her own books happen by accident and she revels in the writing and imagination process. She doesn't go anywhere without her notepad for fear of an idea creeping up and not being able to write it down immediately, even in the middle of the night, where her best ideas are born.

“Sometimes the sacrifice of love costs too much to pay by yourself.”
Shelly Crane
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“I want to save her because..." Even though he was speaking to her, he never took his eyes off mine. "Because I'm a better man with her. Because I can't imagine going back to being who I was before I met her. Because I'm afraid...that I could be that monster again without her here loving me.”
Shelly Crane
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“I won’t move a muscle, I won’t come out, I’ll be quiet, I promise. Besides, I’m not the hero type.”
Shelly Crane
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“Then trust me. I think the safest place for me is with you, and I won’t regret it. I don’t regret anything. The things that we do and the things that happen…to us,” I gulped and pushed down memories, "make us who we are.”
Shelly Crane
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“But she’s the Pastor’s wife… Do you not understand the irony of this whole situation?” he said clearly enjoying himself. “One evil being at your door, kissing the hand of your adopted mother who’s married to the Pastor with whom you live. You, the sweet, innocent, unscathed mate of my twin brother who renounces what he is, but is also…an evil being. I mean, you can’t write this stuff.”
Shelly Crane
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“I hate this part,” I sighed in aggravation and jerked the sunglasses from my eyes, setting them atop my head into my hair. “What?” he said in a voice that clearly didn’t understand where I could be leading things. “This is where the leading man tries to save the girl from herself. She is willing to give up everything for him and he, in his misguided attempt to save her, tells her he’s skipping for the hills and she has to beg him to stay and convince him that her love is real and that she is sound of mind.”
Shelly Crane
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“It was funny how normal things seemed to go on even when everything was so messed up. People could still fall in love, even at the end of the world.”
Shelly Crane
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“His arms held me like I was made of glass. Glass that you wanted to protect without cracking, but crush into your soul for safekeeping.”
Shelly Crane
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“Kid, you've got to know that parking and making out isn't allowed, especially this time of night." "We're trying to sleep, not make out. We're on a road trip." "Is that so?" he said slowly and tapped his flashlight to the window. "The fogged up windows beg to differ.”
Shelly Crane
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“Nobody will mess with us, huh? Ever seen The Hills Have Eyes? The Chainsaw Massacre? Psycho!" He laughed. "Yes, but I'll murder anyone who comes near you, do you hear me?" I nodded with a smirk.”
Shelly Crane
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“When he bit into the flesh there softly, I almost accused him right there of lying to me about me being his first girlfriend, because he was way too good at this.”
Shelly Crane
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“Baby," he told me, his eyes lidded and dark, "you always taste like honey buns.”
Shelly Crane
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“I wanted someone to want me in all ways and someone who I wanted the same in return, And I'd found him.”
Shelly Crane
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“I am what I am. Why fight what you can’t change?”
Shelly Crane
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“In times of crisis not one should be counted special. Everyone was human therefore equal to the same misery and misfortune and good luck as everyone else. What happened to the whole ‘we gotta stick together’ motto? When hard times came-a-knocking, people baled on good sense and decency.”
Shelly Crane
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“I'll always come for you. I'll always find you.”
Shelly Crane
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“It's rooted in my blood to consume you and be consumed by you. To protect you. To please you, in every way. To make you shiver when I touch you. To cause your heart to beat faster.”
Shelly Crane
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“Your heart beat is my favorite thing to listen to. When you look at me and your heart rate jumps.”
Shelly Crane
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“Defiance of the way things are is the only way to embrace what's coming.”
Shelly Crane
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“The song that was playing above us was You And Me by Lifehouse and he pressed his face into my hair and softly sang the words to me.What day is it? And in what month?This clock never seemed so aliveI can't keep up I can't back downI'm losing so much time'Cause it's you and me, and all of the people with nothing to do, nothing to loseAnd it's you and me, and all of the people And I don't know why I can't keep my eyes off of youI could have died... or cried...or sighed. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do more.”
Shelly Crane
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“You do realize that you completely ''threw Kyle under the bus,'' I told him. ''Like threw him under and then put it in reverse”
Shelly Crane
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“I did that girly little sighing thing you do when you can't handle all the sweetness anymore and bit my lip.”
Shelly Crane
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“The best kind of love finds you when you need it the most.”
Shelly Crane
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“...once we were loaded, Jeff asked us how it went. Ryan cleared his throat. "Well, I got to use my first public bathroom. That was interesting.""I made out with the Aussie," Rylee stated matter-of-factly."I made up with the ginger," Miguel said and grinned back at her. Jeff stared at us."I got slapped in the face," Billings offered."By me," I supplied."And we got to talk to Cain at the station on the big screen," Merrick said happily. Jeff still stared while Marissa giggled into her hand."So it went good then," he stated. "Great.”
Shelly Crane
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“Billings pulled a roll from a compartment in his cargo pants leg. We gawked at him in disbelief. He shrugged. "What? You never know when you're going to need duct tape.”
Shelly Crane
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“Lily asked Calvin to play dolls with her. He reluctantly joined her on the floor, but it soon became Chuck Norris meets Joy doll and she was going down repeatedly. Lily, scandalized, pouted, but began to retaliate. "Oh no you don't, Chuck! I'm Piper, psycho Barbie!”
Shelly Crane
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“Because after all… You don't choose your life, your life chooses you”
Shelly Crane
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“We've got work to do. Strip." "Strip for what?" "I'm going to measure you for your dress. Strip!" Rachel saved me…sort of. "You can do her measurements with her clothes on, Mamma," she chastised. "Oh, I know I can." She pointed at me. "But look at her face! Ha! I just wanted to see her face pucker up like that.”
Shelly Crane
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“Out, beefy. The women folk have work to do." Bish laughed and pointed to himself. "I'm beefy, I suppose." "Well, no one else in this room has his arms stuffed into his sleeves like sausage casings, now do they?”
Shelly Crane
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“You don't choose your life, your life chooses you.”
Shelly Crane
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“The words for what I want to say right now don't exist. Everything sounds…so cliché.”
Shelly Crane
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“You can't hang on to the past and you certainly can't throw a wobbly every time something happens that you don't like.”
Shelly Crane
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“You’re evil. Did you know that?” She just smiled. “Well I’ve got to say, you do lookdevilish in my shirt.”
Shelly Crane
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“Did anyone ever tell you that you're completely inappropriate?""They have. And you know, I had a little talk with myself about it. It turns out I'm cool with it.”
Shelly Crane
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“Will you sleep with me?" he asked softly, before grinning suddenly. "In the tub?”
Shelly Crane
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“I'm sorry," I muttered. "My subconscious is apparently obsessed with you.”
Shelly Crane
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“I'm a virgin, Ariel," I whispered conspiratorially. "Sealed up like a Swiss bank account.”
Shelly Crane
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“I portray a hard-ace shell on the outside; strong, unapproachable and a rebel. But on the inside, I'm a gooey, emotional, scaredy cat mess.”
Shelly Crane
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“We watched Vamps hunting Vamps, Vamp hunters and Witches torching Vamps, teenage girls kissing Vamps. And we giggled and swooned through it all.”
Shelly Crane
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“ Eli was my new neighbor. Which was fine with me because I sucked at Math. Math and I were not on speaking terms.”
Shelly Crane
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“You’re not gonna touch or kiss me for a week are you?” I said, letting him know I knew what he was doing. He turned to look at me poignantly. “Absolutely not.” “We’ll see about that,” I countered. “You need time to heal-” “Oh no. I’m going this way and not listening.” I pointed toward the commons room. “In my book, you just issued me a challenge, buster. And I accept.”
Shelly Crane
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“I kinda like it that I can stand on my own,” I said with a smirk. “Let’s not make it a habit, ok? I’m not thrilled with this discovery of yours.” He cracked a playful smile. “I much prefer to order you around and you just do whatever I say.” “Your high handedness is impressive,” I mused.”
Shelly Crane
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“Yo, back in the day, I was bad boned. I was tough, ok? Rugged. People feared me,” Cain said. “I’m sure they did.” “Are you doubting my mad badness?”
Shelly Crane
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“I totally feel like Buffy right now. All I need is a girly leather jacket,” L said breathlessly. “And some vampires. Don’t forget that.” “Lighters qualify.” “I guess they do. So, your turn. Stab me.”
Shelly Crane
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“And you, trying to look all innocent walking in here. You’re a real conch at this, aren’t ya?” “Did you just insult me, Miguel?” Sherry asked, putting her hands on her hips but she looked on the verge of laughing. “No, love, it means smart.” He grinned at her.”
Shelly Crane
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“Drunken party friends can still kiss, right?” His voice was low and rumbling and I heard my breath catch as I fought to steady my voice. “We’re not drunk.” “You didn’t answer my question,” he breathed. I licked my lips again subconsciously and once again regretted it as I saw his eyes watching me intently. He probably thought I was doing it on purpose to taunt him. “Um.”
Shelly Crane
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“I am so in love with you,” I told him.He smiled graciously and pressed his nose and cheek to mine with a hand on my jaw.“I'm so in love with you.”“I know,” I said happily and smiled through the rain on my cheeks.”
Shelly Crane
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“Beck, we gotta go.”“Ok.” She made smooch lips to the mirror and then smiled at me. “It's shameful to look this fabulous isn't it?” she said, making me laugh.“Absolutely, just shameful.”
Shelly Crane
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“Gran, I'm only gonna ask this once. Please don't have sex talks with me, ok? Especially with Maggie in the room. Do you think we could do that?”
Shelly Crane
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“It wasn't long before I had the urge to glance inside. I then had a slight moment of panic. Number one, Big John was walking out the door with a meat cleaver gleaming in his hand. Yes, a meat cleaver.Number two, he was glaring at Caleb like he was the devil himself.”
Shelly Crane
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