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Shelly Crane

Shelly is a NEW YORK TIMES & USA TODAY bestselling author from a small town and loves everything about the south. She hoards paperbacks, devours sweet tea, searches year-round for candy corn, loves to site-see in the new areas they travel to with her husband's job, and adores reading but doesn’t have much time to these days with all the characters filling her head begging to come out.

Her own books happen by accident and she revels in the writing and imagination process. She doesn't go anywhere without her notepad for fear of an idea creeping up and not being able to write it down immediately, even in the middle of the night, where her best ideas are born.

“The day Caleb touched my hand and I saw all those things, I was excited. Yes, a little freaked but excited more. I felt like...everything I ever needed was right there. I still feel like that. It's not something you can just turn off and I wouldn't want to. I want him more than I need him.”
Shelly Crane
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“You know any single girls in their twenties that would go for Bish?" I asked Caleb."Sure, I know plenty. But would Bish go for it? He doesn’t seem tobe attracted to anything that walks, talks, eats or breathes except my sister.”
Shelly Crane
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“In the words of some really beautiful smart girl I know, just give me what I want," Caleb whispered.”
Shelly Crane
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“To be all in, no regrets, no turning back, no matter the consequences. It felt a lot like freedom.”
Shelly Crane
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“You can't put fate on a schedule.”
Shelly Crane
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“We'd had a hundred conversations with our eyes, with our senses, with our hands and movements, with not a word spoken.”
Shelly Crane
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“I wasn’t gorgeous but I still didn’t understand why I wasn’t good enough for anyone.”
Shelly Crane
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“We turned our attention back to Jeff, who just started his interrogation of Polly, who looked horrendous. I didn’t mean that in a hateful way. She really did look awful. Like someone took the sick-and-pale stick and beat her senseless with it.”
Shelly Crane
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“It’s ok, Merrick. I get it. I’m sorry, I just...I just can’t handle it when people are upset with me and I can’t fix it somehow. I’ll stay out of your way, ok.” As I hopped down from the counter and turned to leave he grabbed my wrist and my skin immediately began to tingle.“You’re so blind,” he breathed shaking his head.”
Shelly Crane
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“See! A hot guy kissed me and I didn’t even care because I love you so much!”
Shelly Crane
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“Do you still want this?" she asked in a whisper. "More than I want to breathe," he said in a groan.”
Shelly Crane
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“Sweetheart," he chided, making my heart skid. "You'll never need me more than I need you." I didn't argue out loud, though my mind made it clear that he was insane if he thought that was true.”
Shelly Crane
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“He was such a…master of kissery.”
Shelly Crane
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“Truly, all that was missing was Mission Impossible theme music, and if I was being honest, it was playing in my head anyway.”
Shelly Crane
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“Only the sweetest of the sweet would bring brownies to the apocalypse.”
Shelly Crane
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“You don’t love people for what they can give you. You don’t love them because of what they do for you or how good you make them look. Love is blind, love does not boast, love is not vain.”
Shelly Crane
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“... I tried to glare at him but I felt terrible and I’m sure I didn’t pull it off. He was handsome, which irked me. His hair and eyes were dark and he couldn’t be more than forty five. If this was Harry Potter, he’d definitely be in Slytherin.”
Shelly Crane
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“You're his mate, his one, his partner, his companion, his soul mate, the person he'll be with forever.”
Shelly Crane
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“If this was Harry Potter, he'd definitely be in Slytherin”
Shelly Crane
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“She was a stubborn woman who needed a good spanking, and not of the kinky variety.”
Shelly Crane
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“You are the light in a dark place. You are the water to my drought. You are everything I never knew existed and everything I wanted all at the same time.”
Shelly Crane
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“If you can't get your freak on to make little Keepers, then how are there so many of you?”
Shelly Crane
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“You saved me from my life.”
Shelly Crane
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“You chose me, I chose you. End of story.”
Shelly Crane
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“I want to... go everywhere, see everything. I want to go with you anywhere you'll take me... and I want you to want to take me with you.”
Shelly Crane
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“You may not have realized what it meant, but somehow, you made the decision subconsciously... that you wanted to keep me.”
Shelly Crane
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“I love how guys say 'it meant nothing' like that's supposed to make it all ok. You only stopped because you got caught.”
Shelly Crane
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“It's my job as best friend to make sure he's not a serial killer. Or an English major, not sure which one's worse.”
Shelly Crane
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“Some of the other men do things differently. I will never hurt you that way, Elena.”
Shelly Crane
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“Caleb,” I called and looked at him. “I need you.” He looked surprised as he came forward. “What do you need?” “You.” “Does this require a human sacrifice?” he said joking. “No,” I laughed and heard Jen laugh too. “You remember I told you how I needed you at my side? I do, always. I can’t do any of this without you. Your touch is the trigger.” “It is?” he said in surprise. “You are just as important as I am. In the vision, I saw that you and I will be the key, not just me. Everything we’ll accomplish, we’ll do it together or not at all.”
Shelly Crane
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“He pulled my face up with his hand cupping my cheek and kissed me on my trembling mouth. He smoothed his hands down my arms, my back, my hair, my cheek, soothing me. “There’s a picture of you two in the dictionary under ‘get a room’,” Kyle said from behind me.”
Shelly Crane
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“I chose you, Clara, and you chose me. End of story.”
Shelly Crane
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“Why not get married and get started on your life?" "You’ve thought about this already, haven’t you?" "Of course I have. Caleb leaned to hover over me on his elbows and looked seriously at me. “I’ve thought about it every since you first touched me and I knew you were mine.”
Shelly Crane
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“But... we will always be drawn together. We'll always crave each other. We'll always be in tune with each other, physically and mentally. There is nothing that can change or break that. And even if there was, I wouldn't want to. Not for the world.”
Shelly Crane
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“I saw something in you that I couldn't live without. I chose you, inside of me, and you chose me. It's not one sided, it only works when both people choose the other. You are perfect for me in every way.”
Shelly Crane
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“Because you are my significant, my soul mate. And I'm yours.”
Shelly Crane
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“His eyes opened and he smiled at me like he understood everything, like I was everything.”
Shelly Crane
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“I want him more than I need him.”
Shelly Crane
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“Everything we'll accomplish, we'll do it together or not at all.”
Shelly Crane
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“The one girl I thought I'd risk it for." He stuck one finger into the air to drive home his point. "The one girl and you stole her right out from under me! Literally!”
Shelly Crane
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“You have to make your own happy. You can’t depend on other people for that.”
Shelly Crane
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“You didn’t introduce your little cupcake to me. How rude, especially after I’ve tasted her lips and her fright, her want.” He licked his lips again and smiled at me. “All were delicious.”
Shelly Crane
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“Maybe he doesn’t want to go back,” I countered. “Maybe he likes it here.” “With a snack like you hanging on his sleeve, I’m sure he does,” he replied wryly.”
Shelly Crane
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