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Sherrilyn Kenyon

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Official Nevermore site

Official Deadman's Cross site

Official Chronicles of Nick site

Official Silent Swans site

Official Hunter Legends site

Official Witch of Endor site

Official Lords of Avalon site

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New York Times and international bestselling author Sherrilyn Kenyon is a regular at the #1 spot. With legions of fans known as Paladins (thousands of whom proudly sport tattoos from her series and who travel from all over the world to attend her appearances), her books are always snatched up as soon as they appear on store shelves. Since 2004, she had placed more than 80 novels on the New York Times list in all formats including manga and graphic novels. Her current series are: Dark-Hunters, Chronicles of Nick and The League, and her books are available in over 100 countries where eager fans impatiently wait for the next release. Her Chronicles of Nick and Dark-Hunter series are soon to be major motion pictures while Dark-Hunter is also being developed as a television series. Join her and her Paladins online at and

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“Love isn’t an obligation. You don’t owe someone your loyalty and you damn well don’t owe them your heart. It’s an emotion, and it’s born from mutual respect and generosity. It is not cruel and it is not judging. It comes from a willingness to live in complete and utter misery for the benefit of another. But when it’s real, you don’t feel that misery at all. The thought of their face, the scent of their skin brings a light to that darkness so bright that it drives out everything else.” - Ren Waya”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“Love is patient. Love is kind. It does not envy. It does not boast. It is not proud. It is not rude. It is not self seeking. It is not easily angered. It keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. While I lived a life without you, I no longer can imagine one that doesn’t begin and end with seeing your face. My heart beats only for you and forever I wil stand by your side. No matter the challenge or enemy, I am, and wil always be, yours.” - Lydia”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“What's the deal with the bossman?" Urian asked him.Alexion shrugged. "I don't know. He came in last night with a book, went to his room to read, I suppose, and then he came out here this morning and has been playing . . . those songs ever since."Those songs were ballads, which Acheron never played. God-smack, Sex Pistols, TSOL, Judas Priest, but not . . ."Is that . . ." Urian physically cringed before he spat out the name, "Julio Iglesias?""Enrique."Urian grimaced in horror. "I didn't even know he knew any mellow shit. Dear gods . . .is he ill?""I don't know. In nine thousand years, I've never seen him like this before."Urian shuddered. "I'm beginning to get scared. This has to be a sign of the Apocalypse. If he breaks out into Air Supply, I say we sneeak up on him, drag him outside and beat the holy shit out of him.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“You can blame it all on fate and the universe, but in the end you alone decide if you’re going to lie down and let hell take you under, or if you’re going to stand strong in defiance of it all with your middle finger raised.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“If you muster that courage to stand under fire and not go down, you will amass an inner strength that no one can touch. You won’t be another faceless, nameless, forgotten human in a long historical line of the defeated. You will be a steeled warrior, and a force to be forever reckoned with. And beneath the pain that lingers, you will have the comfort of knowing that you are strongest of all. That when others caved and broke, you kept fighting even against hopeless odds.” - Caleb”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“Life isn’t supposed to be easy. Ever. But with the hardest challenges go the greatest rewards. And every incredible moment of my life came only after I did something that made my gut clench with fear.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“When you first take someone’s life, two people die. The person you just killed and the humanbeing you used to be. You’re never the same after that—it changes you forever and not in a good way—and no matter how hard you try, you can’t go back to the innocence you had. Ever.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“Hope is that tiny light that the gods have given us so that we can find our way through ourdarkest hours. And while we might stub our toes and bruise our knees, if we keep moving forward,even when our progress is slow and painful, we will overcome and be made better by our journey.… No misery or bad situation is ever infinite or final until we make a conscious decision for it tobe so.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“… Damned is the soul that dies while the evil it committed lives on. And the most damned of allare those who see the evil coming for others and refuse to confront it. For it is not out of fear thatheroes are born, but rather out of their selfless love that will not allow them safety bought fromthe torture, death, and degradation of others. It is better to die in defense of another than to livewith the knowledge that you could have saved them but chose to do nothing.And to those who think that one person cannot make a difference, I say this … the deadliest tidalwave begins as an unseen ripple in a vast ocean. Live your life so that your integrity will motivateothers to strive for excellence long after you’ve passed on, and know that no good deed orsacrifice, or offer of sincere friendship or love, is ever forgotten by the one who receives it.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“In the immortal words of Maya Angelou … people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people willnever forget how you made them feel.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“We all have demons inside us, Nick. The Tsalagi have an old saying—every heart holds two wolves. One is the white wolf, who is made up of love, kindness, respect, decency, compassion, and all the things that are good in life. The black wolf is born of jealousy, hatred, pettiness, prejudice, vindictiveness, and all the poisons of the human personality. The two constantly war with each other for dominance. And one day, one wolf will overtake and devour the other.” - Acheron”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“It doesn’t matter what other people think. The only opinion that really matters is yours. We are all the writers of our lives. We can make our stories comedies or tragedies. Tales of horror, or of inspiration. Your attitude and your fortitude and courage are what determine your destiny, Nick.… Life is hard and it sucks for all. Every person you meet is waging his or her own war against a callous universe that is plotting against them. And we are all battle-weary. But in the midst of our hell, there is always something we can hold on to, whether it’s a dream of the future or a memory of the past, or a warm hand that soothes us. We just have to take a moment during the fight to remember that we’re not alone, and that we’re not just fighting for ourselves. We’re fighting for the people we love.” -- Acheron”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“Bubba was the one person who wouldn’t even bat an eyelash that Nick was talking to an “imaginary” friend. Heck, he’d probably bring one of his own out to play, too.~Nick”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“Dazed, Nick nodded, then looked to Caleb. “I’m such an effing idiot.” “We knew that,” he said drily. “We definitely didn’t have to throw you into a coma for that little-known nugget.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“Nick cleared his throat. “Do not  … and I mean do  … not  … take this the wrong way, okay?” He wrapped his arms around Ash and hugged him. “I will always be your brother,” he whispered in Ash’s ear. “And I won’t ever hate you.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“Caleb could be so testy for no known reason. At times, it was like dating a woman with irritable bowel syndrome. Or rabies.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“I saw my whole life flash before my eyes, boss. It was horrific. I haven’t done anything to regret yet and it’s been way too brief. I at least want a license before I check out, you know?”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“Contrary to what you think, not all preternatural beings hang out at the local Supernatural Pub looking for humans and dates.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“They have demons on Antarctica?” “Yeah,” Ash breathed. “It wasn’t always covered by ice, that was just a precaution when they buried them.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“You’re so hilarious. You know, if this whole Daimon-slaying gig doesn’t work out for you, you should really consider being a comedian. The bright Barney hair color would just add to the overall entertainment factor.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“If brute force doesn't work, you aren't using enough”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“Buddy, you try to leave me and I'll follow you to the ends of the earth and beyond to find you and bring you home.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“Just that sometimes we let other people treat us wrongly because we want to be loved and accepted sobadly that we'd do anything for it. It hurts when you know that no matter how much you try, how muchyou want it, they can't love or accept you as you are. Then you hate all that time you wasted trying toplease them and wonder what about you is so awful that they couldn't at least pretend to love you." - Bride”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“Most of all, I like the fact that you share yourself with me. That Idon't have to prove my strength to you. I don't have to hurt or be hurt to lie with you." - Vane”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“I've never had anything I didn't have to pay for with blood and bone. Until you." - Vane”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“He had never taken a woman like Bride. One who wasn't biting and clawing at him as she demanded he please her. Something inside him relished the rarity of this. The gentleness. In a life where violence and territory and blood wars reigned, it was nice to have a reprieve. A tender lover's touch. The human side of him craved this. It craved her." - Vane”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“Vane looked back at her one last time, knowing he would never see her again. She was so beautiful there with large, amber eyes set in the pale face of a goddess. There was something about her that reminded him of a Rubens angel. She was ethereal and lovely. And far too fragile for an animal." - Vane”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“Youever insult Bride again, I swear I'll rip your throat out and feed you to thegators in the swamp. You understand me?" - Vane”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“In one afternoon, my entire life shattered and then all of a sudden this great guy comes along like somemythical knight in shining armor. He's gorgeous, loaded, and says all the right things to me. He makes mefeel like I can fly, and every time he shows up, he makes everything better. I'm not used to this, okay?And I'm not used to being with a guy who is so incredibly sexy that he makes me feel like the boobyprize." - Bride”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“I don't want you skinny, Bride. I like you as you are." His breath tickled her neck as he spoke and sent heat all over her."My people have a saying. Meat is for the man, the bone is for the dog." "Yeah, but you're both." "And when given a choice between ribs and steak, I go for top choice every time.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“Mama," Bubba said as he came out of the back. "I can't beat up everyone in the world for being stupid. Have you seen how many of them are out there? I work retail. Trust me. The world's eat up with it. And aren't you the one that's always saying, 'you can't fix stupid, son so don't try?' Besides, I got better things to do with my time than fight every idiot I come into contat with.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“A TV can insult your intelligence, but nothing rubs it in like a computer.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“Dying’s easy. It’s living that’s hard.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“Pero no padezco de mi locura, disfruto cada minuto de ella.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“Jericho stopped him before he left. He slid the ring off his finger and handed it to him. "Take this."Asmodeus curled his lip as he shrank back from it. "I'm not about to marry your ugly ass, boy. No offense, but you ain't my type. I like my dates with less body hair... and with female parts attached by nature."Jericho let out an aggravated growl. "It's not a wedding ring, asshole. It's Berith's ring. You get into trouble you can summon him to help you get out of there."That completely changed his attitude. "Oh, hey, that could be worth an engagement to you." Asmodeus grinned as he palmed it. "If I'm back in a few hours... well, I don't want to think about that. I might change my mind about doing this. I'm thinking happy thoughts. Creamed dog innards and rotten steak. Yeah. Yum." He vanished.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“Lo juro, mi madre debería haberme llamado Fido.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“Te estoy diciendo, Selena, olvida al conejito de Energizer, este tipo lo hacía todo.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“Futures can and do change, something as simple as you're supposed to turn right down a street one day... In your bones u know it, and yet for reasons no one understands, you decide to debunk fate and go left. Now instead of meeting your spouse of your dreams and having a house full of kids, you get flattened by an ice-cream truck and spend the next 5 years in physical therapy recovering from the injuries; or worse you die from it. And all cause you exercised free will and turned the opposite way on a whim.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“La cosa estaba entre ser Cazador Oscuro o profeta. Personalmente, me gusta mucho más lo de luchar y matar que lo de rezar en la posición del loto.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“La última vez que creí que una mujer me amaba, perdí un imperio y acabé crucificado mientras ella se reía de mí. No seas tonta, Amanda. El amor no existe. Es una ilusión. No me amas; no puedes amarme.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“Era muy consciente de que para ellos dos no habría un «y vivieron felices para siempre».”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“¿Por qué no lo había amado su esposa?”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“No es el Cazador Oscuro el que está dentro de ti, Amanda. Soy yo, Kyrian.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“Era un día demasiado hermoso para morir.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“Es imposible no amar a una mujer cuyo único fin en la vida es verte desnudo.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“La última vez que había cometido ese error con unamujer le había costado el alma.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“La necesidad era una puta traicionera.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“Times change, Selena. Believe me, I know, and sometimes there's nothing you can do about it except to let it go. No matter how much you want to stop time, it hasto go forward and move on to something else.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“—Hace dos mil años que lucho solo.—Bueno, nunca se es demasiado viejo para aprender.Kyrian resopló.—No puedes enseñarle trucos nuevos a un perro viejo.—No dejes para mañana lo que puedas hacer hoy.—El tiempo es oro.—Dios ayuda a los que se ayudan.Él soltó una carcajada.—No vas a dejarme ganar, ¿verdad?”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“El asunto era bien simple: tenía miedo de sí mismo y de lo que estaba dispuesto a hacer para mantenerla a salvo.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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