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Sherrilyn Kenyon

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Official Nevermore site

Official Deadman's Cross site

Official Chronicles of Nick site

Official Silent Swans site

Official Hunter Legends site

Official Witch of Endor site

Official Lords of Avalon site

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New York Times and international bestselling author Sherrilyn Kenyon is a regular at the #1 spot. With legions of fans known as Paladins (thousands of whom proudly sport tattoos from her series and who travel from all over the world to attend her appearances), her books are always snatched up as soon as they appear on store shelves. Since 2004, she had placed more than 80 novels on the New York Times list in all formats including manga and graphic novels. Her current series are: Dark-Hunters, Chronicles of Nick and The League, and her books are available in over 100 countries where eager fans impatiently wait for the next release. Her Chronicles of Nick and Dark-Hunter series are soon to be major motion pictures while Dark-Hunter is also being developed as a television series. Join her and her Paladins online at and

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“No quiero conocer el futuro si no puedo cambiarlo”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“La vida rara vez es como desearíamos que fuese.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“Tengo unos deseos horribles de estar dentro de ti, Grace –murmuró–. Quiero sentir tus piernas alrededor de mi cuerpo, sentir tus pechos debajo de mí, escucharte gemir mientras te hago el amor lentamente. Quiero que tu aroma quede impreso en mi cuerpo y que tu aliento me queme la piel.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“«Es un hermoso día para morir. ¿Qué te parece si matamos unos cuantos bastardos romanos antes de pagar a Caronte?»”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“Que las Parcas se apiadasen de él. Grace se le había metido bajo la piel.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“Pero en el fondo lo sabía. Era la primera mujer que lo veía. No a su apariencia física, ni a sus proezas de guerrero. Ella veía su alma.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“what I want to show in my books and in my life is that you don't have to be like the miserable, angry people who hurt you. You can survive and, most of all, you can thrive. Yes, those demons will always be there, and you will hear and, worst of all, feel their cruelty long after they're gone, but you don't have to let them own your future the way they held your past. You don't have to become like them. You can pull it together, hold your head high, and be the person you want to be in spite of their vicious cruelty.They say that there's a reason to everything. I'm not sure I believe that. It's human nature to try and make order out of chaos. The "sometimes things have to go wrong in order to go right" is my own search for understanding why cruelty takes place. I don't understand how anyone can intentionally hurt another person, never mind a child. But I want to help others find the rainbow through the storms. To know that tomorrow is another day and that sooner or later, life will get better. And so will we.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“In spite of rumourd, I haven't completely gone to the darkside yet. But damn, those cookies are good." Come to the dark side. We have cookies.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“Of course, it would help if the manwould keep his shirt on whenever he came into her unconscious mind. What kind of person didn't have the decency to keep himself clothed while barging into her dreams.a little modesty went a long way.Yeah, but clothes on a body so fine was its own form of obscenity.shh, mind, have some decency yourself.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“Acheron. When it absolutely, positively must be destroyed overnight.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“She would try picturing him in his underwear, but that was even more disturbing since all it did was make her hot and even more nervous…He had to be the only man alive who could pull off intimidating in his tighty-whities.God, what if all that massive hotness was commando?”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“I refuse to believe this was my fate. I was not meant to be this. I was never meant to be..." The pain in his eyes tore through her. "This can't be all I was born for.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“You’re not going to bite me with your fangs, are you?”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“The man speaks Southern football, now shut up.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“You don’t tap on the Devil’s shoulder unless you’re willing to dance to his tune.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“Through thick and thin, we're brothers to the bitter end. And if you're going to hell, buddy, I'm driving the bus.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“But sooner or later, no matter who you are, life uses everyone as its whipping boy.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“I should have thought of this years ago.But that was the problem with being sane. Sane people played by the rules. They looked for rational explanations and solutions in an insane universe.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“Is there something I can help with?”“No,” Kat said petulantly. “You’re a man and I hate all of you right now.”He took two steps back. “Fair enough. Since my presence is obviously causing you pain, I’ll take my manhood outside to the terrace, where you can join me if you can overlook my obvious birth defect.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“Excuse me? Did I miss something? What has ever been romantic about vomit?“A man standing by your side when you’re sick. Holding your hair back from your face… that’s romantic.”“In what alternate universe do you live? Here in a place I like to call reality, that’s disgusting. Who in their right mind would find that romantic?”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“If we're lucky, we find the one person who will hold our trust and keep it sacred and safe against all attackers. That one soul who will restore our belief that people are decent and kind, and that life, while messy, is still the most wondrous gift anyone can know. But until that day comes, we have to try and remember that home isn't a specific place or person. It's a feeling we carry inside ourselves. That touch of the divine that lights a fire inside us that burns out the past and consumes the pain until nothing is left but a warmth that allows us to love others more than ourselves. A warmth that only grows when we do right even while others seek to do us wrong. Peace is knowing that one life, no matter how trivial it seems, touches thousands of others, and learningto respect that about all people. While you may not mean much to the world, to those who know and love you, you are their entire world. And it is knowledge that no one can hurt you unless you allow them to. The only power they have isn't something they're taken or demanded. It's what we give them by choice. And while it is imperative that we value the lives of others, it is equally important to value our own.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“Have you any idea how hard it is to go nine months out of the year with no sex when you’re married to such a fine piece of male anatomy that he should have been the god of fertility instead of the god of death?”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“You'd be amazed at the pain and tears a single smile hides.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“Even the most simple thing such as looking up the sky could bring comfort to you, even when the one you loved was far away.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“Tell me, Channon," he said suddenly, "do you like teaching?""Some days. But it's the research I like best. I love digging through old manuscripst and trying to piece together the past."He gave a short, half laugh. "No offense, but that sound incredibly boring.""I imagine dragon slaying is much more action-oriented.""Yes, it is. Every moment is completely unpredictable.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“Most men die many times in their lives. The man we become invariably slaughters the child we once were. His knowledge of the world murders the babe's innocence. from Time Untime by Sherrilyn Kenyon”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“But life isn’t about learning to forgive those who have hurt you or forgetting your past. It’s about learning to forgive yourself for being human and making mistakes.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“And now you know why I love no one. Why I never have and never will. Heed my words well. Love only destroys.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“Out of curiosity, why would you have tried to destroy the world?” “Ever attempted to hunt down a parking space at Christmas? Buy a shirt in a store the day after Thanksgiving? Those two things alone will make you doubt the humanity of humans, and question if survival of the species is in anyone’s best interest. What are we fighting for, anyway? Better department store sales?”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“We can't change what we've done, but we can always change what we're going to do.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“Life is messy, Ren. It's not easy and it's definitely not for the timid. Everyone has a past.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“People started down the road with good intentions, but the moment the road became rough or difficult, they'd abandon it.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“Judge no one until you know their circumstances. No matter how awful they seemed, sometimes there was a valid reason for their behaviour. Granted, some people were just mean and corrupt, but not always. Many people were just in pain, and by acting out, they were only trying to protect themselves from being hurt more.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“—Las cosas siempre aparecen cuando las necesitamos.—Eso no es verdad—replicó.—Sí que lo es. Sólo tienes que decidir si eres lo bastante fuerte y valiente como para aprovechar la oportunidad que se te presenta.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“—El amor hace extraños compañeros de cama—dijo Ash.—Creí que eso lo hacía la política.—Los dos.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“Que puedas hacerlo, no significa que debas.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“Algunas veces, para conseguir lo que más queremos tenemos que renunciar a todo lo que creemos.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“No dejaré que mueras sin pelear.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“Run, you flippin' moron, run!”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“You know he loves you, right? (Amanda)Yeah, but emotions don't have brains. (Ash)- About Nick”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“There will always be a part of you that misses her. You'll see something that reminds you of her and want to tell her about it, only to realize she's not there anymore. Then you'll feel her loss all over again. (Ravyn) You're not helping me, Ravyn. (Jack)I know, buddy. But you will eventually make peace with yourself, and that's the most important thing. Eventually, you'll even be able to smile again when you think about her. (Ravyn)”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“A single smile from her could make his entire being burn. One touch from her hand and he was undone. It was terrifying to think of how much power this one person had over him. How one single gesture from her could affect him so profoundly. (Sin thinking about Kat)”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“A veces, la repetición de los errores es lo que nos ayuda a descubrir dónde nos equivocamos la primera vez. Y una vez que lo descubrimos, podemos solucionar el problema y dejarlo atrás.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“His death didn't concern him. It was Sunshine he couldn't allow to die.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“Las mentiras no son lo que hace daño a la gente, en serio. Es la disposición de los demás a creerlas.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“Lo que nos destruye no es el dolor que otros nos infligen. Lo que nos destruye es el dolor que llevamos en nuestros corazones”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“Ren frowned as he surveyed the madness they were knee-deep in. “Why are you under such heavy fire?”Nick gave him a droll stare. “Oh, I don’t know. But we’re really enjoying it. Fear has such a wonderfully romantic scent to it that they ought to turn it into cologne and deodorant. Eau de Ew. Let’s all just take a minute, and bask in it.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“I know I just met you, Susan,” Ravyn whispered against her ear. “But I think I love you.”She froze her hand on the latch as a wave of anger went through her. Instead of warming her, those words went over her like ice. Looking at him over her shoulder, she glared at him. “You think? You think you love me? You don’t know?”His face baffled, he scowled at her. “Why are you so angry? I’m trying to die here… for you. Nobly.”“Then you should have just dropped dead and not opened your mouth to piss me of. You think? Think? What is that?”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“I don't believe in vampires"He opened his mouth to show her a vicious set of fangs."If you want to live past tonight, you better learn to start”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“La vida es una aventura. Es emocionante y aterradora. En ocasiones puede ser un poco aburrida pero jamás debería ser seria.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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