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Sherrilyn Kenyon

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Official Nevermore site

Official Deadman's Cross site

Official Chronicles of Nick site

Official Silent Swans site

Official Hunter Legends site

Official Witch of Endor site

Official Lords of Avalon site

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New York Times and international bestselling author Sherrilyn Kenyon is a regular at the #1 spot. With legions of fans known as Paladins (thousands of whom proudly sport tattoos from her series and who travel from all over the world to attend her appearances), her books are always snatched up as soon as they appear on store shelves. Since 2004, she had placed more than 80 novels on the New York Times list in all formats including manga and graphic novels. Her current series are: Dark-Hunters, Chronicles of Nick and The League, and her books are available in over 100 countries where eager fans impatiently wait for the next release. Her Chronicles of Nick and Dark-Hunter series are soon to be major motion pictures while Dark-Hunter is also being developed as a television series. Join her and her Paladins online at and

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“Most people would rather suffer through a bad situation than take steps needed to free themselves...”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“I have great moments of epic stupidity like everyone else.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“No woman has ever killed a man while he was washing dishes.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“Man? What man? I thought it was a punching bag!”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“The personality is defined by its inconsistencies, not its consistencies. It's what makes us unique and who we are.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“Vane passed the mashed potatoes across Bride to Fury, who stared at them with a fierce frown "What are these?" he asked."Potatoes," Vane told him."What did they do to them?”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“I found my happy place the minute I saw you”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“I just want to breathe”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“Syn let out a tired breath. “I’d never hit you, Cruel. I only fantasize about strangling you.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“Didn’t matter how much love you gave them. How good you treated them. How you gave them everything you wish to the gods you’d had, including respect. It didn’t matter how much you hated the life you’d been forced against your will to live or how hard you’d try to put the past behind you. They cursed you for surviving and judged you on a past you despised even more than they did. He and Nykyrian were the ones who’d lived in hell, and these assholes who had no understanding of the world dared to look down on them for it.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“It's easy to make mistakes. It's living with the consequences of them that's the hardest.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“He was surrounded and they were hungry for what few brain cells he had left. But you know what? He wasn't about to give in or give up. If he was going out, it would be the way he had come into this world.Fighting for every single breath.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“Eat it up asshole my vengeance will come.And you will bleed.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“There are some pains that run very deeply, as so that the strongest one accept them without being broken.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“At times, the repetition of the errors is what helps us to discover where do we mistake us the first time. And once we discover him, we can solve the problem and to leave it behind.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“The life is an adventure. Is exciting and terrifying. From time to time can be a little bored but should never be serious.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“May the gods show their mercy... The Alexion would not.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“Do unto others before they do it to you.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“You are not human,” the demon announced. “You have no soul.”“Thank you for the obvious. Did you know you have horns on your head?”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“His guilt is why Acheron went out of his way to make sure that all of you had servants and pay for your work. The Dark-Hunters owe that man everything, and I do mean everything. He pays in blood every time one of you wants to go free, and he suffers every day so that you can all live your cushy little lives of wealth and privilege.”…“And I have to say that every time one of your turns on him, it seriously pisses me off. Acheron asks nothing from any of you and that’s exactly what he receives.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“I'm not an easy lay, Alexion”He actually smiled a real smile at her. It was charming and unexpected. "I am.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“And human will is the strongest force ever created. There are those born to succeed and those who are determined to succeed. The former fall into it, and the latter pursue it all costs. They won't be denied.Nothing daunts them.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“For the first time in his life, he truly understood love. It wasn't just an intangible emotion, it was when his own happiness was found by making her happy. It wasn't something found in a grandiose gesture. I was found in the simplest form.A single smile that made a cold-blooded assassin weak in the knees.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“I'm a fucking idiot.No, he was a man in love with a woman who meant the entire universe to him.Like I said, you're a fucking idiot.And for the first time in his life, he was happy being stupid because the only alternative would be existing without her, and now that he'd tasted the sunlight she brought into his world, he never wanted to live in the darkness again.Please don't send me back to the night.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“A smile curved his lips.Stunned, she stood there unable to move as she saw the one thing she'd never thought to see form him. A real, full-blown smile. The man was absolutely gorgeous."My God, you have dimples."His smile vanished instantly. "I know.""No, no, no, no, no!" she said, reaching up to touch his cheek. "Don't you dare hide those. They're beautiful."He dodged her touch. "They look stupid."She let out an aggravated breath. "They are sexy as all get-out. Trust me. Dimples like those will definitely get you laid.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“She'd seen the kindness in him that he hid from the world, and she'd glimpsed some of the pain that he kept to himself. While she knew she should hate him, every day they were together, she discovered another part of his soul, and it wasn't frightening.It was strangely beautiful.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“Kiara shook her head at his dry wit that he delivered in a perfect deadpan monotone. He was strangely entertaining in a lethal, 'I'll rip out your heat and eat it' kind of way.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“I make no promises and bear no liability for your lunacy, her clumsiness or any injury my unfortunate luck, uncharacteristic ineptitude or continual stupidity may cause. -- Chayden”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“I waited two thousand years for you, Grace Alexander,” he whispered in her ear. “And you were worth every second of it.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“Julian dipped his head to her ear where he nuzzled her neck. “I will love you forever,” he whispered.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“Please Julian,” she whispered to him as he slept beside her. “Don’t leave me.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“I want to be inside you so badly, Grace,” he whispered. “I want to feel your legs wrapped around me, feel your breasts against my chest, hear you moaning as I make slow, sweet love to you. I want your smell on my body, your breath on my skin.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“I wish I could just fling myself into bed with you, but I can’t. I don’t want to be used that way and I don’t want to use you! Can’t you understand that?”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“The fork was invented sometime in the fifteenth century, I believe.”“Really?” she asked. “Were you there?”His features blank, he looked up and asked, “What, for the invention of the fork or the fifteenth century?”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“Şeytanla dans etmeye kalkarsan, şarkıyı genellikle şeytan seçer.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“Imora thea mi savur," Ash whispered under his breath in Atlantean. God save me from love.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“And people in Hell want ice water”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“The demon in me that knows there's a demon in you who can mop the floor with my raunchy butt tells me to say yes. I care. Deeply." (Ren)”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“Asleep he’d been more of a temptation than she wanted. He’d looked relaxed and gentle.Inviting.Awake he looked dangerous.And still inviting.She would give the goddess credit, Artemis had exquisite taste in men; and to Tabitha’s knowledge, and according to Amanda’s words, there was no such thing as an ugly Dark-Hunter.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“Looks like you’re naked.”His jaw worked as if he couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “I beg your pardon?”“Beg all you want, you’re still going to be naked.” Tabitha paused at the wicked image in her mind. “Come to think of it, a gorgeous, begging, naked man… that’s the stuff of fantasies. Begging won’t get you your clothes, but it could get you something else.” She wiggled her eyebrows at him.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“Tabitha checked her watch. It was almost ten.“I don’t know about you, but I’m famished. Want to go grab a bite?”Valerius gave her an amused stare. “You have to be the only woman alive who would ask a man with fangs that question.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“Is there something I should know?” Valerius asked them.The instant Vane opened his mouth to speak, Tabitha kicked his shin. Hard.Vane yelped, then frowned at her.“What was that?” Valerius asked. “Why did you kick him?”“No reason,” Tabitha said, reaching over the bar to pluck an oyster from the pile. She looked angelic, which meant something truly evil was going on.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“When one was an immortal, the freshness of life had a way of dying even more quickly than one’s body had. As the centruies blended together, it was easy to forget the human side of oneself. To remember why humanity needed saving.It was hard to remember how to laugh. Then again, laguther and Valerius were virtual strangers. Until Tabitha, he’d never really shared a laugh with anyone.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“I wasn’t going to say anything about that, Tabitha," he said quietly. "I only wanted to tell you that your compassion for other people overwhelms me.""Oh." She offered him a tenuous smile. "I’m just used to people condemning everything I do."He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles. "I don’t condemn you, my lady. I only admire you.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“Pandora, meet my brothers, Leonardo and Michelangelo.""Like the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?" she couldn't resist asking."Like the Renaissance painters," Leo snapped. He exchanged a snarl with his twin brother. "I seriously hate those damned turtles.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“I tried to call your cell phone when we got in to see if you made it."Ash immediately tensed as he put his comic down and pulled out another issue. "I turned it off on the day I got here.""Really?" Dante asked, stunned by Ash's confession. It wasn't like him to be out of touch with his Dark-Hunter charges. "What if one of the Dark-Hunters needed you?"Ash shrugged. "If they can't survive alone for four days once a year, they deserve to die.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“Our blood don't run. Sometimes we want to. Sometimes we ought to. But we don't ever run from anyone or anything.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“The most beautiful heart of all is the one that can still love even while it bleeds, and especially after its been broken into thousands of pieces.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“I'm her godfather, with a heavy emphasis on the god part.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“Time has no meaning to the heart.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon
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