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Sophie Kinsella

Sophie Kinsella has sold over 40 million copies of her books in more than 60 countries, and she has been translated into over 40 languages.

Sophie Kinsella first hit the UK bestseller lists in September 2000 with her first novel in the Shopaholic series – The Secret Dreamworld of a Shopaholic (also published as Confessions of a Shopaholic). The book’s heroine, Becky Bloomwood – a fun and feisty financial journalist who loves shopping but is hopeless with money – captured the hearts of readers worldwide. Becky has since featured in seven further bestselling books, Shopaholic Abroad (also published as Shopaholic Takes Manhattan), Shopaholic Ties the Knot, Shopaholic & Sister, Shopaholic & Baby, Mini Shopaholic, Shopaholic to the Stars and Shopaholic to the Rescue. Becky Bloomwood came to the big screen in 2009 with the hit Disney movie Confessions of a Shopaholic, starring Isla Fisher and Hugh Dancy.

In 2014 she published a Young Adult novel Finding Audrey about a teenage girl with social anxiety and her madcap family, and in January 2018, Sophie published her first illustrated book for young readers about the charming adventures of a mother-daughter fairy duo, Mummy Fairy and Me (also published as Fairy Mom and Me).

Sophie’s latest novel, Surprise Me, published in February 2018, presents a humorous yet moving portrait of a marriage—its intricacies, comforts, and complications. Surprise Me reveals that hidden layers in a close relationship are often yet to be discovered.

Sophie wrote her first novel under her real name, Madeleine Wickham, at the tender age of 24, whilst she was working as a financial journalist. The Tennis Party was immediately hailed as a success by critics and the public alike and became a top ten bestseller. She went on to publish six more novels as Madeleine Wickham: A Desirable Residence, Swimming Pool Sunday, The Gatecrasher, The Wedding Girl, Cocktails for Three and Sleeping Arrangements.

Sophie was born in London. She studied music at New College, Oxford, but after a year switched to Politics, Philosophy and Economics. She now lives in London, UK, with her husband and family.

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* Shopaholic

“I've taken over the guest room wardrobe too- plus, I've arranged all my shoes on the bookshelves on the landing. (I put the books in boxes. No one ever read them. anyway.)”
Sophie Kinsella
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“Spoiled?" Mum cuts her off with a laugh. "Nonsense! There's nothing wrong with Minnie, is there, my precious? She knows her own mind!" She strokes Minnie's hair fondly, then looks up again. "Becky, love, you were exactly the same at her age. Exactly the same.”
Sophie Kinsella
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“Becky . . .” Luke looks at me carefully. “Have you ever been on a horse in your life?”“Yes! Of course I have!”Once. When I was ten. And I fell off.But I probably wasn’t concentrating or something.“Just be careful, won’t you?” he says. “I’m not quite ready to become a widower.”
Sophie Kinsella
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“And we spend the rest of the evening getting very pissed and eating ice cream, as we always do when something good or bad happens to either one of us.”
Sophie Kinsella
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“So I buy it. The most perfect little cardigan in the world. People will call me the Girl in the Gray Cardigan. I’ll be able to live in it. Really, it’s an investment.”
Sophie Kinsella
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“That moment. That instant when your fingers curl round the handles of a shiny, uncreased bag—and all the gorgeous new things inside it become yours. What’s it like? It’s like going hungry for days, then cramming your mouth full of warm buttered toast. It’s like waking up and realizing it’s the weekend. It’s like the better moments of sex. Everything else is blocked out of your mind. It’s pure, selfish pleasure.”
Sophie Kinsella
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“I've never felt so bereft and panicky. What do I do without my phone? How do I function? My hand keeps automatically reaching for my phone in its usual place in my pocket. Every instinct in me wants to text someone, 'OMG, I've lost my phone!' but how can do that without a bloody phone?”
Sophie Kinsella
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“Life is like an escalator. You see, it carries you on regardless. And you might as well enjoy the view and seize every opportunity while you're passing. Otherwise, it'll be too late.”
Sophie Kinsella
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“The thing about lying to your parents is, you have to do it to protect them.It’s for their own good.”
Sophie Kinsella
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“Women need chocolate. It's a scientific fact.”
Sophie Kinsella
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“Life's too short for minimalism.”
Sophie Kinsella
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“A party like this isn't about the surprise factor. It's about someone going to so much trouble that it just... overwhelms you.”
Sophie Kinsella
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“When I shop, the world gets better, and the world is better, but then it's not, and I need to do it again.(Confessions of a Shopaholic-the movie)”
Sophie Kinsella
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“They said I was a valued customer, now they send me hate mail.”
Sophie Kinsella
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“Oh, this shouldn't be allowed. There should be a rule which says that people you've met in the gym should never meet you in real life.”
Sophie Kinsella
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“It's a big step, moving to a new city, especially a city as extreme as New York. It's not the same as London...""I know," I nod. "You have to get your nails done.”
Sophie Kinsella
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“A cold dismay creeps over me. Oh okay, maybe I did once kind of pretend I had a stalker. Which I shouldn't have done. But I mean, just because you invent one tiny stalker - that doesn't make you a complete nut case, does it?”
Sophie Kinsella
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“You know, this always happens. Whenever I go away, I always think I'll come back to mountains of exciting posts, with parcels and telegrams and letters full of scintillating news - and I'm always disappointed. In fact, I really think someone should set up a company called which you would pay to write you loads of exciting letters, just so you had something to look forward to when you got home.”
Sophie Kinsella
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“Maybe I could... secretly fix a trailer onto the car when Luke ins't looking? Ot maybe I could wear all my clothes, on top of each other, and say I'm feeling a bit chilly...”
Sophie Kinsella
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“Everyone knows the first rule of business is "Look good during confrontations." Or if it isn't, it should be.”
Sophie Kinsella
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“We both gaze down at my swollen tummy for a while. I still can't quite get my head round the fact that there's a baby inside my body. Which has got to come out... somehow.OK, let's not go there. There's still time for them to invent something.”
Sophie Kinsella
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“This is the last time I ever get a private detective off the internet.”
Sophie Kinsella
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“Becky! Love!" Mum has pushed her way through her dancing guests to reach me. "What's wrong? Has labor started?"Honestly. My family has no idea about contemporary urban street dance trends.”
Sophie Kinsella
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“Why can't parents dance? Is it some universal law of physics or something?”
Sophie Kinsella
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“These corners are getting a bit bulky." Mum looks consideringly at the catalog. "Maybe we should fold down if we're not interested in the page.”
Sophie Kinsella
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“I feel a bit apprehensive as I see that he's looking directly at me. But I'm not doing anything wrong, am I? I mean, it's not like stalking is against the law.Oh. Well, OK, maybe stalking is against the law. But I've only been doing it for five minutes. Surely that doesn't count. And anyway, how does he know I'm stalking anyone? I might just be sitting here for my pleasure.”
Sophie Kinsella
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“But that's what happens in life. People find new friends and new sisters. It's called natural selection.”
Sophie Kinsella
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“Me too." I agree fervently. "Every film should definitely have a message."Which is true. I mean... take the Lord of the Rings movies- they've got loads of messages. Like "Don't lose your ring.”
Sophie Kinsella
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“Ciao," I say casually, and flick my hair back. "Si. Ciao."I could so be Italian. Except I might have to learn a few more words.”
Sophie Kinsella
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“I know this is our honeymoon. But just sometimes, I wish Luke was a girl.”
Sophie Kinsella
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“Material possessions aren't important to me," I say breathlessly. "All that matters to me is yoga.”
Sophie Kinsella
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“Do you respond to every e-mail you get, Becky?” Luke turns, incredulous. “Do you have a fine selection of Viagra substitutes too?”
Sophie Kinsella
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“Honestly, it’s so easy to get what you want from people if they think you’re a psycho.”
Sophie Kinsella
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“I can do this, I tell myself firmly. I can be attracted to him. It's just a matter of self control and possibly also getting very drunk. So I lift my glass and take several huge gulps. I can feel the bubbles surging into my head, singing happily "I'm going to be a millionaire's wife! I'm going to be a millionaire's wife!" And when I look back at Tarquin, he already looks a bit more attractive. Alcohol is obviously going to be the key to our marital status.”
Sophie Kinsella
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“Christmas shopping! I can do all my Christmas shopping here! I know March is a bit early, but why not be organized? And then when Christmas arrives I won't have to go near the horrible Christmas crowds.”
Sophie Kinsella
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“Thinking back, perhaps it took me longer than it should have to guess that he wasn't playing ball, so to speak. In fact, he actually had to punch me in the face get me off him - although he was very apologetic about it afterward.”
Sophie Kinsella
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“I mean, when I think about it, what's more important? Clothes - or the miracle of new life?”
Sophie Kinsella
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“she doesn’t really have a sense of humor. I think she’d like to have one—it’s just that she doesn’t quite understand what jokes are for.”
Sophie Kinsella
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“If it's in the bin, it's public property.”
Sophie Kinsella
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“Sam doesn't hesitate for a minute.'You say, "Mr and Mrs Tavish, you're making me feel inferior. Do you really think I'm inferior or is it just in my mind?”
Sophie Kinsella
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“I'll have to admit, he really does have quite a smile. Kind of heart-stopping, especially as it comes out of nowhere.I mean... you know. If your heart was in the kind of place to be stopped.”
Sophie Kinsella
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“Except...I do. Of course I do. Because as his hands gently cup my waist, I don't make a sound. As he swivels me around to face him, I don't make a sound. I don't need to. We're still talking. Every touch he makes, every imprint of his skin is like another word, another thought, a continuation of our conversation. And we're not done yet. Not yet.”
Sophie Kinsella
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“There’s no such thing as ruining your life. Life’s a pretty resilient thing, it turns out.”
Sophie Kinsella
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“There are some things I don't understand about Jess and never will. No wedding dress. No flowers. No photo album. No champagne. The only thing she got out of her wedding was a husband. (I mean, obviously the husband is the main point when you get married. Absolutely. That goes without saying. But still, not even a new pair of shoes?)”
Sophie Kinsella
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“A mistake isn’t a mistake unless it can’t be put right.”
Sophie Kinsella
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“If your life's at a juncture and you need to think about things, there's nowhere better than home. However old you are.”
Sophie Kinsella
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“I often wonder what she's thinking," says Ed, still gazing up at her. "That's quite an intriguing expression she has.""I often wonder that myself," chimes in Malcolm Gledhill eagerly. "She seems to have such a look of serenity and happiness...Obviously, from what you've said, she has a certain emotional connection with the painter Malory...I often wonder if he was reading her poetry as he painted...""What an idiot this man is," says Sadie scathingly in my ear. "It's obvious I what I'm thinking. I'm looking at Stephan and I'm thinking, I want to jump his bones.""She wanted to jump his bones," I say to Malcolm Gledhill. Ed shoots me a disbelieving look, then bursts into laughter.”
Sophie Kinsella
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“We're playing Scrabble. It's a nightmare.""Scrabble?" He sounds surprised. "Scrabble's great.""Not when you're playing with a family of geniuses, it's not. They all put words like 'iridiums'. And I put 'pig'.”
Sophie Kinsella
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“I don't speak Japanese, I don't know anything about Japanese business or Japanese culture. Apart from sushi. But I can't exactly go up to him and say "Sushi!" out of the blue. It would be like going up to a top American businessman and saying, "T-bone steak!”
Sophie Kinsella
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“Lover? I don't know. I don't know if she loves me. I don't know if I love her. All I can say is, she's the one I think about. All the time. She's the voice I want to hear. She's the face I hope to see.”
Sophie Kinsella
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