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Stanley Victor Paskavich

My latest creation is now on my website as a free down load world wide.

It's called "The Survivors Guide to Self Execution."

I've already had many great comments and reviews.

The basic purpose of the book is:

"Change a mindset change a life."

It's full of helpful advice for the many in pain...

I mean free when I say free to read no gimmicks.

Be well...


“I'd like to lose enough weight so that my bones creaked louder than the floor”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“Once that ship has sailed don't hold on to the anchor”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“When you try to cast doubt on the relationship of two true lovers.You'll find a bond that you'll never discover”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“Crazy isn't a condition it's a place and it exists somewhere between Love and Oblivion”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“ There is nothing more beautiful than the light of a Candle and the Aroma of it's Heart”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“If you surround yourself with people that fill in your inadequacies then together you fulfill the world.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“I've got to that point in life when there's very few thrills and lots of pills seems we all end up this way. As we wait for our final day. But there's one thing about the pills I take. My manic episodes have taken a break”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“Just to let you know I don't post my books and things on the net in hopes of being rich. The reason is. "I am a person with Bipolar Disorder" and they're are a lot of great minds on the "Famous Bipolar" list that died penniless. If I do the same it's no big deal but having a form of mental Illness I would love to get my name on the Bipolar list also one day. Preferably while I'm still living so I can make sure they spelled it right”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“I believe in 'Positives' not Negatives the only thing about Alcohol I'm Powerless over is those Damn Taxes”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“Biology includes the study of the human death which began when you took your first breath”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“I admit I have Mental Illness so please no more 'Fruit Cakes' for Christmas Please”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“ I always see the light at the end of the tunnel before I enter the cave”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“If you like me 'Fine' if you hate me 'Fine' I'll write you out of my life. It's as simple as Over,Done Forgotten Gone”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“Often when it comes to friends. When the rubber hits the road you'll find yourself hitch hiking”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“Most Religions are Social Clubs with expensive Entertainment Cheap Wine and Stale Crackers”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“I believe if I Piss God off one more time. I'll be eligible to win a free Bible”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“When my mind plays tricks on me I can deal. But when my mind plays tricks on my mind I can not tell what's real”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“I love Religion it's the cheapest place to buy Guilt, Fear,Sin and Doubt”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“I never see the color of a person. I never notice the color of their eyes. But the thing that always gets my attention. Is when the spout out lies”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“If there's a place for me in Hell I hope it's next to someone like you”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“It's two A.M. "To sleep or to write that is the question?" Whether it tis nobler to suffer the slings and arrows of my piss poor punctuation or take arms against a sea of keys with so many new possibilities.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“After seeing the devastation on the East coast. I've concluded that Sticks and Stone might break our bones. But Mother Nature can really tear up your stuff,”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“I like Kindness it's something the Government can't tax and it's free to give away that will return to you some day”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“A few years ago a friend said that I use to hunt and fish and build houses and things but now my whole life revolved around my computer I replied "But my computer revolves around the world”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“There's two ways to become a famous Poet, find that one person that knows somebody, that knows somebody, that knows somebody.Or die trying”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“You ever notice if you call someones cell phone they won't answer but if you text them seconds later they will. "The Power of your Thumbs compels You!”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“It doesn't matter what Church you belong to. If you don't believe in yourself you're Already Damned”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“I'm fighting a long term disease it's called Death and I will have it until I take my last breath”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“ I don't assign myself to the names of any religious or non religious groups I prefer my actions and beliefs to be manic or marvelous just like me”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“When I finally applied logic to Religion that was when I quit paying after life insurance and quit going”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“Anger is a double edged sword and it generally cuts the one who yields it the deepest”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“I really like Google+ it's much better than face book. The only game you can play on it is life. Which is a game that can only be played and never won.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“I have a question supposedly God has no father just wondering what is that term we use for a child with out a father? So I guess if I say "God is quite a creative Bastard" I'm correct.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“The reason I don't Kill Myselfis because I know I can.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“Some one asked me today to explain "Soul Mates" I said "Well if all the energy was created at the same time as they say. Then all souls and spirits and such would be the same age. The only way you could say then if your a so called Old Soul, it would mean you have played the game more than others. Then some where along the way the person your attracted to was there with you one or many times playing the game also. Yet the experiences you shared could of been in many different life applications, not just Lovers.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“I'm on a diet I plan to lose Guilt, Fear, Sin, and Doubt then I'll be confident enough to walk about.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“If it has a name or a description it has or will exist at some point in time”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“I could enjoy the simple life with a small living quarters, a scratched album of Johnny Cash and a Box of Twinkies”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“My mind is like a Zoo with no cages... Watch where you step”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“You know being and ex serviceman and a Disabled Gulf War Veteran. You could play Taps on a Jews Harp and I'd still cry”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“I'm tired of the whole anti gun thing. Saying that Guns cause Murders is like saying Steering Wheels cause car wrecks”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“You know if the U.S. Government wanted to boost the economy there's a simple solution make Black Friday the refund date for your state and federal taxes”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“Look at the world and think about a catastrophic disaster where the cell phone towers went dead. How would you ever be able to 'TEXT" your next door neighbor to see if they were okay”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“Poetry is more than a form of art. It's a vibration and a pulsing heart. Whether it's sour or whether it's sweet. It can give you strength no one can defeat”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“Hopefully one day wars will only be fought in movies and may the best producer win”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“Today's my birthday On mans scale 53 is a life more than 1/2 over. On the infinite scale of an eternal being I am just a cell of life that has forever to go!”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“Never judge a book by its "spine".”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“Because of my experience in Desert Storm I have permanent Insomnia but don't get me wrong I love sleep I can never get enough of it.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“I've invaded the walls of the asylums with my ink pen. The way they look at mental illness won't be the same again”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“I wonder if I'll meet one person that knows enough people that can get me recognized as a writer. Oh I already have he lives in my mirror.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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