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Stanley Victor Paskavich

My latest creation is now on my website as a free down load world wide.

It's called "The Survivors Guide to Self Execution."

I've already had many great comments and reviews.

The basic purpose of the book is:

"Change a mindset change a life."

It's full of helpful advice for the many in pain...

I mean free when I say free to read no gimmicks.

Be well...


“Punctuation is over rated a fly on the page of the book can change it all to hell.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“I told a perspective employer don't spend 50 Bucks looking up my back ground info on the net. Give me the 50 Bucks and I'll tell you myself.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“If you have more cavities than you have teeth you've led a 'Sweet' life.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“A person that has more intelligence than education always makes his own grade!”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“I'm a Black Sheep hopelessly lost in a field of delicious Blue Grass.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“Some people compress compassion and call it love others, compress love and call it loneliness”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“Nothing smells worse than a mans restroom in a bar, well that's what the lady told me when I called her number from the wall.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“I'd rather write poetry than watch TV it allows me to share the wide screen in me.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“They say the brain never ages it’s a shame it can't teach the body that trick.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“When I went to school every teacher had a BOARD of education.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“When I took my poetry class in school. I read an e. e. cummings poem. I don’t mind eels except how they feels and maybe as meals. I knew there was hope for me.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“The Owl goes who, who, the Dove goes coo, coo, humans go you! You!”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“I was out of salt so I threw pepper over my left shoulder for luck and the poor guy behind me almost sneezed himself to death.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“Poverty is a dish best served with Potato Soup.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“When I was a kid I loved wall paper it added a lot of fiber to my paint chips.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“When you master love and make your life an ocean of emotion and your compassion your only fashion the things you see will set you free.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“I just tripped over a pair of shoes and almost fell down and broke my neck and no I wasn't wearing them.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“I love reading things on twitter its all well within my attention span of 140 characters.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“Did you really look at the word Engaged, use to be first you go Steady then buy a ring then the woman was so happy that you became 'Engaged'.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“The best doctors are the ones that can get inside your head and fix something without making a hole.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“If I ever get rid of my Bi Polar condition we'll be so happy.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“My medication must be wearing off I'm starting to think my jokes are funny.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“If you want to find missing children put their photo's on Soda Cans, beer cans and cigarette packs and you'll increase the odds by millions some people are lactose in tolerate.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“Isn't it a shame that some people's 'weaknesses' can be so strong.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“Maybe we should Create a 'Happy God Day' and make it the one day of the year you can't kill each other.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“The only thing worse than a Mexican Stand Off is a Peace Pact that Fails!”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“It's not where I'm going that worries me it's where I've been that always bites me in the ass.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“It's Earth day I wonder if we can plant more trees than people for a change?”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“Normally most religious people will talk 'at' you for GOD. But spiritual people will talk 'with' you about GOD.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“I admit that sometimes I pick on Religions. I do believe there is a need for Religion for some but also a need for free thoughts within it.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“A lot of religions are 'Social Clubs' with strange rules, expensive entertainment, cheap wine and stale crackers.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“I guess the all and all answer in life is what Facades you want to believe in the most.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“A parents wishes for their children shouldn't be to be as good as them but to surpass their own abilities and hopefully lead to a better world.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“Some say God exists outside creation if in fact he did breath in Adams nostrils he became part of humanity and creation.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“Mentally I can die, Emotionally I can cry, Physically I can sigh, Spirituality I can fly. If I just try.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“Lots of ways to have your steak "Well done, medium rare, rare, bloody or fetch me a club".”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“This has always bothered me. If "Change" is the only constant how can we have absolutes?”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“My psychiatrist said "you're BI Polar. I said "tell us something we don't already know".”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“God forgive me for what I've done. God forgive me for what I will do, and forgive me for what I can't do because my religion won't let me.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“Make sure your Belief system leaves room for you to Be Life!”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“A smile to someone could make the difference between them going home and axe murdering their family or having a nice meal!”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“Imagination Is the 1st step to writing the sequel to your life. Dare to believe and you’re sure to receive.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“The needles they poke you with leaves a hole that closes in. But unkind words can make a hole that will never mend.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“Love is only A one syllable word but it's the most powerful one mankind's ever heard.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“I love belief it can move the pallet on a Ouija board or put a man into space. The problem that we have is the wrong beliefs we can't erase.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“I feel sorry for every Therapist, Psychologist, and Psychiatrist I've ever met. I know I've put thoughts in their mind they will never forget.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“Before I die I'd love to see my name on the Famous Bi Polar list I'm not ashamed of my Illness I believe most of my talent comes from it.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“A friend once said his father use to say "I don't want to be a millionaire I just want to live like one" if we could all be so lucky.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“Saying I don't take my meds because they make me feel funny. Is like cannibals saying they don't eat clowns because the taste funny”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“From my tears of happiness I have became a mountain of strength surrounded by a sea of Joy.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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