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Stanley Victor Paskavich

My latest creation is now on my website as a free down load world wide.

It's called "The Survivors Guide to Self Execution."

I've already had many great comments and reviews.

The basic purpose of the book is:

"Change a mindset change a life."

It's full of helpful advice for the many in pain...

I mean free when I say free to read no gimmicks.

Be well...


“Even in the fiercest battles the Butterflies and Bee's still kiss the flowers.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“You ever wake up in the morning and kiss the mirror and say "HELLO BEAUTIFUL" if not you have the wrong connection with your reflection.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“Blessed be the ones that are free that have detached from possessions that can possess Thee.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“I've been playing the game of life for over 52 years now and I don't feel one day younger or older than I am. Maybe its I just don't feel”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“The way you separate Reality from Imagination is the number of bandages you have to use.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“Watch an Ant, Watch the bees, feel wind move the leaves. Touch your smile above your chin from the glorious world we all live in.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“What most people call talent is our way to vent, and if we’re not discovered it will never pay the rent.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“In the beginning the Poets and Philosophers taught the world to see. Then after that any form of education was no longer free.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“The wee little people that live in my head won't let Gulliver go.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“If I could out run the Angel of Death I'd probably die from lack of breath!”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“I was in a department store and the clerk came up to me and said "do you want to lay on the couch' I said "Where's your clip board?”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“I have my welcome mat turned around backwards so when people leave they think they’re going to a better place.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“It's amazing that people actually get paid for what I'm doing on here for free.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“Lunar Eclipse doesn't that sound like a car you can only drive at night?”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“I would never appear on any television show that would have me for a guest.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“There's a fine line between deserving and just desserts.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“I admit it in school I was an underachiever and it was so easy to do.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“If I wouldn't of spent so much time shooting spit wads at my English teacher I'd know how to punctuate good thing I normally write poetry.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“The greatest communication barrier known to man is the lack of the common core of experience "When’s the last time you had a Manic Episode Doctor"?”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“A vivid Imagination is awesome a Manic Imagination is a curse.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“Three eggs two slices of toast a cup of coffee an episode of Mr. Ed. A Violin and a bowl of fruit what else does a man need?”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“Trying to quit smoking I'm out and have decided the best way to quit is to simply not buy them. "I can't" generally means "I choose not to".”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“Fractional Multiplicity' allows for a minute amount of our energy to be present in all places at all times.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“Substance of your belief has nothing to do with the size of the book you use or how often you open it.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“Leaders that wear the largest hats have few armies to attack a land so this leads them to be sly and cunning as they extend their hand.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“I'll take a Cheezy Burger and a shake full of smiles to go.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“For Breakfast I like my coffee warm and cozy and my eggs funny side up.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“When people tell me to go fly a kite I tell them to go dig a ditch. They say "why dig a ditch"? I say because I want to be closer to Heaven than you.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“Reality is in the mind of the eye.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“I'm sucking on a cancer stick trying to think of something inspiring to say to help someone have a better life. That's "Irony".”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“Everyone should have a form of a diary it’s a great release Most people’s Diaries are called "My Diary" Mines called "Conversations with Me".”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“A few diaries could replace tons of self help books simply because their written in the first person...”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“I've diagnosed myself and discovered I have a limited 'life span' you can do this to. Then live life to its fullest in everything you do!”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“Some people live a lifetime every second, others only a second in a life time with little happiness to find. Learn to seize each and every second and make your life divine!”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“The best self help book I've ever read was, The little Engine that Could.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“I love reading I know it’s very important and I respect anyone that is patient enough to do it.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“Is it just me or am I the only person that didn't receive an invitation to the Grand Ball so many call life?”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“I've admired a lot of people in my life time and some of them were actually alive.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“S.P.A.M. S.enseless P.eople A.always M.essaging”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“I hope to die with dignity and not be on my death bed pondering the afterlife wearing a diaper named Depends.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“There's isn't any slight of hand in Spirituality, everything you desire is right there for you to see.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“I'm not here to sell nor am I here to buy. I just hope my words can help you touch the sky.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“If you could see your perfect image in the mirror it would remove all your fear.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“So many wish for magic so many beg for fame, but if you could manifest anything you want life would be a boring game.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“Some poems are written great, some poems are written swell. But then there are poems that could win a prize in Hell.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“The only way to set yourself free is to meet each new challenge relatively.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“Jumping out of a perfectly good air plane is like driving through life without a good set of brakes.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“If you have a warm and caring heart, you're loved ones will ensure you never depart. For long after you've turned that final page you'll still be right there on center stage.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“I've been to weddings and I've been to wakes in either setting Love takes no breaks.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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“When you depart I'll blow you a Kiss take it to the Loved ones I already Miss.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich
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