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Stephanie Perkins

Hi, there! I'm Stephanie Perkins, and I wrote Anna and the French Kiss, Lola and the Boy Next Door, and Isla and the Happily Ever After. I also edited (and contributed a short story to) a romantic holiday anthology called My True Love Gave to Me and its companion anthology Summer Days and Summer Nights. My most recent releases are horror novels—There's Someone Inside Your House, which was adapted into a film for Netflix, and The Woods Are Always Watching. I'm currently at work on my next novel, which has not been publicly announced yet.



“I know. As if I’d ever go for him now that my dad wants me to date him.”“As if you’d ever go for his again.”“Right…right.”
Stephanie Perkins
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“You've spent all this time afraid to talk about what was going on between you two, but if you'd ever bothered to ask him, you would have discovered that he wasn't worth it.”
Stephanie Perkins
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“We still hate Bridgette, right? I haven't missed anything?”
Stephanie Perkins
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“St. Clair: So did you enjoy the book?Anna: I did. Did you?St. Clair: I like the author's name the best. Ba-nah-na.”
Stephanie Perkins
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“Anna: You really think he likes me?Rashmi: Anna. He teases you all the time. It's classic boy-pulling-girl's-pigtail syndrome. And whenever anyone else even remotely does it, he always takes your side and tells them to shove it.”
Stephanie Perkins
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“I was there that first night her called you. I've seen how he looked at you in pictures. Any bloke with a working prick would be insane not to like you.”
Stephanie Perkins
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“I like you. And I don't mean as a friend.”
Stephanie Perkins
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“Foomp! My inner fire ignites.”
Stephanie Perkins
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“...home isn't a place. It's a person.”
Stephanie Perkins
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“When you're asleep, no one asks you to do anything. No one expects anything of you. And you don't have to face any of your troubles.”
Stephanie Perkins
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“We’ll just walk. And we’ll keep walking until the rest of the world ceases to exist.”
Stephanie Perkins
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“That was pants.”
Stephanie Perkins
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“Pardon me, but I wonder if you wouldn't mind switching seats. You see, that's my girlfriend there, and she's pregnant. And since she gets a bit ill on airplanes, I thought she might need someone to hold her hair when... well..."St. Clair holds up the courtesy barf bag and shakes it around. The paper crinkles dramatically. The man sprints off the seat as my face flames. His pregnant girlfriend?”
Stephanie Perkins
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“You’ll be reading the breakfast menu without me before you know it.”Hmm, maybe I don’t want to learn French”
Stephanie Perkins
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“POINT ZÉRO DEC ROUTES DE FRANCE“Mademoiselle Oliphant. It translates to ‘Point zero of the roads of France.’ In other words, it’s the point from which all other distances in France are measured. It’s the beginning of everything. Welcome to Paris, Anna. I’m glad you’ve come.”
Stephanie Perkins
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“The grapes are smaller than I’m used to, and the skin is slightly textured. Is that dirt? I dip my napkin in water and dab at the tiny purple globes. It helps, but they’re still sort of rough. Hmm. St. Clair and Meredith stop talking. I glance up to find them staring at me in matching bemusement.“What?”“Nothing,” he says. “Continue your grape bath.”
Stephanie Perkins
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“We’re both aware that he knows everything about Parisian life, whereas I have he savvy of a chocolate croissant.”
Stephanie Perkins
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“You aren't your name. Your decisions are your own.”
Stephanie Perkins
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“Para nosotros dos, estar en casa no es un lugar. Es una persona. Y por fin hemos llegado a casa.”
Stephanie Perkins
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“How could I have ever for a moment believed I wasn’t in love with him?”
Stephanie Perkins
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“Foreign novels are less action-oriented. They have a different pace; they’re more reflective. They challenge us to look for the story, find the story within the story.”
Stephanie Perkins
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“It's a relief to know it won't happen. It makes things easier.”
Stephanie Perkins
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“How did you know? That she wasn't the one for him?" Now he's staring at his hands, slowing rubbing them together. "They just didn't have that . . . natural magic. You know? It never seemed easy." My voice grows tiny. "Do you think things have to be easy? For it to work?" Cricket's head shoots up, his eyes bulging as they grasp my meaning. "NO. I mean, yes, but . . . sometimes there are ... extenuating circumstances. That prevent it from being easy. For a while. But then people overcome those ...circumstances . . . and . . .""So you believe in second chances?" I bite my lip. "Second, third, fourth. Whatever it takes. However long it takes. If the person is right," he adds.If the person is . . . Lola?"This time, he holds my gaze. "Only if the other person is Cricket."Chapter 27Pg 273”
Stephanie Perkins
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“Screw it. Let the fates decide”
Stephanie Perkins
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“My face blush more for his smile than anything else.”
Stephanie Perkins
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“He closes his eyes.Our lips brush lightly."If you ask me to kiss you , I will," he says.His fingers stroke the inside of my wrists, and I burst into flames."Kiss me," I say.He does.”
Stephanie Perkins
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“He snuffles. Oh, no.He's not going to cry, is he? Because even though it's sweet when guys cry, I am so not prepared for this.Girl scouts didn't teach me what to do with emotionally unstable drunk boys.”
Stephanie Perkins
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“Callipygian:Having shapely buttocks.”
Stephanie Perkins
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“My smile wavers as I revert to my natural state of being: nervous and weird.”
Stephanie Perkins
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“I don't know.  I don't really like old movies.  The acting is so, 'Hey buddy, ol' pal.  Let's go wear our hats and have a big misunderstanding”
Stephanie Perkins
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“Sometimes I think there are only so many opportunities . . . to get together with someone. And we’ve both screwed up so many times”—my voice grows quiet—“that we’ve missed our chance.”
Stephanie Perkins
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“Maybe I’m not a brave American, but I think I can be a brave Canadian.”
Stephanie Perkins
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“Life is too short to be the same person everyday.”
Stephanie Perkins
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“I'm just saying that if it were Anna, I'd want to meet her coworkers. See where she's spending her time."I stare at him, hard. "Obviously.”
Stephanie Perkins
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“There's something about blue eyes.The kind of blue that startles you every time they're lifted in your direction. The kind of blue that makes you ache for them to look at you again. Not the blue green or blue gray, the blue that's just blue.Cricket has those eyes.”
Stephanie Perkins
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“Happy Thanksgiving," he says, handing me my ticket. "Let's see some dead people.”
Stephanie Perkins
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“Perfect is overrated. Perfect is boring."I smile. "You don't think I'm perfect?""No. You're delightfully screwy, and I wouldn't have you any other way.”
Stephanie Perkins
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“Watch it." Josh bites into a pink apple and talks through a full mouth. "He has parts down there you don't have.""Ooo, parts," I say. "Intriguing. Tell me more."Josh smiles sadly. "Sorry. Privileged information. Only people with parts can know about said parts.”
Stephanie Perkins
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“I spin around and give him the finger down low, hoping Monsieur Boutin can't see. St. Clair responds by grinning and giving me the British version, the V-sign with his first two fingers. Monsieur Boutin tuts behind me with good nature. I pay for my meal and take the seat next to St. Clair. "Thanks. I forgot how to flip off the English. I'll use the correct hand gesture next time.""My pleasure. Always happy to educate.”
Stephanie Perkins
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“Callipygian. Having shapely buttocks. Nice one, Bridge.”
Stephanie Perkins
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“And for the first time since coming home, i'm completely happy. It's strange. Home... to be here, in my technical house, and discover now someplace different... Is it possible for home to be a person and not a place?... For the two of us, home isn't a place. It's a person. And we're finally home.”
Stephanie Perkins
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“Just imagine! In the early nineteenth century, this cathedral was in such a state of disrepair that the city considered tearing it down. Luckily for us, Victor Hugo heard about the plans to destroy it and wrote The Hunchback of Notre-Dame to raise awareness of its glorious history. And, by golly, did it work! Parisians campaigned to save it, and the building was repaired and polished to the pristine state you find today.”
Stephanie Perkins
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“The directness of her question throws me. "I don't know. Sometimes I think there are only so many get together with someone. And we've both screwed up so many times"- my voice grows quiet - "that we've missed our chance.""Anna." Mer pauses. "That is the dumbest thing I've ever heard.""But—""But what? You love him, and he loves you, and you live in the most romantic city in the world.”
Stephanie Perkins
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“I have a rule.""Elaborate."The statue is still warm from the previous visitors. "I ask myself, if the worst happened—if I did get knocked up-would I be embarrassed to tell my child who his father was? If the answer is anywhere even remotely close to yes, then there's no way."He nods slowly. "That's a good rule.”
Stephanie Perkins
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“He pats his way around the the bed and slides back in. "Ow," he says."yes?""My belt. Would it be weird..."I'm thankful he can't see me blush."Of course not." And I listen to the slap of leather, s he pulls it out of his belt loops. He lays it gently on my hardwood floor."Um," he says. "Would it be weird-" "yes""Oh, piss off. I'm not talking trousers. I only want under the blankets. That breeze is horrible." He slides underneath, and now we're lying side-by-side. In my narrow bed. Funny, but I never never imagined my first sleepover with a guy being, well, a sleepover.”
Stephanie Perkins
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“Fo' shiz.”
Stephanie Perkins
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“Porque tenía razón. Para nosotros dos, casa no es un lugar. Es una persona.”
Stephanie Perkins
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“Por ti. Solamente será un viaje de veinte minutos a tu universidad, y viajaré a diario para verte todas las noches. Viajaría diariamente diez veces simplemente para estar contigo todas las noches.”
Stephanie Perkins
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“Debo ser masoquista para ponerme en estas situaciones. Necesito ayuda. Tengo que ver a un psiquiatra o ser encerrada en una celda acolchada con camisa de fuerza o algo así.”
Stephanie Perkins
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“Algunas personas son quisquillosas acerca de ir al cine solas, pero yo no. Porque cuando las luces se apagan, la única relación que queda en la sala es la que hay entre a película y yo.”
Stephanie Perkins
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