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Susan Elizabeth Phillips


Susan Elizabeth Phillips has been called the “Queen of Romantic Comedy and is the creator of the sports romance, beginning with her 1989 bestseller, FANCY PANTS. An internationally acclaimed author, her books have been published in over 30 languages. She’s the only four-time recipient of the Romance Writers of America’s prestigious Favorite Book of the Year Award, and a recipient of their Lifetime Achievement Award.

Susan's newest book, SIMPLY THE BEST, is coming in hardcover, ebook and audiobook in February 2024. SIMPLY THE BEST is book #10 in the highly acclaimed CHICAGO STARS football series. Susan is also known for the Wynette, Texas book series and many stand-alone women's fiction/romance novels.

In addition to being a New York Times, Publisher’s Weekly, and USA Today bestseller, she is a hiker, lazy gardener, horrible singer, passable cook, passionate reader, wife, mother of two grown sons, and grandmother.

You can visit Susan on Facebook, Instagram or on her website.

“..".ne možeš učiniti ništa značajno u svijetu ukoliko trošiš vrijeme nakritiziranje drugih zato što ne izgledaju ili se ne ponašaju onako kako ti misliš da bi trebali.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“Kakve koristi odživotnih lekcija ako ih zanemarujemo?”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“Cal ’s eyes reflected a weird combination of frenzy and fear as he twisted toward his father. “My God!She’s on her way to becoming the most famous physicist in the country, and she’s dumb as a post ! You are not having your baby in this house! You’re having it at the county hospital!”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“Fortunately, she understood the difference between biological attraction and lasting affection.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“Nije li to ljubav? Da nam je bolje kad smo zajedno nego kad smo sami? Odgovaramo jedno drugome.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“Zar mu se to događa? Zar osjeća bol zbog emocija koje ga rastapaju?”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“U jednom djeliću vremena shvatila je sve tajne nastanka, činjenicu daje svako ţivo biće dio svakog drugog ţivog bića, da su svi dio Boga, vezani ljubavlju, a odaslani na Zemlju kako bi se brinuli jedni za druge. Shvatila je da ne postoje ni strah, ni bolest, ni smrt. Ništa osim ljubavi nema nikakvu vaţnost.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“Who needs food? Your smile alone is enough to nourish me for weeks.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“Escúchame bien, Ryan Galantine. Cuando ese bastardo te vuelva a llamar, dile que ha ganado este asalto. Me casaré con éL Pero no me gusta que me chantajeen, y dile que pasaré elresto de mi vida haciendo miserable la suya. ¿Lo has entendido?Ryan se incorporó sobre las almohadas. Parecía soñoliento y vertido.Sugar Beth insistió._ Hablo en serio. Si tanto quiere este matrimonio, lo tendrá pero más le vale estarpreparado para sufrir las consecuencias. _ Se dio la vuelta, se dirigió hacia la puerta, bajó las escaleras y se marchó.Ryan miró a su mujer._ Se merecen uno al otro.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“Que una persona tenga conciencia de determinados rasgos de su carácter no significa necesariamente que sea capaz de ponerles remedio”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“No, amor mío, no estás embarazada, y yo me niego a ser manipulado. Esta conversación ya me resulta insoportablemente tediosa. Te quiero con todo mi corazón y... ¿Estás llorando,cariño?Sí moqueó Sugar Beth_ . Casi no he hecho otra cosa desde que te fuiste¿ Es eso cierto?Me temo que sí.EspléndidoY colgó.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“Intenta pasar seis meses junto a la cama de un moribundo y luego dime que las historias de amor con final feliz no son una bendición de Dios.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“Todo el mundo comenta cómo salvaste la vida de Winnie anoche_ Lo que hice fue hacerle una zancadilla cuando llegamos a la puerta y luego arrastrarla ala calle, para que todos pensara que la había salvado.Él sonrió y levantó su tazón en señal de brindis._ Bien hecho._ Veo que has pasado demasiado tiempo en mi poco recomendable compañía.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“Has creado esta personalidad alternativa, una mujer tan dura que no le importa laopinión de los demás. Tan dura que se enorgullece de proclamar sus defectos a los cuatro vientos,sólo que estos defectos (no te lo pierdas, ésta es tu auténtica genialidad), estas taras que exhibes ala vista pública, nada tienen que ver con tu verdadera personalidad.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“A veces un muro no es más que un muro, Sugar Beth. En tu caso, sin embargo, laerección de barreras es una ocupación preocupante. No vives la vida, sólo finges vivirla.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“Tonterías. Soy el hombre más adecuado. Nadie puede serte menos peligroso que yo.El cuerpo de obrero desnudo que se apretaba contra ella no parecía poco peligroso._ ¿Cómo has llegado a esta conclusión?_ Nos entendemos perfectamente. Yo soy sarcástico y desagradable. Tú eres terca y manipuladora._ Que Dios nos bendiga.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“-Somos todos obras inacabadas, pequeña. Y créeme cuando te digo que he tenido quetrabajar más duro que la mayoría.-Creo que ha hecho un buen trabajo.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“La gente siempre intentará quitarte el poder. Si las cosas te van bien, dirán que es porque eres rica y tus padres son unos peces gordos. También la gente que te aprecia intentará quitarte elpoder, aunque éstos lo harán de otro modo. Si fracasas en lo que sea, intentarán alentarte diciendo que nadie es perfecto y que no deberías ser tan exigente contigo misma. Te dirán, por ejemplo, queno debes preocuparte por haber suspendido un examen de matemáticas, porque las mates sondifíciles para las chicas. O que no debes indignarte tanto por la injusticia que reina en el mundo,porque no podrás remediarla. Y por muy buenas que sean sus intenciones, de esa manera estarán pidiéndote menos de lo que puedes ser. _ Sintió una opresión en el pecho y trató de librarse conotra respiración profunda_ . Una manera de afianzar tu poder es aprendiendo cuándo hay que dar un paso adelante, cuando reconocer que estabas equivocada y cuándo plantear batalla.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“A Colin el whisky se le removió en el estómago. Ella se quebraría antes que doblegarse un ápice. Tuvo ganas de sacarla a rastras del salón y quitarle su obstinación a besos.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“Mientras recogía las bolsas de la compra, un familiar Lexus berlina color coñac se detuvo a su lado. La ventanilla del conductor bajó apareció el rostro del Duque del Infierno en persona,sonrisa burlona incluida._ Pareces una vagabunda.Sugar Beth supuso que lo decía por las bolsas, no por sus tejanos o su cazadora de motera._ Gracias, que tengas un buen día tú también.Él la contempló a través de unas gafas sin montura._ ¿Quieres que te lleve?_ ¿Dejas subir plebeyos a tu carruaje?_ Hoy me siento benevolente._ Es mi día de suerte.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“– Csak kíváncsiságból, tudod, mi az a színészet? – Frászt. – Gondoltam. – Nem értem, mi a jelentősége. Az ilyen filmekben csak seggeket kell szétrúgni és nőket levetkőztetni. A fenébe is, nyolcéves korom óta ezt csinálom.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“Blue-nak elakadt a lélegzete. - Jézusom, csak nem vette elő?Dean nem tehetett róla. Lenézett az ágyékára.A lány azonban a minibárt nézte. Ledobta a vázlatfüzetét, elrohant a férfi mellett és felkaptaaz árlistát. - Ezt nézze! Huszonöt dollár egy kisüveges ásványvíz. Három dollár egy Snickers.Egy Snickers!”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“Meséljen magáról, Hód.- Blue vagyok.- Drágám, ha ilyen rossz ízlésem lenne a férfiak terén, én sem lennék boldog.- A nevem Blue. Blue Bailey.- Álnévnek tűnik.- Anyám aznap egy kicsit depis volt, amikor kitöltötte a születési anyakönyvi kivonatomat.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“The last one's hard. Marriage is always a balancing act, and it's never a good idea for one partner to get too big a head, but I'm afraid that's what's going to happen here. People write a lot of things about Eric Dillon's talent, and most of it's true. But nobody writes about the important things. The fact that he's a wonderful father and the best husband a woman could have. That fact that he cares about other people so much that he sometimes scares me. That doesn't mean he's perfect, of course. It's hard living with a man who's prettier than all of your girlfriends put together. But if it weren't for Eric Dillon, I wouldn't be here tonight. He loved me when I wasn't lovable, and I guess when it comes right down to it, that's pretty much what family is all about. Thank you, sweetheart.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“A coaster gives you hope. You can pretty much ride a good one through the worst tragedy life throws at you. You can even ride it through somebody dying, I guess.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“Make-up? What happened? You look almost female.""Thanks. You look almost straight.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“Thanks to April,” she whispered, “you have the wedding you’ve dreamed about ever since you were a little girl.”Dean’s boom of laughter was one more reason she loved this man with all her heart.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“Rachel nem akarta, hogy a férfi azt higgye róla, szemérmes, különösen, hogy annyirakívánta, s tudta, hogy meg kell mondania neki. - Gabe, ma reggel megjött.A férfi felé fordult és üres tekintettel nézett rá.- A ciklusom - magyarázta. Amikor Gabe cseppet sem vágott értelmesebb képet, eszébejutott a férfi hivatása. - Tüzelek.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“Maybe some poor slob would take you to bed if you weren’t such a ballbuster.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“Was there some basic flaw in her makeup that made her keep falling in love with this man who couldn’t love her back?”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“If you were a sane woman, I would, of course, behave in a more rational fashion. Since you are a lunatic, however, this is the only way.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“When it’s your fourth marriage, you tend to lose faith in superstitions.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“When that bastard calls back, you tell him he’s won this round. I’ll marry him. But I don’t take well to being blackmailed, and tell him I intend to spend the rest of my life making him miserable, got that?”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“Now, now. Southern ladies don’t French-kiss and tell.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“The Cinderella story in reverse. I only wish there were ashes in the fireplace so I could order you to sweep them out.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“In case you’re not bright enough to figure it out, there’s a real upside to having a sinner like me answer your phone. I lie, and your conscience stays clear.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“It was a bitch living with your old English teacher, especially when your old English teacher wasn’t old at all, and he had exactly the kind of body that most appealed to her, tall and lean, broad in the shoulder, narrow at the hip. Then there was his brain. It had taken her a lot of years to find that particular part of a man appealing, but she’d finally gotten in the habit, and she couldn’t seem to give it up.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“He’d lapped at her ankles like a lovesick pup, and she’d been exactly what she was now, a woman born too beautiful and too rich to worry about a small thing like integrity.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“We’re all works in progress, honey. And believe me when I tell you that I’ve had to work harder than most.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“Hold it right there. The only agreement we ever had was that you intended to make me as miserable as possible, and I intended to courageously make the best of an intolerable situation like valiant Southern women have always done.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“Mummy’s coming home late tonight. It’ll be just we guys, so we can get drunk and watch porn.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“You don’t live life. You act it.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“Old radicals never changed. They just got law degrees and updated their bag of tricks.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“And wasn't that a great moment in baseball history," Holly Grace replied with withering sarcasm. "Helen Keller pitching and Little Stevie Wonder catching.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“Does all your underwear look like it belongs in a high-class strip show?”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“This is a perfect example of how entirely out of hand the women in this country have gotten. You act like men aren't anything more than extraneous amusements, little toys to keep you entertained.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“And no matter what anybody says, I don't believe all this trouble started when women got the vote. As far as I'm concerned, it goddamn well got started when you taught each other how to read.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“You remind me of someone with a bad toothache who's hitting herself in the head with a hammer to distract herself from the pain in her mouth.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“Sex with Panda was like being in a porno movie but without a third party involved.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“She wanted to stomp her foot, throw a tantrum, throw a punch.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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