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Susan Elizabeth Phillips


Susan Elizabeth Phillips has been called the “Queen of Romantic Comedy and is the creator of the sports romance, beginning with her 1989 bestseller, FANCY PANTS. An internationally acclaimed author, her books have been published in over 30 languages. She’s the only four-time recipient of the Romance Writers of America’s prestigious Favorite Book of the Year Award, and a recipient of their Lifetime Achievement Award.

Susan's newest book, SIMPLY THE BEST, is coming in hardcover, ebook and audiobook in February 2024. SIMPLY THE BEST is book #10 in the highly acclaimed CHICAGO STARS football series. Susan is also known for the Wynette, Texas book series and many stand-alone women's fiction/romance novels.

In addition to being a New York Times, Publisher’s Weekly, and USA Today bestseller, she is a hiker, lazy gardener, horrible singer, passable cook, passionate reader, wife, mother of two grown sons, and grandmother.

You can visit Susan on Facebook, Instagram or on her website.

“If I told you, you might be forced to lie about it. Not that you aren't really good at it, but why put an old man in that position?”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“You have a college degree? You can barely talk.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“I hate to admit this, but some days hearing about other people's problems actually cheers me up.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“I was raised with all the advantages except a backbone.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“Eat your heart out. Oh, wait. You can’t. It’s not organic.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“His pacing stopped. The mattress sighed as he sat on the edge. seconds ticked by before he spoke so softly she could barely hear. "Sometimes I want to leave this town so bad I can taste it.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“I'll take care of my mother," he said grimly. "I love her, but she doesn't run my life.""Yeah, that's what we all say. You. Me. Lucy." She stabbed the stick into the dirt. "These are powerful women. They're sane, they're smart, they rule their worlds, and they love us ferociously. A potent combination that makes it touch to pretend they're normal mothers.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“Veći je grijeh bio ne pokušati nego ne uspjeti.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“Perder no es tan malo como dejar de luchar”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“Be the best at what you're good at”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“I love you, Daisy. I love you so much I hurt.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“Pride had kept her running when love had betrayed her.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“She frowned at the message on his T-shirt: IT ONLYSEEMS KINKY THE FIRST TIME.“It was a gift,” he said.“From Satan?”Something that looked almost like a smile flickered across his face and then disappeared. “You don’t like it, you know what you can do about it.” Hecleared another snarl of water hyacinths.“What if a child saw that shirt?”“Seen any kids today?” He shifted his weight slightly on the seat. “You’re making me sorry I lost my favorite one.” She turned back to the bow. “Idon’t want to hear.”“It says, ‘I’m al for gay marriage as long as both bitches are hot.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“I like to get input from the ladies when I shop.” He grabbed a navy T-shirt and studied the il ustration, a cartoon drawing of a woman with enormousbreasts and a rocket launcher between her legs.“That would be a definite no,” she said.“I like it.” He tossed it over his shoulder and began thumbing through a stack of jeans.“I thought you wanted my input.”He stared at her blankly. “Why’d you think that?” She gave up.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“Panda gazed at her plastic-bag pregnancy. “Here I am, about to be a father, and the sex wasn’t even that good.” She fought the urge to apologize.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“You got your designer blue jeans, your designer shoes, your designer luggage. Now Miss Fancy Pants got her some designer pussy.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“ignore the pain, play through it.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“Johnny Guy, some idiot put Flower in panties with teddy bears on them.”“I’m the idiot, Jako. You got a problem?”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“I love being inside you, and touching your face, and opening my eyes so I know it's really you. And after we're finished, I go into a fever thinking about a day when I can leave myself inside you. When I'll steal the soap and turn off the water so I stay there... inside you... part of you.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“You make me see the world in new ways. You're the first thing my heart greets when I wake up in the morning. You're the last thing I see in my mind before I fall asleep.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“Just looking at you shines sunlight on every moment I live. Before I knew you, I wasn't even alive. I thought I knew what I wanted, but I didn't have any idea. You barged into my life and changed it forever. I love you, I admire you, I lust after you, I adore you...”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“Uhm, Kevin...""Be quiet, or I swear to God I'll take you right here."Yes, this was definitely Forced Sex.Thank goodness.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“—Ya no te amo —susurró ella. —No te amo en absoluto.A él se le puso un nudo en la garganta.—No importa, cariño. Yo tengo amor suficiente por los dos.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“No puedo resistirme a ti —dijo Alex con suavidad. —¿Lo sabes, no? Y ya me he cansado de fingir lo contrario —adoptó una expresión de profunda preocupación. —Pero no te amo, Daisy, y no puedes hacerte una idea de cuánto lo siento, porque si tuviera que amar a alguien, sería a ti.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“People will always try to stealyour power. When you do well, they’ll say it’s only because you’re rich and your parents are big shots. People who care about you will try to stealyour power, too, but they’ll go about it differently. When you fail at something, they’ll try to make you feel better by saying that nobody’s good ateverything, and you shouldn’t be so hard on yourself. They might tell you not to feel bad about screwing up a math test because math’s hard for girls.Or they’ll say you shouldn’t worry so much about injustice in the world because you’re only one person. And even though they mean well, they’ll bemaking you less than what you can be.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“Save your sweet talk for later, Daphne. The garbage guys just drove up with the new Dumpster.""Shut the lid after you climb in.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“Isn't it fascinating that he mainly dates women with limited English? But I guess it prevents a silly thing like conversation from interfering with sex.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“Just love me, Harry. That's what I wanted to say. Love me like you used to. Like I was special instead of a cross you have to bear. Like the differences between us are good things instead of something awful. I want it to be the way it used to be when you looked at me as though you couldn't believe I was yours. Like I was the most wonderful creature in the world. I know I don't look the way I did then. I know I have stretch marks everywhere, and I know how much you used to love my breasts, and now they're halfway to my knees, and I hate this, and I hate that you don't love me like you used to, and I hate the fact that you're making mebeg!”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“Meg! I love you! I want to marry you!""That's weird," she said without stopping. "Only six weeks ago, you were telling me all about how Lucy broke your heart.""I was wrong. Lucy broke my brain.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“You were the best birthday present I ever got.""Thank you.""I wanted to give you something back, but I've got to warn you that it's not half as good as my present. Even so, you have to keep it.""All right."He draped the pink bow around his neck and grinned. "Happy birthday, Rosebud.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“In Dallie's mind that was one of the world's stupidest questions, right up there with: was it as good for you as it was for me?”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“Captain Blood, Robin Hood, Don Juan -Flynn had played them all. Sometimes if the mood struck him, he'd even played them well.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“We just lost our electricity. You want to tell me what’s so funny about that?”“It’s not exactly funny. It’s more of a good news/bad news situation.”“In that case, hit me with the good news first.”“They’re both sort of rolled up into one.”“Stop stalling.”“All right. Now don’t get mad, but . . .” Smothered laughter drifted toward him. “Cal . . . I’m naked.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“She reached into the pocket of her dress and threw the small stack of bills at him. They fluttered to the ground like broken dreams. "I hope you choke onevery penny.""Pick that up."She drew back her arm and slapped him as hard as she could.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“Damn it! Are you so stupid you don't know what I'm going to do to you?"Her eyes bore into his without flinching. "Are you so stupid you haven't figured out yet that it doesn't matter?”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“-Lo intentaré.-Lo intentarás.-La voz de Dean sonó cortante.-¿Qué quieres de mí?-gimió ella.El hombre de acero echó hacia delante la mandíbula.-Quiero que seas tan fuerte como das a entender que eres.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“He should have seen this coming, but he hadn't. Of course she wouldn't want to move back to Wynette after everything that had happened to her there. But what about his family, his friends, his roots, which stretched so deep into that rocky soil he'd become part of it?”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“He could deal with his guilt all by himself. Guilt didn't add up to love, an emotion she was done with forever.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“I sure do miss that woman. Smart. Funny. Sweet. She never gave me a moment's trouble.""Gosh, I'm sorry about that. I knew it was boring between you two, but not that bad.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“Okay, so I'll admit I'm curious. Big deal. We both know what that leads to. Dead cat.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“Te llamas a ti misma ciudadana del mundo, sus ojos susurraban, pero eso sólo significa que no perteneces a ningún sitio.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“You try spending six months sitting at somebody's bedside, waiting for them to die and then tell me that the happy-ending love story isn't one of God's good gifts.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“−Debe prometerme, entrenador, que no la lastimará.−Lo prometo.−Lo ha dicho demasiado rápido para mi gusto. La verdad es que no le creo.−Soy un hombre de palabra, y le prometo que no la lastimaré. −Flexionó las manos−. Cuando la asesine, lo haré tan rápido que no sentirá nada.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“You lit into me last night. You said what I did was stupid.- That's what my head said. But my heart... My stupid heart... Her voice broke. It was singing.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“All it means is that, while our minds may have trouble communicating, our bodies don't have any problem at all." "I don't think it's that simple." "Sure it is." "The earth moved," she said softly. "That has to be more than bodies communicating.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“Good news!" she chirped. "The doctor says this time it's triplets!”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“When you've been around a snake long enough, you learn how to crawl in the dirt.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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“I'm not living in the shadows anymore. I want to walk in the sun. But I can't do that without you.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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