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Sydney Croft

Sydney Croft is the alter-ego of two published authors who came together to blend their very different writing interests into adventurous tales of erotic paranormal fiction. Together, they developed a world where people with extraordinary abilities, like the power to control storms, could live and work with others like them. The series has been described as "Erotica meets the X-Men," and is unique in its own "erotic super hero romance" niche.

The authors behind Sydney Croft live in different states and communicate almost entirely through email, though they often get together for conferences and book signings.

Stephanie Tyler

Larissa Ione

“Do you think, maybe, we could continue this someplace more private? Because I can see your brother watching us from behind that palm tree--and man, he's still holding that pistol."~Ryan”
Sydney Croft
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“I told you, I don't like to share."That made her grin. "I don't either. That part was never an act."~Trance/Rik”
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“We had sex, didn't we?" He couldn't help but smile at her shocked expression."Online sex. Yeah, it's coming to me now." He grinned. "Who'd have thought a virgin could have asked me to do some of the things you wrote?"~Ryan”
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“Yeah, that went really well. What, I wasn't gentle enough for you? Were you looking for flowers and candles? You don't like to sweat? Are you really a romantic under the tough guy swagger?"Gabriel straightened. "No, but Oz said that you are."~Dev/Gabe”
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“Poor baby--you're money's all gone. Stolen by a girl. Money gotten by illegal means. Let's not pretend you were feeding orphans, asshole."~Meg”
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“He lobbed a packet of jam at her...When the packet came sailing back at him, he caught it one-handed, and tore it open with his teeth."Your choice, Coco--should I put this on the toast, or on you? Either way, I'm going to eat it."~Ryan”
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“You want me to make it better for you. Just the way you feel full and satisfied now, you're going to let me satiate you in the bedroom. Any way I want. Splayed out for me in chains on the bed, unable to move while my tongue finds all the places that drive you crazy.""I won't let that happen," she breathed."You already have. You've let me lick you. I swear I can still taste you--sweet. Addictive." He smiled. "I can already hear you moaning. Letting go. Submitting to me."~Trance”
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“What do I call you when I'm making love to you? When I'm fucking you so deep you'll lose your mind?"~Ryan”
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“Not so tough. And my name isn't Cookie.""Right. It's Coco."She took a chance. "It's actually Meg."He leaned in close, his breath warm on her cheek--smelling faintly of whiskey and mint. "Is that what you want me to call you when I'm fucking you?”
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“His gaze caught and held hers, bored into her with an intensity that stole the air from her lungs."I want to break free of these bonds, bend you the fuck over and rail you so hard you scream."He arched up as much as he could, forcing a breath of shock out of her in a rush."And when I'm done, I want to spank the hell out of you before I tie you down, make you suck my cock and swallow every last drop of my load. Now, will you please let me come?"~Trance”
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“You did'nt finish.""Oh, I'm finished." He buttoned up and stood."How's it feel Faith? Getting fucked by someone who should care...but doesn't?"~Wyatt”
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“Hell? Baby, you have no idea what hell is. Hell is when someone you trusted takes your worst fears and makes them come true. Hell is being stuck inside your own head because no one cares enough to help you get out. Hell," he rasped next to her ear, "is being dead inside a body that still works."~Wyatt”
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“Um, baby? You never watch soaps."He took a swig from the bottle."All the backstabbing and cheating and fucking makes my life look normal. I like that."~Creed”
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“Her voice quavered humiliatingly. "Fuck you.""Been there, done that, and we'll do it again. But first you'll tell me what you're concealing."~Wyatt”
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“You're a pain in the ass," she said, and suddenly, the loofah brush whacked her on the butt. She yelped and leaped forward, nearly smashing into Wyatt."What the hell was that for?""You threatened to kill me and you're outraged that I gave you a little spanking?"~Faith/Wyatt”
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“Let me go, Faith." he said quietly."If that's what you really want.""You know what I want. I told you on the helo--I want you to love it, crave it. Beg for it...beg for me."~Wyatt”
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“Yeah, this is danger-induced fits of lust and madness, because I am crazy, Faith--make no mistake about that. But this"-he motioned between them--"is a hell of a lot more than just lust and madness. So you can keep protesting all you want, baby...and I'll keep doing exactly what I'm doing. Now get over here."~Wyatt”
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“We have'nt had enough time to explore each other.," he murmured against her lips."We're going to do that soon.""But right now, I'm going to make you scream my name.""Cocky bast--"He cut her off with a kiss, took her mouth like he was on a mission.~Wyatt”
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“Our powers complement one another well, don't you think?" she asked."I want to get beyond thinking, Faith. I want you to fuck me instead. Because when you do that, when I'm inside you, wehn you're touching me, I feel whole. And I like that feeling.~Wyatt”
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“Of course, she hunted them down later and made it clear that if they so much as looked at him again, she'd pull a Viking and rip their lungs out of their chests, flip them over their shoulders and turn them into wings.~Annika”
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“Damn Ani," he panted, as she licked him clean and then tucked him into his pants."Where did you learn that?""Adam.""What?" Creed had dropped his hands to her shoulders, and they tightened into claws."Adam Yates. You know him. The Seducer? Ow. Your fingers--""When?" His voice matched his expression, filled with rage and raw possession. It was kinda hot, and a little scary."I had sessions with him a long time ago. I needed to learn to seduce guys for assignments. He taught me how to kiss and touch a guy and give blow jobs and that thing with my tongue and your-""Stop. Jesus Christ, stop.""You asked," she muttered....~Creed/Annika”
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“I'm not sure of anything," he admitted."But I didn't mean to freak you out before. I just can't seem to keep my hands off you. I don't want to keep my hands off you."~Wyatt”
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“Annika--""I don't want this to be the end." she croaked."Why?""Why?" he repeated, his voice as hoarse as hers."Because I'm afraid of losing you." She stared into his eyes, made sure he understood how much this meant to her."And I've never been afraid of anything, so this must mean something."~Creed/Annika”
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“Do you think that's enough? Do you think going back to us fucking like porn stars and then me watching you take off so you won't have to have any kind of intimate conversation is enough? I can't do that anymore."He jerked out of her grip, grabbed her shoulders and moved her aside.”
Sydney Croft
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“You really want me gone, don't you?""Creed, wait.""Why? So you can tell me again how you only want me for sex? How you have Dev to fill your emotional needs?"He stopped at the door, scrubbed his face with a shaking hand."Jesus. All this time I thought I could get through to you eventually, that you would come around. But you don't even want to try. I'm nothing to you, and you don't care.""That's not true.""Bullshit. If you could fuck anyone else, you'd be with them just so you wouldn't have to be with me."~Creed/Annika”
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“What do you want, Annika?" He dipped his head so his lips brushed her ear."Make me come." "God, Creed. Make me come.""Don't say it like it's an order. Ask for it.""No.""That's my Ani," he murmured. "Too proud to beg." "You get what you want when I get what I want.""Please. Please make me come.""Too late for begging," he said against her ear. "I want more now.""What do you want?""I want the truth," he said. "I want to hear you say you want me.""Creed." "Say it.""Can't.""Say it.""I want you," she blurted, unable to stop herself or the giant sob that followed.~Annika/Creed”
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“So. Good." She closed her eyes and rocked on top of him."It'd be better if I wasn't worried about accidentally bleeding out."She still had her knife pressed to his jugular...~Annika/Creed”
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“This can't happen again, Wyatt. We're done. It's over."A palm slapped against the door, right next to her head, so hard she jumped."I don't think so.""If you think I can spend the next thirteen days seeing you, hearing you, smelling you"--he inhaled deeply and growled a little--"without touching you, you're very, very mistaken.""It's not over, Faith. It's just begun."~Wyatt”
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“You're a big man," she murmured."Compliments will get you everywhere. And I mean that literally."~Wyatt”
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“I'm not into exhibitionism. No one sees my woman but me.""I'm not your woman."Dropping his head, he nipped at her earlobe, held it between his teeth as he growled, "Tonight you are."~Wyatt”
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“Gotcha." Her smile was smug as she held her elbow against his windpipe, her thighs clenching around his shoulders."I planned this," he grunted."Yeah sure--keep telling yourself that, ghost boy.""You like being my prisoner, don't you?""Take off your pants," he mumured..."I'm supposed to be back at ACRO soon.""Not before you come atleast three times.""Is that so?""Pants Annika," he repeated.."Sit.On.My.Face.""Now who's giving orders," she murmured~Cree and Annika”
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“Tom, please," she whispered. "Let me love you."~Kira”
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“So you want someone else, then?" he asked."Yes. Anyone but you." She jerked her bound hands. "And that kills you, doesn't it?""Keep talking like that, Kira, and I swear I'll take you over my knee."~Tommy aka "Ender”
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“Mine," she whispered in his ear. "All mine. Say it, Tommy.""Kira, I...""Say it. Please, Tommy.""Yours, Kira. All yours" he whispered...”
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“That's not what I mean, and you know it. Have we ever been on a real date? You know, a dinner of more than buffalo wings and a pitcher of beer while you blow me from under the table?"~Creed”
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“I need you to touch me.""Touch me, dammit.""Yeah," he groaned. "That's it. Make it right again."~Creed”
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“I love when you scream for me.""Only me."~Creed”
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“What's wrong? Please, Creed, tell me"-Annika"Just take me to bed, baby. Please just fuck me and don't ask me any more questions tonight."~Creed”
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“Put your mouth on me," he said..."Now, Annika. I want you on your knees in front of me. And don't lie to me--I know you want it too."~Creed”
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“You don't have to seduce me, you know. I"m a sure thing."~Tommy aka "Ender”
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“He saw the tears running down her cheeks, knew there was still more than a little resistance in her gait, but she'd just saved herself. And maybe, somehow, she'd saved him a little too.~Tommy aka "Ender”
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“Aren't you worried I'll escape?"He reached out, grabbed her wrist and brought her hand to his crotch. Then he smiled. "No. I"m not worried, honey. You seem to know what side your bread is buttered on."~Tommy aka "Ender”
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“I've thought about how you'd taste," he said, in a low, guttural voice, and she whimpered, arched against his mouth."Jesus," he panted. "It's like a fucking drug."~Tommy aka "Ender”
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“You need me," he said. "And I'm all yours."~Tommy aka "Ender”
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“Pain with pleasure, baby..."~Dev”
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“What got up your ass?"-Haley"Your finger, once or twice." -Remy”
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“This is what you wanted, bebe."He took her bottom lip between his teeth and let his hot tongue rasp slowly over it before releasing her."You wanted me to make love to your mouth. Imagine me doing this between your legs."~Remy”
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“He licked his lips, so full and kissable, and his eyes darkened dangerously."But you do make a lot of noise in the shower. You're a screamer."~Creed”
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“Me", he murmured, his voice vibrating through her like some sort of secret trigger, because suddenly, she was coming, and he was saying, "Only me, bebe, only me."~Remy/Haley”
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“Storms make you--""Want to fuck.""they make me want to fuck until I pass out. Is that what you wanted to know?""Yes," she whispered...~Remy/Haley”
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