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Tite Kubo

Tite Kubo (久保 帯人; Kubo Taito), also wrongly transliterated as Taitou Kubo, or Jiu bao dai ren.

The son of a town council member in Fuchu, Aki District, Hiroshima. He never took drawing seriously until he was 17; after reading Dragon Ball he knew he wanted to be a manga artist. At the age of 18 he submitted his first concept for the series Zombiepowder but it got rejected. Zombiepowder was rejected multiple times until Kubo was 22, when it finally was accepted by Shonen Jump. It did not last long; it was cancelled after four volumes in late 2000.

His next series, Bleach, about a high school student who becomes a shinigami and fights hollows, was not such a failure. Bleach began regular publication in 2001. It has been running in Weekly Shonen Jump ever since.

“I had a lot of things I wanted to do… I want to be a teacher…I also want to be an astronaut…and also make my own cake shop…I want to go to the sweets bakery and say “I want one of everything”, ohhhh I wish I could live life five times over…Then I’d be born in five different places, and I’d stuff myself with different food from around the world…I’d live five different lives with five different occupations…and then, for those five times…I’d fall in love with the same person…”
Tite Kubo
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“We haveNot oneIn commonNo twoAre shaped alikeThe thirdBecause of that eye we lackIn the fourthDirection there is hopeThe fifth Is at the heart-Orihime Inoue”
Tite Kubo
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“Everyone in this world acknowledges as truth onlywhat is convenient for them. They have no other way of living.”
Tite Kubo
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“I can't protect you without holding a sword. I can't embrace you while holding a sword.”
Tite Kubo
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“If such a thing called happiness exists in this world, it should be something which resembles the limitless nothingness. Nihility is having nothing and having nothing to lose. If that isn't "happiness", then what is?”
Tite Kubo
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“He who does not fear the sword he holds is not worthy of holding a sword.-Hisagi Shuuhei”
Tite Kubo
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“Any questions?""Ya why do your drawings suck so bad?”
Tite Kubo
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“The fact that I am so youngSo ImmatureSeems unforgivable toThe decrepitPerfect and faultless adults”
Tite Kubo
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“Holy crap! Your story was so long I forgot the beginning! - Ichigo Kurosaki”
Tite Kubo
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“I can't go back because I lost all my Soul Reaper powers! - RukiaYou lost your powers? What are they, socks? - Ichigo”
Tite Kubo
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“The Heart.”
Tite Kubo
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“If it rusts, it can never be trustedIf its owner fails to control it, it will cut himYes, pride is like a blade”
Tite Kubo
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“The perfect being, huh? There is no such thing as perfect in this world. That may sound cliché, but it’s the truth. The average person admires perfection and seeks to obtain it. But, what’s the point of achieving perfection? There is none. Nothing. Not a single thing. I loathe perfection! If something is perfect, then there is nothing left. There is no room for imagination. No place left for a person to gain additional knowledge or abilities. Do you know what that means? For scientists such as ourselves, perfection only brings despair. It is our job to create things more wonderful than anything before them, but never to obtain perfection. A scientist must be a person who finds ecstasy while suffering from that antimony. In short, the moment that foolishness left your mouth and reached my ears, you had already lost. Of course, that’s assuming you are a scientist”
Tite Kubo
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“I wonder can I carry on with the speed of the world without you in it.”
Tite Kubo
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“I hit something...alright.”
Tite Kubo
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“Rukia, let me ask you something. From your experience where do you think your heart is?" "um well if I had to guess I think somewhere around here isn't that right?" "If you want to be literal about it. But in my opinion it's more a state of mind. I believe its right here, not inside our bodies at all. I think a heart is created between people when they meet for the first time, a bond that's brought to life between individuals. It's an emotional connection, when you think about something or care about someone, that's where your heart is born. If you were the only person that existed in this world, your heart would have no way of forming so it just wouldn't be anywhere. There's nothing to worry about Rukia. If you believe with all of your heart that you belong here, then this is where you'll stay. If your heart is here then that's all the reason in the world you need to be here. You must never doubt that. But listen Rukia, in the fights to come, there's something I must warn you about. Something you must promise me you will never ever do. I mean this. You must never die alone. Our souls are our bodies and when we die our bodies turn to dust and become the reishi that go on to form the soul society, but where do our hearts go? We entrust our hearts to our friends. If you entrust your heart to your friends it will continue to live on inside them. That's the most important thing you'll learn from my training. Don't you dare die alone Rukia.”
Tite Kubo
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“Before facing you enemy, you must first face yourself.”
Tite Kubo
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“Truth only exists for those who cling to it."Sosuke Aizen”
Tite Kubo
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“I envy because of the heartI glutton because of the heartI covet because of the heartI am prideful because of the heartI sloth because of the heartI rage because of the heartBecause of the heart,I lust for everything about you."- Ulquiorra (resurrection)”
Tite Kubo
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“Every thing in this world exist to wear you down”
Tite Kubo
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“Sanity? Sorry, I don't ever remember having something like that before.”
Tite Kubo
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“i am a trickster who doesn't know solitude”
Tite Kubo
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“I don't have a method of stepping into the depths of your heart without getting it dirty." -Kuchiki Rukia”
Tite Kubo
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“Noooo, there’s no way I, a mere handsome and sexy shopkeeper, could possibly have bankai!” — Urahara Kisuke”
Tite Kubo
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“Hearts, you say? You Humans are always so quick to speak of such things. As though you carry your hearts in the very palms of your hands. But this eye of mine perceives all. There is nothing that it overlooks. If this eye cannot see a thing, then it does not exist. That is the assumption under which I have always fought. What is this "heart"? If I tear open that chest of yours, will I see it there? If I smash open that skull of yours, will I see it there?”
Tite Kubo
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“No world is without sacrifices. But if we produce casualties, we would also sustain casualties of our own.”
Tite Kubo
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“That's right... I never felt a sense of superiority because I could see spirits. And I never once thought that I could make a living or help someone with it. I just longed for a life where I couldn't see them. And I finally got what I always wanted.”
Tite Kubo
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“I've decided. I'm going to become a Shinigami. Become a Shinigami and change things. So that they'll end...without Rangiku having to cry.”
Tite Kubo
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“If you were to turn into a snake tomorrow and begin devouring Humans, and from the same mouth you devoured Humans, you cried out to me 'I love you!', would I still be able to say 'I love you' the same way I do today?”
Tite Kubo
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“Along this road, we won't stop moving forwardNot even if we become separated from one another.For us, most of all, there was never a time, never a place where you could just stand stillBut even so, if there were times when we were afraid, when we'd look back on it all and wonderWe'd just say that is was our destiny, wouldn't we?So we started off, all walking down the same road”
Tite Kubo
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“We must never shed tearsThat is the life form’s defeat and if we give into the emotions then it only becomes proof of our inability to control it.”
Tite Kubo
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“Rukia: Why is she glaring at me?Ichigo: I wonder..Nel: What's your welationship with Itsygo?Rukia: Huh?Renji: Popular with the ladies, eh?Ichigo: Kiss my ass.”
Tite Kubo
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“I sensed only an instant of apprehension.She never raised an eyebrow at the question..Such a brave girl.”
Tite Kubo
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“Never admit defeat and ask for a quick death! Die first, then admit defeat! If you are defeated but didn't die, it just means you were lucky! At those times, think only about survival! Survive and think only about killing the one who failed to kill you!~Kenpachi Zaraki”
Tite Kubo
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“There we go again, old men and their stupid arguments. What a pain.~Toshiro Hitsugaya”
Tite Kubo
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“You might get lucky and die in some corner.~Soi Fon”
Tite Kubo
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“I think one should be antagonistic to one's underlings. It keeps them on their toes.~Soi Fon”
Tite Kubo
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“That wasn't very nice...I do believe you killed my hat.~Kisuke Urahara”
Tite Kubo
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“I swear. Everyone here gets so worked up over the most minute details.~Mayuri Kurotsuchi”
Tite Kubo
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“I am calm. That's why I can fight you!~Uryu Ishida”
Tite Kubo
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“Ah, Kurosaki, I see you've finally realized the importance of a cape.~Uryu Ishida”
Tite Kubo
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“Even if you rise up a thousand times, your side will never achieve victory.~Ulquiorra”
Tite Kubo
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“Admiration is the emotion furthest from understanding.~Sosuke Aizen”
Tite Kubo
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“No one stands on the top of the world. Not you, not me, not even gods. But the unbearable vacancy of the throne in the sky is over. From now on... I will be sitting on it.”
Tite Kubo
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“Those who do not fear the sword they wield have no right to wield a sword at all.~Shuhei Hisagi”
Tite Kubo
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“A warrior does not beg for his life. ~Izuru Kira”
Tite Kubo
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“War is not heroic. War is not exhilarating. War is full of despair. It is dark. It is dreadful. It is a thing of sorrow and gloom. That is why people fear war. That is why people choose to avoid it.~Izuru Kira”
Tite Kubo
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“I can see! So this is the sky! So this is blood! So this is the world! So this is what you look like, Komamura. You are uglier than I thought." -Kaname Tousen (I'm sorry to say but this quote had me laughing so much XD)”
Tite Kubo
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“You are becoming a snake tomorrow, and as you start to devour people, with that mouth that has eaten others, you cry your love to me, and the same as today, I do wonder, will I be able to say my love to you?" - Gin Ichimaru awww”
Tite Kubo
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“You are so, even when falling." (Byakuya Kuchiki)”
Tite Kubo
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