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Wendy Higgins

“Spend the night with me.” (...)“I’m tired of living like I’m not alive.” He dropped his hands from my face to grip my shoulders. “I’m bloody sick to death of it. I want one night to be alive. With you.” He closed his eyes and leaned his forehead on mine.“Please, Anna. One last night and we’ll go back to being safe again. I need this. I need you.”
Wendy Higgins
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“I was more myself with you during those three days than I’ve ever been with anyone in my life. It’d be easier if I could be fake with you, but you bring out everything in me, little Ann. All of it.”
Wendy Higgins
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“Human girls always take love for granted. They want things to be wild and carefree all the time. And when it gets too comfortable or requires a little work, they just toss it off. I’d give anything to be loved by a guy like Jay. But I suppose the grass is always greener on the other side, right?”
Wendy Higgins
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“Supposedly Kaidan’s having a difficult time ’cause he can’t say swear words in every sentence,” Marna said with a smile. “He’s determined to find signs for cursing or make some up himself.”
Wendy Higgins
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“Well,” I said, needing to lighten the mood for him, “next time Kai tries to, um, bust your balls, you can give it right back to him, because he's got a girlfriend now, too.”
Wendy Higgins
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“I stole glances at Kaidan's bare skin while the others were busy talking. That's my boyfriend right there, I silently announced.”
Wendy Higgins
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“I'm not really heaven material anyway, chickie babe. Sign me up for your team.”
Wendy Higgins
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“I love you,” I whispered.“I've loved you longer,” he said.”
Wendy Higgins
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“Ready to s-snuggle?” he asked Kaidan, a slight clatter in his voice. Only Blake could joke on a night like this and get away with it.Kaidan shook his head and undressed down to his boxers, too, the tension finally shedding away from his frame. “I swear, mate. If I feel something poke me in the back. . .”Blake's laugh was dry. “I'm pretty sure my junk froze off, man, so don't worry.”
Wendy Higgins
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“You should go then.” Don’t go. Don’t bloody leave me. Throw your arms around me. I don’t care if you smear my face with paint, Anna. Tell me you love me. Show me you still want me. Torture me at bit more.Oh, God...she was walking away from me.”
Wendy Higgins
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“I'm going to marry you someday, Brooke.”
Wendy Higgins
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“That's not going to happen, because I love you. If anyone's getting their heart broken here, it's me. Not you.”
Wendy Higgins
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“You could tell me anything." You could tell me everything, and I'd want to heart it,”
Wendy Higgins
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“Wow, you got a car!" she said, surveying the toy box. "it's so cute!"Cute. He was starting to hate that word."I think the word you're looking for is manly," he said.”
Wendy Higgins
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“That's okay," she told him."It's cute."Cute. Ryan wanted to die. In a painful, gory, noncute way.”
Wendy Higgins
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“But even the worst earthly pain and heartache doesn't last into the heavenly realm. And it all serves a higher purpose.”
Wendy Higgins
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“My mother was an angel,” I blurted. “A guardian angel.”Kaidan began to chuckle.“What's so funny?” I asked.“You. You're a walking contradiction. Horns and a halo. I don't believe it.”
Wendy Higgins
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“It's a poem, for crying out loud! The beauty of poetry is that it can mean different things to different people at different times. But you know they're expecting one specific, so-called correct answer, and any other thoughtful response will be counted off. It's wrong to dissect poetry like this!”
Wendy Higgins
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“I jumped and let out an embarrassing squeak when two hands came around my waist.“Just me, luv,” he said, close to my ear. “Aren't you the picture of domestication? Do you cook as well?”
Wendy Higgins
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“You told some human kid?”I coughed, buying time. “He's Neph, too.”Jonathan LaGrey went rigid and his ruddy cheeks paled. I squirmed as his eyes bored into mine.“Which one's his father?” he asked through clenched teeth.“Richard Rowe. I guess you'd know him as Pharzuph.” Oh, boy. He wasn't pale anymore.“You came across the country—”“Shhh!” I warned him as people looked over. He lowered his voice to a shouted whisper.“—with the son of the Duke of Lust?! Son of a—”
Wendy Higgins
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“Dear God!”I screamed and buried my face in my pillow.“What?!” I heard him ask. “Did you see a roach?”“Why are you naked?!” I did not dare to lift my red face.“Huh. Is that all?” he asked. “I always sleep in the buff. I don't know how you can stand all that clothing.”“Unbelievable.” I said, and without looking at him I pulled myself up and stomped to the bathroom.”
Wendy Higgins
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“How's your orange juice, Anna? Does it have a touch of lime?”The glass paused at my lips as I processed his innuendo, and I took a second to make sure my embarrassment stayed hidden inside. I let the drink swish over my tongue a moment before swallowing and answering.“Actually it's a little sour,” I said, and he laughed.“That's a shame.” He picked up a green pear from his plate and bit into it, licking juice that dripped down his thumb. My cheeks warmed as I set down my glass.“Okay, now you're just being crude,” I said.He grinned with lazy satisfaction.”
Wendy Higgins
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“—¿Por qué estás intentando con tanta fuerza el hacerme pensar que eres una mala persona? —pregunté.—Porque sería mejor para ti tener un sano temor hacia mí de modo que no puedas decir que no fuiste advertida. No soy como los chicos de tu escuela. Piensa en la atracción que sientes hacia las drogas. Así me siento respecto al sexo.Oh.—¿Comienzas a comprenderlo ya? Déjame ser aún más claro. —Su voz bajó mientras me guiaba a través de su trabajo—. Puedo entender a alguien en solo cinco minutos de conversación para saber qué tendría que decir o hacer para atraerlas a la cama. Eso te incluye, aunque admito que estaba fuera de juego anoche. Con alguna personas basta con simple adulación y atención. Con otras toma más tiempo y energía. Hago lo que se necesite para quitarles la ropa, y luego intento hacerlo de modo que nunca estén con otra persona sin pensar en mí. Sé secretos del cuerpo humano que la mayoría de las personas ni siquiera sabe de ellos mismos. Y cuando me voy, sé que están arruinadas cuando comienzan a suplicarme que me quede.”
Wendy Higgins
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“There was nothing healthy about desperately wanting something you couldn't have.”
Wendy Higgins
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“—¿Conoces la pequeña voz en tu cabeza? preguntó—. ¿La que a los humanos les gusta llamar su “conciencia”? —Asentí—. Son en realidad los mensajes que la gente está recibiendo de sus ángeles de la guarda. Verás, los espíritus demoniacos susurran pensamientos a la mente de una persona, y los pensamientos de demonio pelean con los propios sentimientos del humano, junto con los mensajes que sus ángeles de la guarda tratan de inculcar. El viejo cliché acerca del demonio sobre un hombro y un ángel en el otro no está tan lejos.”
Wendy Higgins
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“I marvelled about the nature of humanity, and how something as lovely as friendship could stem from something so hideous.”
Wendy Higgins
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“What are you doing?”“I...” He appeared to have no idea himself. “I wanted to see your freckle.”A vulnerable tenderness flashed across his face, more painful to see than the coldness. It took every ounce of strength I had not tobeg for one last kiss. As fast as his expression had softened, it was back to stone again.“What do you want from me, Kai?”“For starters?” His voice lowered to sexy, dangerous depths. “I want to introduce myself to every freckle on your body.”
Wendy Higgins
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“Wait,” Kaidan called from behind me. I squeezed my eyes shut for a second, but kept walking. Then I felt his hand around my wrist, spinning me in a half circle and pulling me to his chest. His face was so close. He reached down and cupped my face with onewoolly hand, and wiped the top corner of my lip hard with his thumb. I flinched back. “What are you doing?” “I...” He appeared to have no idea himself. “I wanted to see your freckle.” A vulnerable tenderness flashed across his face, more painful to see than the coldness. It took every ounce of strength I had not to beg for one last kiss. As fast as his expression had softened, it was back to stone again. “What do you want from me, Kai?” “For starters?” His voice lowered to sexy, dangerous depths. “I want to introduce myself to every freckle on your body.” A powerful shiver ripped through me.”
Wendy Higgins
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“I felt you come alive when we kissed, and I know you’re afraid of that. Afraid to unleash that other side of yourself.”
Wendy Higgins
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“Kope!” the other guy yeled. “What the frick?! You got some cheetah blood in you or what?”“Seriously!” insisted Blake. “How did you run so fast?”“I am African.” Without taking his eyes from mine, Kopano eased himself off me, and I sat up.”
Wendy Higgins
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“Because all I could think about was you, Anna, and how good you are, and what you'd think of me. You put thoughts into my head a Neph shouldn't have!”
Wendy Higgins
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“Seriously,” I whispered, unable to look away. “You're doing the bedroom-eyes thing again.”
Wendy Higgins
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“Those two need each other like a bullet needs a target”
Wendy Higgins
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“I can't believe I'm about to drink with my father- this is wrong on so many levels.”
Wendy Higgins
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“This little thing" making a triangle between the three-"ain't gonna fly”
Wendy Higgins
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“I'm too old for this.”
Wendy Higgins
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“A:I just want to talk,you dont have to try and scare me.K:There's hardly any room for fear when your so bloody turned on.”
Wendy Higgins
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“We have to face difficulties to find out what our true strengths are. How we come back from failure is a very valuable test.”
Wendy Higgins
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“I knew I hated straight shots of anything except tequila. I was definitely a tequila girl.”
Wendy Higgins
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“Good gracious, he was sexy—a word that had not existed in my personal vocabulary until that moment. This guy was sexy like it was his job or something.”
Wendy Higgins
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“...there is no way of truly knowing one’s heart until one is put to the test.”
Wendy Higgins
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“Besides, unrequited love is one of those things that all teen-agers have to go through, right?”
Wendy Higgins
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“Oh, dear Lord. I was in love with him. And there wasn’t a thing on earth, in heaven, or in hell that could have stopped me.”
Wendy Higgins
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“The beauty of poetry is that it can mean different things to different people at different times.”
Wendy Higgins
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“My whole life I’d fooled myself into thinking I didn’t need his love, but I’d been wrong. Everyone needed their father’s love.”
Wendy Higgins
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“The purpose of life is to find your way back to a spiritual way of thinking and living—to be able to get past the physical stuff.”
Wendy Higgins
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“I want to introduce myself to every freckle on your body.”
Wendy Higgins
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“Hey, princess of Popsicles! Queen of curlicue cones.”
Wendy Higgins
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“Would you like me to drive so you can manage your social life?” I asked. It came out much snippier than I’d intended, but he was oblivious to mytone, still looking at his newest message.“No, no, I’m fine.”“We’d better not get in an accident because you’re busy sexting and driving,” I said. He burst out laughing”
Wendy Higgins
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“I know I’m just a human woman, but so help me, if anything happens to her while she’s with you—”“I assure you she’ll be in good hands.”“Mm-hm, that’s part of what I’m worried about.” She pointed at his hands. “Hands off, mister.”
Wendy Higgins
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