“In 90% of cases, you can start with one of the two most effective ways to open a speech: ask a question or start with a story.Our brain doesn’t remember what we hear. It remembers only what we “see” or imagine while we listen.You can remember stories. Everything else is quickly forgotten.Smell is the most powerful sense out of 4 to immerse audience members into a scene.Every sentence either helps to drive your point home, or it detracts from clarity. There is no middle point.If you don’t have a foundational phrase in your speech, it means that your message is not clear enough to you, and if it’s not clear to you, there is no way it will be clear to your audience.Share your failures first. Show your audience members that you are not any better, smarter or more talented than they are.You are not an actor, you are a speaker. The main skill of an actor is to play a role; to be someone else. Your main skill as a speaker is to be yourself.People will forgive you for anything except for being boring. Speaking without passion is boring. If you are not excited about what you are talking about, how can you expect your audience to be excited?Never hide behind a lectern or a table. Your audience needs to see 100% of your body.Speak slowly and people will consider you to be a thoughtful and clever person.Leaders don’t talk much, but each word holds a lot of meaning and value.You always speak to only one person. Have a conversation directly with one person, look him or her in the eye. After you have logically completed one idea, which usually is 10-20 seconds, scan the audience and then stop your eyes on another person. Repeat this process again.Cover the entire room with eye contact.When you scan the audience and pick people for eye contact, pick positive people more often.When you pause, your audience thinks about your message and reflects. Pausing builds an audiences’ confidence. If you don’t pause, your audience doesn’t have time to digest what you've told them and hence, they will not remember a word of what you've said.Pause before and after you make an important point and stand still. During this pause, people think about your words and your message sinks in.After you make an important point and stand still. During this pause, people think about your words and your message sinks in.Speakers use filler words when they don’t know what to say, but they feel uncomfortable with silence.Have you ever seen a speaker who went on stage with a piece of paper and notes? Have you ever been one of these speakers? When people see you with paper in your hands, they instantly think, “This speaker is not sincere. He has a script and will talk according to the script.”The best speeches are not written, they are rewritten.Bad speakers create a 10 minutes speech and deliver it in 7 minutes. Great speakers create a 5 minute speech and deliver it in 7 minutes.Explain your ideas in a simple manner, so that the average 12-year-old child can understand the concept.Good speakers and experts can always explain the most complex ideas with very simple words.Stories evoke emotions. Factual information conveys logic. Emotions are far more important in a speech than logic.If you're considering whether to use statistics or a story, use a story.PowerPoint is for pictures not for words. Use as few words on the slide as possible.Never learn your speech word for word. Just rehearse it enough times to internalize the flow.If you watch a video of your speech, you can triple the pace of your development as a speaker. Make videos a habit.Meaningless words and clichés neither convey value nor information. Avoid them.Never apologize on stage.If people need to put in a lot of effort to understand you they simply won’t listen. On the other hand if you use very simple language you will connect with the audience and your speech will be remembered.”

Andrii Sedniev

Andrii Sedniev - “In 90% of cases, you can start with...” 1

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