“I guess Smart Seth is glad, he said reluctantly. But be careful. Idiot Seth is the guy to watch out for.”
“Seth says, and I quote,'Jake is an idiot”
“What you call idiot points, I call awesome dollars. ~Seth”
“Exactly," said Maddie. "What’s your favorite flavor?""I bet I can guess," said Simone. "Chocolate.""Strawberry," said Maddie.Losers. It was vanilla."Vanilla,” said Seth.”
“I can't say I cared much for you when I first came back. There's that crappy attitude of yours, and you're ugly, but you kind of grow on a guy."Immensely cheered, Seth snickered. "You're uglier.""I'm bigger, I'm entitled. So I guess I'll hang around to see if you get any prettier as time goes on.""I didn't really want you to go," Seth said under his breath after a long moment. It was the closest he could get to speaking his heart."I know.”
“Seth and Jenny after they've escaped Alexander in Mexico. Seth: "Here's what we need to do. Find a flat area, like a farm, a little bit out of the way where we can spend a little time." Seth unbuttoned his black fatigues.Jenny: "Seth, I think we have more urgent things to think about..."Seth: "I know." He pushed his pants down to his knees. "I want to show you something. Jenny: "I've seen it before."Seth: "Ha ha." Seth tugged back the leg of his boxer shorts to reveal a black band around one thigh with a circular device mounted on it.”