“Greater in battlethan the man who would conquera thousand-thousand men,is he who would conquerjust one —himself.Better to conquer yourselfthan others.When you've trained yourself,living in constant self-control,neither a deva nor gandhabba,nor a Mara banded with Brahmas,could turn that triumphback into defeat.”
“The one who has conquered himself is a far greater hero than he who has defeated a thousand times a thousand men.”
“Man is neither angel nor brute, and the unfortunate thing is that he who would act the angel acts the brute.”
“You can conquer thousands of men in thousands of battles, but the greatest victory is to conquer yourself”
“Twelve thousand miles of it, to the other side of the world. And whether they came home again or not, they would belong neither here, nor there, for they would have lived on two continents and sampled two different ways of life.”
“Though you might conquer in battle A thousand times a thousand men,You're the greatest battle-winner If you conquer just one - yourself.”