“Put your arms around my neck, sweetheart.""Whatever for?"He grasped her wrists and lifted her arms himself. "Because," he whispered, "we're going to dance."....."This will never work. I appreciate the thought. It's very sweet, but-""Shut up," he whispered. The first notes of the next number drifted to them, and she realized it was the band's rendition of Montgomery's hit song, "I swear." Tears sprang to her eyes, for the instant she recognized the tune, she knew Ryan had requested it."Dance with me," he whispered."I feel foolish.""Who'll see? Only me, and I'm our best bud, so I don't count. Besides, why should you feel foolish?""My legs are dangling. My feet will thump your shins." "Those soft slippers won't hurt my shins," he assured her.And with that, he swept her into a waltz.-Ryan and Bethany (Phantom Waltz)”

Catherine Anderson

Catherine Anderson - “Put your arms around my neck...” 1

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