“It has a reputation for being dangerous.” His hand caressed her soft skin. “Take off your jeans.”She smiled up at him. “I can see it is dangerous. Now, why would I want to do something that is obviously going to get me in big trouble?”His hand stroked her waist, traced each rib under her satin skin. He could feel her tremble in answer. “Because I want you to. Because you want to please me.”Shea laughed out loud, her eyebrows winging upward. “Oh, really? That’s what I want to do?”He nodded solemnly. “Above all else.”She moved away from him, deliberately enticing him. “I see. I didn’t know that. Thank you for pointing it out.”“You are welcome,” he countered gravely, his eyes following her every movement.”

Christine Feehan

Christine Feehan - “It has a reputation for being...” 1

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