“The first rule of Evernight is that any vampire who seeks sanctuary must be given a place." -Charity”
“People who know how to creatively break the rules also know why the rules were there in the first place.”
“He who is to be a good ruler must have first been ruled”
“You must remember, my dear lady, the most important rule of any successful illusion: First, the people must want to believe in it.”
“The awakening of a new basic attitude towards existence is not the first thing that we must do, but the first thing that must happen in us... Only when this completely irrational, above - moral, and above - personal transformation has taken place inside of us will all instructions given here gain a sense. There is no directive and no rule which could replace this unique act or could be compared with it. ”
“If God exists, not seeking God must be the gravest error imaginable. If one decides to sincerely seek for God and doesn't find God, the lost effort is negligible in comparison to what is at risk in not seeking God in the first place. ”