“Sometimes all it takes is a tiny shift of perspective to see something familiar in a totally new light.”
“Sometimes a change of perspective is all it takes to see the light.”
“Sometimes falling flat on your face allows you to see things from a totally different perspective.”
“Sometimes it takes a walk through the darkness; to totally appreciate the light”
“The same view you look at every day, the same life, can become something brand new by focusing on its gifts rather than the negative aspects. Perspective is your own choice and the best way to shift that perspective is through gratitude, by acknowledging and appreciating the positives.”
“It is the first changes among familiar things that make such a mystery of time to the young; afterwards we lose the sense of the mysterious. I take changes in all I see as a matter of course. The instability of all human things is familiar to me, to you it is new and oppressive." (Mr. Bell)”