“We tried to tell him,' Toronto says.'You made fun of him,' Mazzarella points out.'That was how we tried to tell him.”
“I tell him I take anti-depressants, which leads him on a thirty-minute detour. He tells me sadness is a part of finding out who you are. I tell him getting out of bed is also a part of finding out who you are. We agree to disagree.”
“Telling me I can do anything I want is like pulling the plug out of the bath and then telling the water it can go anywhere it wants. Try it, and see what happens.”
“When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe.”
“I went to the library to look up the figures, and I found out that the episode we watched is the highest watched anything of television history, which I find amazing because it felt like just the five of us.”