“A no-name place, as far as I could see, but it had a miserable cafe-cum-garage-cum-funeral parlor shared by a gang of silent locals and many flies who wheeled through the air like drugged angels of death.”
“It is practically a matter of life or death for a True Cock Worshiper to taste pre-cum.”
“Oh, I had a great time. My thirty-three-year-old boyfriend said he wished they could package my cum like ice cream so he could eat it all day.”
“Twenty-three stories up and all I could see out the windows was grey smog. They could call it the City of the Angels if they wanted to, but if there were angels out there, they had to be flying blind.”
“Cum de inima mea poate - cum mai poate, cum mai poate, repetă, pufăind din havană. Tânjind în singurătate, chinul vieții să-l îndure?”
“Cum se gândeşte, cum se iubeşte, cum se suferă nu se poate învăţa în orele de curs şi nici atesta prin certificat de absolvire.”