“So winners, Hae-Joo proposed, are the real losers because they learn nothing? What, then, are losers? Winners?”
“Well, Hae-Joo probed, what did I do to relax? I play Go against my sony, I said."To relax?" he responded, incredulous. "Who wins, you or the sony?"The sony, I answered, or how would I ever improve?So winners, Hae-Joo proposed, are the real losers because they learn nothing? What, then, are losers? Winners?I said, If losers can xploit what their adversaries teach them, yes, losers can become winners in the long term.”
“The difference between winners and losers is that winners do things losers don't want to do.”
“Winners will be losers if they don't support the losers.”
“Everyone is a loser. Winners are just losers with more patience.”
“The real challenges that the country faces come from the winners, not the losers, of the new world.”