“Much of life appears mundane at the time. Yet in God's providence every moment includes significant details arranged by His divine hand.”
“Significance is discovered in the heart. It is here that it is cultivated and nurtured as it imparts meaning to everything you put your hand to. It spills forth from a life rooted in the source of significance itself - divine love. This takes what may appear as mundane, simple tasks and makes them pregnant with love-rooted-significance.”
“To celebrate the inner presence of God . . . is to become grateful for every moment of life. Every mundane and every juicy moment is sacred because God is alive in us . .”
“It could not have been ten seconds, and yet it seemed a long time that their hands were clasped together. He had time to learn every detail of her hand.”
“The faithful man perceives nothing less than opportunity in difficulties. Flowing through his spine, faith and courage work together: Such a man does not fear losing his life, thus he will risk losing it at times in order to empower it. By this he actually values his life more than the man who fears losing his life. It is much like leaping from a window in order to avoid a fire yet in that most crucial moment knowing that God will appear to catch you.”
“Prayer is a moment of incarnation - God with us. God involved in the details of my life.”