“I've only slept with the men I've been married to. How many women can make that claim?”
“when we're married, can we go to the ocean? I've never been”
“Many times I've lied, many times I've listened, many times I've wondered how much there is to know.”
“Let those other women marry bankers. I've got myself a Marine.”
“I've been so worried about strange men following you around that I forgot how dangerous Homecoming Queens can be.”
“I've noticed, living in New York, how hard it is for many women to find Mr. Right. This is because when you look at most men living in big cities, none of them are Mr. Right. There are just way too many sexual options for them, so they feel no pressure to behave like actual gentlemen. So, who gives them these options? Women, of course - who don't have the balls to limit these options and ask these boys to behave like men. So now that women are screwing men the way men want women to screw them, there are few men out there who would actually want to marry women after they've fucked them.”