“My head is so full of memories!" Cinderheart wailed. "I feel as though there are two lives inside me, not one. How can it be my choice to make? Doesn't Cinderpelt have a choice? I can't make her a warrior! She was a medicine cat!"Lionblaze pressed his muzzle closer. "She chose you", he murmured. "She gave you the choice".Cinderheart began to tremble. Lionblaze could sense her mind whirling. "You can only live one life, Cinderheart. It's your choice! This is your destiny, not Cinderpelt's. She lived her own life".Cinderheart gasped. Then her pelt smoothed. She lifted her chin. "Then I choose the life of a warrior". Her blue eyes shone. "And I choose you".A breeze stirred the ferns. Lionblaze glimpsed a pale gray shape appear like a shadow beside Cinderheart. Stepping back in surprise, he saw it peel away from her and drift up like a cobweb carried by the wind. A soft voice whispered, Thank you. Lionblaze's fur stood on end. "Did you see that?Cinderheart was watching the shadow disappear into the trees. "It was Cinderpelt", she breathed. "I've set her free".Lionblaze purred loudly. "Will you fight alongside me?"Cinderheart pressed her muzzle fiercely against his. "Always".”

Erin Hunter

Erin Hunter   - “My head is so full of memories!... 1

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