“Abigail laughed. "Poor Adam. Probably thought he'd found a woman who would follow his lead, do everything he said. Got a banshee instead. I need one of them big windows for you two to work it out against. Zoe, do we have a big window somewhere? Adam's particularly good with windows. Maybe he could convince her that way."Talia's face heated, but she ignored Abigail, stubbornly crossing her arms and blocking the door.Adam looked back at Abigail. "Can you quit mocking me for a minute and help me convince her to stay?"Abigail shrugged. "Why would I waste my time doing that when I know very well that she goes with you?"Talia controlled a smug smile."She - ? What - ?" Adam stammered. Then he turned to Talia. "Oh, hell. Come on.”

Erin Kellison

Erin Kellison - “Abigail laughed. "Poor Adam. Probably...” 1

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