“Shaking my head, I watched the cat run under the van and stare at us with blackeyes. I wasn’t a cat person. They always seemed like they were secretly plottingthe destruction of the human race. And despite the cutesy name Zoe had given it,this one struck me as slightly evil.”
“Kenzie took two staggering steps backward, staring at the feeline as if in a daze. "O-kay," she breathed, shaking her head slightly. "A cat. A cat that talks. I'm going crazy." she glanced at me. " Or you slipped something into my drink at the tournament. One or the other.”
“Retail therapy—usually one of my first resorts—wasn’t working; I felt like a cat that smelled pit bull.”
“Maurice watched them argue again. Humans, eh? Think they're lords of creation. Not like us cats. We know we are. Ever see a cat feed a human? Case proven.”
“I met Elvis in your woods one night,” Terry said. One of the EMTs had given him a shot, and I thought it was beginning to work. “I knew I was nuts then. He was telling me how much he liked cats. I told him I was a dog person, myself.”
“Curran struck at my wrist. His fingers were cat-quick, but I had spent my life honing my reflexes, and he missed.“Well, look at that.” I studied my free wrist. “Denied. Good-bye”