“There are times when silence is better than any other words in the dictionary...”
“There was no word in the dictionary adequate to describe the sensation other than sensational.”
“Now more than ever, 33 Himmel Street was a place of silence, and it did not go unnoticed that the Duden Dictionary was completely and utterly mistaken, especially with its related words. Silence was not quiet or calm, and it was not peace.”
“You won't find the word happy in any self-respecting grumbler's dictionary, no matter it's Christmas Eve or the any other day.”
“In the speech sound wave, one word runs into the next seamlessly; there are no little silences between spoken words the way there are white spaces between written words. We simply hallucinate word boundaries when we reach the end of a stretch of sound that matches some entry in our mental dictionary.”
“any live man is better than any dead man but no live or dead man is very much better than any other live or dead man”