“Why is it that people who wouldn't dream of stealing anything else think it's perfectly all right to steal books?”
“Have you got De Tocqueville's Journey to America? Somebody borrowed mine and never gave it back. Why is it that people who wouldn't dream of stealing anything else think it's perfectly all right to steal books?”
“There were people who’d steal money from people. Fair enough. That was just theft. But there were people who, with one easy word, would steal the humanity from people. That was something else.”
“Do you know why a vandal is worse than a thief?" asked the man on the right, in a soft growl. "A thief steals a treasure from its owner. A vandal steals it from the world.”
“Right now we are here, and nothing can mar our perfection, or steal the joy of this perfect moment.”
“The world is full of kings and queens. Who blinds your eyes, then steals your dreams. It's heaven and hell!”