“The James Carville "herd of cows" quote is a fabrication, posted on the website thinkexist.com by someone going by thisoneworks. It has no attribution. Just another conservative propagandistic fabrication as far as I can tell.”

James Carville

James Carville - “The James Carville "herd of cows...” 1

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“This is an absolute and total lie. James Carville never said this. And he never said anything like this. I did some research and you'll find this quote posted by right-wing media propagandists in various areas from "thinkexist" to "godlikeproducts" to random posts on "quotesdaddy." JUST BECAUSE SOME POSTS IT, DOES NOT MEAN IT'S TRUE. Respect yourself, and do some research. They've played you for a fool, and you're doing their dirty work for them by posting such garbage. In the long run, it makes our country more stupid and more mean. No one wins.”

James Carville
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