“Peter pushed off from the roof and stalked a few feet away, his back to her. “Please tell me this is all some kind of a sick joke.”“It’s the truth. All of it. That’s why hunters are after me.”“How did they find out?” Peter asked, swiveling toward her now.“I think Beck ratted me out. I went to his house this morning and told him what had happened. He was furious, Peter. I’ve never seen anyone that angry.”“Duh! Now there’s a surprise,” her friend replied sarcastically. “I saw the way he looked at you at your dad’s funeral. Of course he’d be mad. You’re about the only one on the planet who doesn’t realize how he feels about you.”“He never said anything,” she retorted.“Hey, we guys don’t blurt out that kind of stuff,” he replied. “It’s against the man code. Beck may never have said how he felt, but everything he did for you should have been a big clue. I mean, come on, how slow are you?”She glowered at her friend. “I figured he was doing it because of my father.”“Maybe, but the guy is really into you, Riley.”“No way. If he’d liked me, he wouldn’t have blown me off and—”“Ancient history, girl!” he countered. “You were, what, fifteen? Your dad would have torn him apart if he’d touched you. Beck had no other choice.”“He didn’t have to be so mean.”“God, will you listen to yourself?” Peter retorted.“You have no idea how much he hurt me,” she shot back.“Give it up, will you? You’re my best friend, but you can be a real self-centered asshat sometimes.”

Jana Oliver

Jana Oliver - “Peter pushed off from the roof and...” 1

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